Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Scorpio Moon

This seems to be the hardest moon placement, to me. The two hardest moon placements would be Capricorn and Scorpio. Scorpio seems harder on the person. Capricorn may be harder on other people. Scorpio is the most passionate sign. The moon is a passive, receptive planet and does not like to be in a steamy sign. It is the same thing for Venus, who is a passive, receptive planet and does not like to be in steamy Scorpio. The moon in Scorpio, often, brings the worst of Scorpio to the moon and seems to get magnified, here. Scorpio, in it’s dark side is jealous, possessive and vengeful. Since the moon is our deepest, innermost self, these dark qualities tend to simmer as in a long cooking soup. Every Scorpio moon will harbor a cauldron of passions, even if it does not appear that way.

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