Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Lovers–Heart and Soul

For a lover who will hold you tenderly, you need soul mate aspects. The fling will be long gone. He left when the fireworks dimmed. Soul mate aspects revolve around understanding. If you have to explain something ad infinitum, you are not soul mates. Soul mates understand, more or less. Soul mates center around the moon. The moon is our deepest heart. We show it to a child, an animal and God. We show it to a lover.Understanding heart to heart cannot be made. It can’t be forced or bought. It is moon touching moon, bar none. If you don’t have moon touching moon, you are not soul mates, in my opinion.Soul mates involve other aspects and asteroids, too. There must be passion. Passion may be Mars/Venus, which is exciting but not “rock my world”. “Rock my world” involves Pluto. Moon/Pluto is the most intense. It is that wonderful combination of ” child to child” and passion. If you never revved a BMW from zero to ninety, don’t talk to me about Moon/Pluto. Moon/Pluto exists in a class by itself. Venus/Pluto is the stuff of soul mates, too. Soul mate love is passion PLUS love, respect and admiration Asteroid-wise,Vesta, which is selfless devotion, may be involved. Juno, which is the loyal and devoted wife energy, may be present. Ceres, which is unconditional love, may be there.Valentine which is sacrificial love i.e throw oneself under the bus, may be there. Attraction is fine. Life goes on because of attraction, but soul mate takes it up a notch. It is the stuff of poems and love songs. Hold out for it.The other pales, in comparison.

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