Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Planets conjunct the MC

rainbow lipsDave suggested the article of aspects to the MC. First, I will write one on planets conjunct the MC, so we have can start at the beginning and build up without the articles getting too long. The last thing I want is for you to feel tedium. That is a swear word for a Gemini 😀

I love your suggestions, so please keep them coming!  I have a good understanding of the MC because I have the Moon conjunct the MC, exact. Each angle is very different. The MC shows your face to society and your face in your career. What you show to the world may be very different than what you show in your daily life. What you show in your daily life is represented by the Ascendent.

Lets look at planets conjunct the MC and then we will look at aspects.

Sun conjunct the MC

This is the placement of the star. Many famous people have this. Some people were made to shine. This native was made to shine, so if this is you, do not hide your light under a bushel.

Moon conjunct the MC

I have this, as I said. I show my heart to the world. I am both loved and hated for this. Some people appreciate the show of vulnerability. Others think it is too much. At any rate, I was born to show my heart to the world, just as you were born to show your particular MC planet to the world.

Mercury conjunct the MC

I have seen several wonderful actors with this placement. One was a Shakespearean actor. In any case, this native will show some part of his intellect to the world, whether in speaking, writing or acting. It is a lovely placement.

Venus conjunct the MC

These natives are often beautiful and/or in the beauty business such as make -up artists, models or clothes designers.

Mars conjunct the MC

These are goal driven people. They may be CEOs or small business owners or any variety of career but they will be goal setters and go getters.

Saturn conjunct the MC

This is a very hard placement. These natives seem insecure, as if they just do not measure up. They wear this insecurity as a kind of suit which others can see and feel. One cannot hide one’s MC planet, for better or worse.

Jupiter conjunct the MC

This is as easy and lovely a placement as Saturn is hard. This native will be popular. He will make others feel special. One feels a little taller and a little more confident in his presence and he is loved for it. He will be lucky in his career, in terms of having lucky breaks.

Neptune conjunct the MC

Neptune is a funny planet, as is Uranus. When they are good, they are very good. When they are bad, they are horrid. As such, Neptune conjunct the MC may be a great artist, dancer or painter. He may be a poet or a spiritual leader. On the other hand, he may be lost and feel he cannot find a place in society.

Uranus conjunct the MC

This native may have an out of the box career. He will not be a run of the mill social clone. He will stand out in some way and be known for being unique.

Pluto conjunct the MC

I like this one. I will call it the Vlad Putin placement. If Putin does not have it, he should. His eyes show that he will be boss. He will be respected. He knows how to wield power. All natives with Pluto conjunct the MC will have a palpable power. It could be worse!

North Node conjunct the MC

Your purpose would be seen by others and it would be through career or your place in society.

South Node conjunct the MC

You will be very comfortable with your role in society and in social situations, in general.



I hope this article has helped and will lay a foundation for my next article about aspects to the MC.


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