Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Did God Make Us Exactly As He Wanted Us—-Answers From The Chart

I ask this question about myself. I bet you do, too. I want to try to explore it. The first place to start in a discussion which is really asking the question if God made us as He wanted us or were we a freak of random cells combining with no external intelligence. I know you wonder about this.

To explore this question, one should start with the Ascendant. Each ASC looks different and very different from the adjacent sign. It is interesting how this happens, almost as if God left clues in the chart as to His presence. I do marvel at this when people ask me to guess their Ascendents. The Aries ASC looks very different from the Taurus, which looks very different from the Gemini, which looks very different from the Cancer, which looks very different from the Leo, which looks very different from the Virgo, which looks very different from the Libra. You get my point.

An Astrologer can guess the ASC in many cases. Factors impinge on the ASC such as planets conjunct but the ASC does seem to shine through, in most cases. If the Astrologer misses it, it is because of extenuating factors such as planets conjunct. If the native had a Libra ASC with Pluto conjunct, he would look like a Libra and a Scorpio, as Pluto rules Scorpio. However, to put it in a word. The Astrologer can, usually, tell the ASC. So, to state the obvious. How could the Astrologer tell the ASC if God did not design the person?

After the ASC, one should go to the Sun as the Sun is the strongest planet in any chart. The energy of the Sun is strongest in a chart, just as it is in the solar system–As above, so below. The erudite Astrologer can guess one’s ASC and one’s Sun. To differentiate the two, the ASC is all outer features and mannerisms. The Sun would be more interior, in terms of the person’s core identity and ego definition.

Next, we come to the Moon. The Moon is my favorite planet because it is the warm, fuzzy, intimate part of the person. You may not see the Moon until that person is your intimate. Then, you and he would share Moons, hopefully, if you are lovers. Love is child to child, which is Moon to Moon. Lets talk about how we feel out someone’s Moon. It takes getting to a relaxed manner of relating before one’s Moon will emerge, particularly in men. When a man trusts you and relaxes with you, you should see a new side. This side will be more vulnerable and more gentle. Pay attention as you are starting to see his Moon. At this point, you can begin to try to identity the placement of the Moon.

For this purpose, we could try to break down the Moon, by element. Element is very key to the Moon. I just wrote an article on Libra Moon, cold betrayer. This was from a recent experience with one. However, I have another key person with a Libra Moon, from whom I was betrayed. Actually, now that I think of it, I may have a third. At any rate, to stay on topic, an air Moon like Libra would be very different than a water Moon like Cancer. I will try to explain, so you can feel out the Moon in your guy’s chart.


Excuse the typos please. I will be back to finish

9 thoughts on “Did God Make Us Exactly As He Wanted Us—-Answers From The Chart

  1. amiannferryleaf

    I often wonder this as I am bisexual. And if homo or bisexuality can be seen or sussed out from the chart, and if God made us and knew us in the womb and knew just how and when we would be born, and the chart is an accurate reflection of the soul…what does that say??

    It is really difficult for me to get my head around, because as a Christian, I’m not sure I believe that any part of same-sex attraction was originally meant by God. I think it’s probably a result of the Fall, or, how things got twisted up after man mucked up God’s plan. (However, I believe that people ARE born gay or bi, now…and I believe that it’s under Grace. At least, that is what I have felt in my own questions to God and walk with Him. I know I am loved and not condemned, and I know God knows me.)

    But again…does this mean God *meant* for me to be bi? My faith makes this almost impossible to believe…and yet…?

    *shrugs* It’s such a mystery. I believe that some things we’ll never know this side of heaven.

  2. amianncatman90

    Hi Ferryleaf i just want to say that your not the only person who wonders about their sexuality and God.I am gay myself so i think i might understand a little about what your going through.I just want you know your not alone.If you ever need to talk i’d be happy to lend you an ear.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, dear one.It must be hard. I have not had this challenge but I am on your side and here to help you, in any way I can. I love you <3

  3. amianncatman90

    Thank you Ami. Im so glad i found you and your wonderful site .You have made feel safe and very welcome I love you so much <3 <3 <3
    Also i will help you anyway i can

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Aww You made me cry CM. I have so many people who come against me with such venom. You made my day beautiful. Thank you, you little Jupiter conj the Sun 😀
      I love you so much too <3 <3 <3

  4. amiannScottie Doyle

    Well i’m pretty sure its Leo. It could be last degrees of cancer though, so maybe its her progressed ASC?.. She acts like a Leo a lot, but there’s definitely times when Cancer shows; that’s her moon sign.

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