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Planets conjunct the MC and in opposition to the IC

I want to share some thoughts on planets conjunct the MC and opposed to the IC. This is based on a few charts and a few discussions so may not be right.If it does not hold water, I will withdraw it. I will start with a chart in which the Moon is conjunct the MC. This person would show his emotions to the world. The moon is unaspected and so that makes it naked, in a sense. The unaspected planet is out there for all to see as it tries to get it’s bearings and go from the buried state to actualization. For the purposes of this discussion, the fact that it is unaspected does not matter. I want to concentrate on the the planet’s placement on the MC. So, in this instance we have a Moon conjunct the MC. My theory is that the person could NOT use this planet on the IC as the MC is opposed to the IC. That is my theory. The person who is destined to show a planet to the world could not show it in his childhood. Hence, the planet was empowered with steam to show itself, so to speak.The planet shot like a rocket from the IC to the MC where it is destined to shine. However, it got it’s impetus from not being able to be expressed in the IC/childhood. I will take each planet and give my opinion with respect to this working theory.

Sun conj the MC—the native had to hide his sun in childhood. He struggled mightily with his identity to such an extent that he came on the MC scene as a star– a shining light. A planet conjunct the MC will have struggled with the nature of that planet on the IC. This struggle will be a hallmark of his childhood, according to my working theory

Moon conj the MC–I did this in the prior example

Venus conj the MV–the native did not feel connected to his own sense of beauty and love or struggled with it to a large degree in childhood. He may have wanted to be social as Venus rules social graces. He may have felt ackward.He may have wanted to shine in the arts as Venus rules the beauty of music and art. In some way, the native had to squelch his Venus.

Mars conj the MC–the native may not have felt connected to his drives. Perhaps, he was squelched as a child. Perhaps, he could not show his anger,passion or aggression. Hence, he became like a volcano propelled to express himself to the world, on the MC.

Saturn conj the MC–the child may not have been able to be disciplined in childhood even though he craved it.Perhaps, his house was out of control and disordered. When he grew up, he placed a premium on discipline, order and a persistent striving for a goal.

Jupiter conj the MC–the child may have not been allowed to be his naturally optimistic self. He may have had harsh circumstances in which he lost his natural optimism or was forced to push it underground. When he grew up, his desire was to show his natural optimism to the world. He may be very popular as he makes people feel uplifted and happy when he is near.

Neptune conj the MC–the child may have not been allowed his imaginary world. Perhaps, his life was very harsh and lacking in the softening aspects of Neptune to make the world a more beautiful place. Hence, his goal is to bring Neptune to the world. He may deal with some form of fantasy as in a Walt Disney etc

Uranus conj the MC–the child may have been forced into a tight box when he wished to run free with his own individuality. As such, he craves to make a unique statement in the world.

Pluto conj the MC–the child may have not been allowed to have his own power. His power may have been taken by a Narcissistic parent, for example. His passion in life is to deal with power in his career and society. I do not mean this to sound as if it involves a malicious intent. It is not a good or bad issue. We are talking about the energies of the planets.

14 thoughts on “Planets conjunct the MC and in opposition to the IC

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Opps I just did an article on planets on the MC, Afreen, and I forgot Jupiter lol. Well, Jupiter conj the MC would bring the face of Jupiter within you to the world. I would think that the world sees you as an optimistic person.I think you may have very good luck at what you do career wise and that you are popular with little effort. Am I right?

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      Jupiter conj the MC–the child may have not been allowed to be his naturally optimistic self. He may have had harsh circumstances in which he lost his natural optimism or was forced to push it underground. When he grew up, his desire was to show his natural optimism to the world. He may be very popular as he makes people feel uplifted and happy when he is near. (This is my working theory and may be wrong. What do you think Afreen?)

      1. amiannAfreen

        I cannot be sure if I am popular because I somehow cannot see myself clearly thanks to my 12th house stellium 😐

        I agree with the second part though.. a lot of people have told me that I give them positive vibes. And yes, at home, I am a very quiet, serious person and my optimistic side does not show. :-/ My family finds it strange to see me get along with so many people as they think I am very shy & serious, although I make good friends with a lot of people 🙂

        1. amiannAfreen

          Oh, and thank you for the reply! I see your work & I really think you’re amazing at this 🙂 I have much respect & love for you. 🙂

  1. amiannJenny

    I have pluto conjunct my MC in 10 degree orb. Your description about feeling powerless as a child is correct, not that my parents are narcissistic, I just felt that there’s no choice for me and I can’t make my own decision. I haven’t started my career yet, can’t comment on that, for now, I am most likely going to be an accountant, but what I really wanted to be is a forensic accountant.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thanks Jenny Your kind of situation was what I visualized for Pluto conjunct the MC. 10 degrees is a very wide orb such that many Astrologers would not count it though, Sweetie. Are you sure you have calculated the orb correctly?

  2. amiannjenny

    Wow! That is me…mercury conjunct MC…and I was not allowed to have my own mind. I never learned to speak my thoughts or my true feelings until I got older…in my household those things were hushed. I grew up a shy and timid girl due to my raising. But that was never me. As I grew up I learned to speak my mind more and , even harder, speak my feelings esp in relationships. Now I work in a field where I deal and communicate in large with people.
    Great theory! Mercury conj mc def let’s me do the thinking and speaking for myself I wasn’t allowed to as a kid .

  3. amiannJenny

    I have some planets conjunct MC and have read many articles on the internet which describe all the good things about them, this makes me really wonder when I look back at my circumstances and it’s until I read your article that I feel the description matches what I’ve been through… I have venus conjunct MC, I love art, beauty and always wish to do something relating to art and performance yet through out my childhood, it was inhibited (I dreamed about nice outfits, piano classes and looking good but they were dreams). But it gets betters as I enter the working life even though I don’t pursue a career in art, I mean I can display my good taste in beauty, fashion and look better than when I was a younger. I struggled with my identity also, wondering who I was many times because what I did as a teenager was to focus in becoming a well-rounded person, doing things I didn’t really like, to get a good job. Not much time for my own interests because I felt a lot of responsibilities. I guess it’s because my sun conjunct Midheaven?.
    Interestingly, my Mom has Mars conjunct MC, she was very shy as a young person but she surprised everyone knew her when she became a very fiery and forceful adult.
    Thank you for an very interesting article, I really enjoy reading it ! Xx

  4. amiannJenny

    Oh I’m sorry for some grammar mistakes, I’m a non-native English speaker, I should have rechecked before posting comment 🙁

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