Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Chiron Retrograde

SW orange girlI dealt with Chiron Retrograde in my first article as one of several Retrograde planets. As I have moved through all of the Retrogrades, I come back to Chiron.

I have an easy chart. I have no oppositions and only 2 generational squares. I ask Master Astrologers why I am so acquainted with pain. No one gives me an answer. However, today when I was talking to my dear friend, Simon, I had some ideas hit me.

I don’t think I paid enough attention to the Retrograde planets. I don’t think I paid enough attention to Chiron Retrograde, in particular. I will explain.

I have Chiron Retrograde in the fourth House. House positions are very, very important with Chiron. Sign is much less important. Chiron’s House will be where your greatest pain resides. Back to Chrion Retrograde. I feel that pain is a very close friend. I suppose we can’t call him a friend but I feel I know him very well. As a child, my home was filled with pain. Note that I have a fourth house Chiron and the fourth house is the early home. Check your charts for your Chiron placement by house. This one fact about your chart will reap tremendous rewards in terms of insight for your life.

No other areas of my life were really painful. I was not bullied. I had friends. I did well enough in school. I looked attractive enough. I had hobbies and interests. However, that one area of pain was a huge mound of sadness for me.

I got lost in explaining Chiron in the Houses but it was a worthwhile digression. I think you will find a great deal of value from this one fact.

Ok, back to Chiron Retrograde. We know that the Retrograde planets recycle. I don’t think there is a harder thing to recycle than pain. Think about it. Mercury Retrograde recycles ideas. Pluto Retrograde recycles power. Neptune Retrograde recycles spirituality and creativity. Uranus Retrograde recycles individuality. Saturn Retrograde recycles maturity.Venus Retrograde recycles love. Actually, I think that Venus Retrograde is harder than Chiron Retrograde.

To me, I would rather have pain and love than no love and no pain. This is a simple way to put it. I am trying to make the point that Venus Retrograde is harder than Chiron Retrograde, in my personal opinion. I have an Unaspected Venus. The Unaspected Planet is very personal to it’s native. It is like a beloved child. I would rather have pain if I knew I could love and be loved. An Unaspected Venus is a life where the main lesson is to learn about love. Hence, I would not trade Chiron Retrograde for Venus Retrograde. I know I have digressed a lot but I hope you will find value for yourself in what I said

I really look forward to hearing about your Chiron’s House, as well as Retrograde Chiron.


7 thoughts on “Chiron Retrograde

  1. amiannaquilla little

    Wow… I have Chiron in the 2nd house and Im always going through financial struggles and I really need help with learning to make better decisions with money as well etc. Thanks for the input

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Welcome, Friend. The House of Chiron is where we have our deepest wound. It is different for everyone.I hate to say this but the wound seems to stay throughout life. In these cases, I say that God can heal it but that is all, in my opinion, anyway.

  2. amiannT

    Question about Chiron – do you think that Chiron (wounded healer), according to house, is where we tend to ‘run to’ when we are anxious/cornered/hurt?

      1. amiannT

        I think so – maybe it’s because we become so accustomed to working with Chiron – we may tend to run there when we feel ‘cornered’. You say you have it in 4th house – when you feel ‘cornered’ do you turn your attention towards your home and environment? For instance, when you are feeling anxious or any of that – you may tend to look through home improvement books, or repairing something in your home, or cleaning up your home, looking at potential/dream home, or anything like that to calm your nerves…………as long as it isn’t what’s stressing you out.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I go to the 9th house, in which I have a Gemini stellium. When I am upset, I like to study a new language. I ma trying to get fluent in Spanish. When I listen to Spanish music, it is a meditative experience for me and calms my mind a great deal or else doing charts or some intellectual activity. Sometimes, I cook when I am upset. That would be the 4th house, so you may have a point, T!

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