Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

D-O-G is opposite of G-O-D

This morning as I woke up with my terrier, Nina, next to my back. I felt her breathing next to mine. I thought of how wonderful it was to have a living creature as my friend. It would not be satisfying if she were a stuffed dog. She can choose to love me as we can choose to love God. That is why God did not make robots. They have no choice. Angels do not have choice in the same way that people do, either. They were created to be Messengers of God. I thought about how God cares that I love Him. One cannot please God without faith. The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.That is how much he appreciates our faith. I want God to know that I love Him. Faith is the way to show Him. I am going to try to up my faith.

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