Saturn cools what it touches. It makes it unreachable, except with considerable effort. As such, the sign in which your Saturn resides will be an energy which will be hard for you to access. This principle applies to the house, also. I will discuss that in another entry. Now I will address Saturn in the signs. Remember when Saturn is in the sign, it RESTRICTS the energy of the sign.
Saturn in Aries– Directness, standing up for what you believe, fighting for the underdog, bold speech and action may be hard for you
Saturn in Taurus– Being earth bound, centered on the earth, feel planted on the group and organized in practical ways may be hard for you
Saturn in Gemini–Being chatty in superficial situations, easily making jokes, being able to fit in in social situations and having an easy way of expressing yourself with the spoken and written word may be hard for you
Saturn in Cancer–Being vulnerable, showing your soft side, being nurturing, making a nest with family and friends may be hard
Saturn in Leo–Being the center of attention, tooting your own horn, being creative and being childlike may be hard
Saturn in Virgo–Being meticulous with details, paying attention to small things, being practical about bills, papers and organization may be hard for you
Saturn in Libra–Being able to see both sides of an issue, finding compromises with others and making your surroundings harmonious may be hard for you
Saturn in Scorpio–Being able to access your own primal passions and desires and trusting your deepest insights may be hard
Saturn in Sag—Being adventurous, optimistic, jovial, and direct in your speech may be hard for you
Saturn in Cap– Being a loyal, dedicated , stable friend may be hard for you, planning for the future and learning the ropes to find a respected position in society may be hard for you
Saturn in Aqua–Being a global thinker, helping others far away and caring about larger global issues may be hard for you
Saturn in Pisces—Being sensitive to psychic intuitions, being sensitive to other peoples feelings, and delving in to mystical and creative realms