Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

My Born Again Encounter and Subsequent Life Experience— To Answer Kanwal’s Question

First off, let me say that I am a poor role model for most everything except maybe, trying. Even in that, I fail. However, I am Born Again. I will tell you my story, from beginning to end. Please, tell me yours, whether or not you are Born Again. If you are reading, you are searching for something. I was unusual, as a Jewish person, in that my dreams,the dreams my culture said would come true,if I only tried hard enough, did not. I tried to live my life in the traditional Jewish way. That is what I wanted. I,only, veered because I had to, not because I wanted to. I was the kind of kid who worried about her reputation in junior high school. I,always, wanted my grandmother, whom I loved more than anyone, be proud of me. I listened when she told me about your reputation and other things that grandmothers say. I cry every time that I talk about her. I am crying, now, because she saved my life. I had a very abusive mother and a father who turned away. I carried those scars as I tried to achieve in college and grad school. I tried to outrun them, but I never could. As such, I asked questions such as “Why did I go through this?” I read Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon books when I was in 6th grade. I wanted to know what was beyond this world from the time I could question. Astrology fascinated me. My paternal grandmother was a doctor who loved Astrology. Astrology seemed to provide answers to the questions I had. The Sun signs seemed to be true, so what else did Astrology have to say? It took me a long time of trying to conform to what I thought an intellectual, Jewish person should be, before I came back to Astrology. I guess you could say that life broke me. I had two children. One died. My son was just like me. He had the same sense of humor. We understood each other, as happens in rare cases, with people. When he died, I gave up the dreams that were supposed to make my life work.My son was Born Again. He had a Born Again experience when he was a senior in high school. He is in Heaven, waiting for me. He will come for me when it is my time to go. My grandmother did not have Jesus,as far as I know.


After my son died, I realized that I did not want to be in any more boxes, no matter what the name. I did not want to be an intellectual Jewish person. I did not want to be in the Born Again box, either. There is a lot of hypocrisy among Christians. They are people and where you have people, you have egos.Christians are no different, but I do not want to have to conform to their norm, either, only the norm of God. Hence, after my son died, I let my world open, as it would. I tried to follow, not lead. I found that I could feel psychic things. I wrote about this in my biography. I had a passion to study Astrology and found Lindaland with the wonderful Randall, at the head. I met wonderful people like Tameem, Nicki, Bella,Lonake and Stephanie. They poured life back in to me with their love. I found that I loved Astrology and that it answered my questions. This brings me to today and my website and my life. My number one passion is to bring people to Jesus. That is why I am here, on earth, and why I have been honored to have a more public venue such as this website.


(Please forgive typos. I will be back to edit)


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