Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Virgo Sun

Virgo is mutable earth. Mercury co-rules Gemini and Virgo. Mercury fits for Gemini, but not Virgo, in my opinion. That means that Virgo’s ruler is yet to be discovered. I think it may be Chiron. Hold the tomatoes. One is allowed to have an educated opinion, is one not? Virgo seems like a sad sign. It seems like it has that added dose of “je ne sais quoi” and not in a good way. It has an ineffable sadness, a yearning. It seems as if it does not fit in it’s own skin. Virgo rules the 6th house. That is why some experts put Chiron as Virgo’s ruler. The 6th house can have quite a bit of pain inherent. It rules health. As such, it rules health woes i.e. illness. One shudders when the Ruler of the 6th House has afflictions, as one fears for one’s health. Virgo has been known to be a hypochondriac.

On the positive Virgo rules selfless service. Virgo professions are the nurse and the teacher: selfless helpers. If you need a hand, chances are Virgo will be the first sign to lend one.It is in the Virgo DNA to serve. I mean this in the best possible way. Virgo is mutable, as is Sag and Gemini. Virgo is mutable earth. Mutable signs may suffer from a weaker sense of self. Cardinal signs are leaders. Fixed signs are stubborn. Mutable signs “go with the flow” which can be good or bad, depending. Astrology is about balance. One wants some mutable signs, but some cardinal and fixed, as well.

Virgo is an earth sign. His trademark is persistent attention to details. I would bet there are more OCD Virgo’s than any other sign. Virgos make wonderful accountants and secretaries. If attention to detail is needed, Virgo feels at home. A Virgo Sun will help you deal with the details of life. He will lend an ear, heart or a hand. His word is his bond, as he takes service, seriously. You could do worse, all you flighty signs. Do you hear me Gemini’s and Sag’s?


7 thoughts on “Virgo Sun

  1. amiannDL

    got 2 friends who are virgo suns…

    one is a virgo sun and cancer moon and doesent really fit the description…. mostly one of the most lively and impulsive persons i ever met (even more then my aries friends)

    the other … who used to be my obssessive crush you already heard about quite a lot…. is a virgo sun cap moon and fits the description of virgo almost perfectly but has self-esteem issues so he isnt really a perefctionist but a slob… mostly cause he doesent belive he can do better and displays an “i dont care attitude”

    waiting to hear from you….
    DL 🙂

      1. amiannDL

        my question is if there is a way to understand virgo behavior 🙂

        other then the most expressive ones most virgos i met most are actually quite emotionally hidden and very hard for me to read…. but the have subtle cues and i would be glad if you told me a bit about then ^^

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I see, about Virgo behavior. Virgo is a sign I do not understand very well. It squares my Gemini stellium. The signs that square us, do not fit well with us, and perhaps, we do not understand them, very well. However, I will see if I can pick the brains of some Virgo friends and get back to you, DL.

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          DL I put this on my FB page and we shall see, if we get any bites 😀

          I had a request on my website, for more of an understanding of Virgos. Can anyone helps me. What does it feel like to be “in the skin” of a Virgo?

        3. amiannamiann Post author

          Dear DL
          I got this answer to my article on Virgo’s:

          I think Virgo is the most misunderstood sign of them all.
          I am not sad inside…never was. I was bullied in school but I came out of it fine because I am an innerly happy and optimistic person.
          I don’t know any Virgos with OCD or any who are obsessed with their diets.
          (btw if anyones interested – all the people with OCD or healthy diet obsession have been Cancers and Taurus’ so far…no Virgo placements anywhere).

          I would be interested why you think that we Virgos are sad, Ami.
          It seems to be a common opinion in astrology…I’m trying to find out why.

          1. amiannDL

            i can understand the stereotype of sadness in a virgo (as the quiet sadness in my friends personality….the one i had a crush on)
            but there are many virgos who are one of the happiest people i saw

            thank you or the person who wrote that for the good info 🙂

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