Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Ten Planets Conjunct the North Node in the Natal Chart and What They Mean

1 Pluto conj the NN—the lessons of primal power must be learned. Think of Clint Eastwood in his prime. He owned himself. He owned his power. That would be your lesson if Pluto conjuncts your NN

2. Saturn conj the NN–the lesson here is the lesson of maturity, responsibility, delayed gratification and working step by step toward goals.

3.Venus conj the NN– this native needs to master the subject of human  love and/or the beauty that comes from any of the creative arts.

4. Mars conj the NN– the lesson is to master one’s passions. Passions of all kinds come into play here from aggression, assertion, goal setting to lust.

5. Mercury conj the NN–this native must learn to communicate

6. Jupiter conj the NN–this native must learn to find joy in life. He, also, must find a set of values and morals to which he can ascribe.

7. Uranus conj the NN–this native must find his own weirdo and learn to use it in a productive way. This native will never be run of the mill. Very few great things came from run of the mill people, so this native must learn that it is hip to be a square or some such thing.

8. Chiron conj the NN–this is a hard one, a very hard one. This native has a pain theme for his life. Would he chose it? No, however he has it, so he must try to embrace the lessons. In doing so, he will become like the Velveteen rabbit, immensely beautiful.

9. Sun conjunct the NN–this native needs to shine. He needs to get self confidence and then to go forward and strut his stuff. The world needs to see it and he needs to master it.

10. Moon conj the NN–this native needs to learn to access her own heart. She needs to find her deepest feelings.  Her journey is an inner one to the depths of her own soul.A blonde showgirl

4 thoughts on “Ten Planets Conjunct the North Node in the Natal Chart and What They Mean

  1. amiannShe

    North Node is coming up for me lately.

    I can’t really find anything for this situation…

    I’m a Libra
    He, Aries

    Different ASC

    My North node is on his 7th cusp.
    His North node is on my 7th cusp.

    Obvi so many more factors involved in both charts but can you tell me anything about that configuration, specifically? Or point me in the direction…

    Thanks so much!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      To me, these facts are not enough to go on. they are some degree of importance but not enough to say anything in a definite way. You can put your synastry on my Forum if you would like. I would really beed to see the whole synastry to be able to comment in a way that would be helpful to you, I think!

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