Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

A Stellium in the Chart

A stellium is 3 or more planets in a sign. Usually, they will be in the same house. One must look at the sign of the stellium. One will be a very strong Virgo, if one’s stellium is in Virgo. One will be a very strong Gemini, if one’s stellium is in Gemini. This applies to all the signs, of course. However, house placement is important, too. I will write a little on what a stellium in each house would indicate.


1st House The native may be too self centered. His energy is oriented to the self. As such, he may not be able to see anothers point of view.

2nd House The native may be preoccupied with success in the material world. He is oriented to meeting practical, real world needs such as housing and money in the bank.

3rd House The native may be a chatty, friendly kind of person. He may like being part of a neighborhood. He may like to go on short journeys. He may be more oriented to light reading than heavier, more intellectual material

4th House The native may feel very bonded to his early home. He may carry it around,emotionally, as a crab carries his shell.

5th House The native may be like a big kid. He may love to be the center of attention. He may love to play games, sports and do hobbies. He may be in love with love.

6th House The native may be serious about making a difference in life. He may not feel happy if he is not of service to others. He may be too focused on health, as well.

7th House The native may long to be in a serious, committed relationship. He may never feel, at peace, until he finds the “one”

8th House The native is a person of depth. He wants to uncover what lies beneath the surface. He is a Sigmund Freud of the emotions and a Dr Ruth of the passions.

9th House The native searches for the deeper meanings of existence. He will study philosophy, spirituality and religion until he finds his answers to why he was put on this earth.

10th House The native makes sure he has an impeccable reputation, as he cares for his role in society. He is responsible, knows the value of hard work and will become a success from pure hard work and effort.

11th House The native may love humanity, but not people, as the joke goes. He may be the first to help a homeless person. He may be the first to sign up for a cause. However, he may not like to get to close to the common man he espouses to help. He may like the perch on high, where one’s hands never get dirty. On second thought, he may get his hands dirty, but don’t ask for his heart.

12 House The native may be a creature of the next dimension. He may be a poet or a mystic. He, truly, lives there. He is not playing a game with you. Tread lightly. He needs an extra dose of TLC.

12th House

One thought on “A Stellium in the Chart

  1. amiannAlyssa

    I have 3 planets in Libra (Sun & Venus in 12th house, Mars in 11th house). I don’t really have a stellium in one house but I identify the most with 11th & 12th house descriptions. 12th house describes my “INFJ/The Mystic” personality well.

    11th House The native may love humanity, but not people, as the joke goes. He may be the first to help a homeless person. He may be the first to sign up for a cause. However, he may not like to get to close to the common man he espouses to help. He may like the perch on high, where one

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