Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Saturn Cools What It Touches But Does it Make it Obsessive, Also?

My laboratory is charts that I do. I have seen a certain pattern with Saturn touching a planet or an asteroid. The planet or asteroid cannot be accessed. The person may become obsessive trying to access it. I have seen it on a number of occasions, enough to write about it and to put it out there for comment. I have seen a man with Eros conjunct Saturn conjunct the ASC. It seems like he cannot get enough of Eros, and so he moves from woman to woman, in a desperate search to quench Eros. I have seen a mother with Ceres conjunct Saturn who wanted to nurture and tried to do so, but could not. I have seen someone with Echo conjunct Saturn and the ASC. She searched for her identity, relentlessly, as if on a quest for the Holy Grail. Please, comment if you have Saturn conjunct a planet or asteroid. Thank you!

3 thoughts on “Saturn Cools What It Touches But Does it Make it Obsessive, Also?

  1. amiannLB

    Hi Ami – My Saturn is conjunct both my Part of Spirit and asteroid Spirit (in Sag/4th). My spiritual connection to the Divine is what motivates me, although it’s never an area where I feel self-satisfied or complacent. I’m a work in progress and sometimes it feels like hard, confusing work. But it’s also deeply rewarding, especially when I’m able to surrender to the mystery and allow myself to be molded.

  2. amiannamiann Post author

    Dear LB
    I refer you to my article “Saturn Cools What it Touches, but Does it Make it Obsessive”. You may feel like you must get to the bottom of spiritual things, in an almost obsessive way. Let me know what you think, LB.

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