Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

25 of My Private Astrological Musings

In the privacy of my own mind, I think certain things about the charts. Some I have said in other articles. Some are new. This is about the corners of my mind so don’t hate me because I am beautiful 😀

1. A sociopath must have a Jupiter with at least three hard aspects( oppositions/squares)

2.Men with Moon square mars dislike woman.

3.A player must have a full 5th house.

4.Venus square Mars is a person who questions if he is homosexual or heterosexual.

5.Uranus in the 12th house is a person who is kinky but hides it.

6. Pluto in the 12th house is a person who has a double life i.e two very different sides to his personality.

7. Moon in Pisces in the 6th House will give too much such that she is depleted.

8.Venus in Scorpio will feel he or she is too intense when it comes to love.

9. Moon in Scorpio is the most likely Moon to plot revenge.

10. Unaspected Pluto will spend his life trying to understand the dynamics of power plays.

11. Casanova Asteroid Conjunct the ASC, Sun or North Node will be a Casanova.

12. Bacchus or Pan Asteroid conjunct the ASC, Sun, or North Node will like wild and kinky sex( perhaps in groups)

13. Saturn conjunct Eros will be obsessed with sex.

14.Saturn conjunct Echo will be obsessed with self expression.

11.Ruler of the 6th in the 1st will be a hypochondriac.

12. Ruler of the 7th in the 10th may marry for money and prestige.

13. Uranus in the 7th is likely to get divorced.

14. Pluto in the 4th has had a bad childhood.

15. Mars conjunct Moon has a hot temper.

16. Unaspected Moon is too sensitive for this world.

17. Venus in Virgo won’t be satisfied until he finds perfection and so will always be on the look out for the perfect partner.

18. Echo conjunct the Sun will search and search for a partner with little success and not understand why.

19. Narcissus conjunct the Sun has good self confidence.

20. If you get a really, really bad feeling with a person, One of your personal planets could be the missing leg to their T Square making it a Grand Cross. You will feel like you literally are suffocating.

21. Venus oppose Uranus–Blows hot and cold with lovers

22.Venus in Libra does not like coarse joking. Keep it refined. Save your tawdry jokes for Venus in Gemini(me)

23.Sun conjunct/opposed/square Saturn shows problems with the father, 9 out of 10 times

24. Moon conjunct Nemesis has a Mother who is a virtual enemy.

25. Chiron conjunct the MC will show his pain to all of the world, whether he likes it or not





13 thoughts on “25 of My Private Astrological Musings

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thank you, Jenna! Your comment made my day.
      It is very hard for me to get close to Venus in Libra people because I want to do my off color Venus in Gemini humor and they get mad 😛

  1. amiannLesley

    Hi Ami,
    I love these articles. I have the moon in the first house which is also unaspected. My nemesis conjuncts my moon. You had better believe that my mother is my enemy. My question is how does the behaviour usually manifest itself? Is it usually verbal or physical? Her moon is in aquarius, mine is in libra, shouldn’t we get along really well?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Aww Thank you, Lesley. You made my day. I will write more then. I was not sure if people liked them. As to your mother, the fact that your Moon is Unaspected make the planet more sensitive to anything that touches it– BOTH in synastry and asteroids. This is my opinion.

      Your mother is your enemy. I know that is sad to say but not telling the truth is sadder imo

      One can’t say”Should two moons get along?” That is isolating the Moons and not looking at the whole chart, so is not really a valid way to look at the charts imo

      What happened with that situation?
      E mail me and tell me if anything else has happened, Friend.

      1. amiannLesley

        Thank you,
        I know it is the truth about her. I have no feelings for her at all. I try to forgive as I should, but am struggling.
        She needs to repent, but never will. As for the other situation, I will email you, but outlook is down right now. Have new info though.

  2. amiannJesse

    The only item that I disagree with is the requirement for a sociopath to have multiple hard aspects to Jupiter. Ted Bundy (who killed women, and was a confirmable psychopath – the same kind of person, only less obvious), had 1 Hard aspect to Jupiter – a Jupiter-Pluto Square. I’ve been researching aspects and configurations related to Psychopathy for a while.

  3. amiannJess

    Re point #13. I have Venus, NN, and Uranus in Scorpio and the 7th house. Would the placement of Venus and Uranus in the same house and sign nullify or reduce that possibility?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      What was 13–Divorce for Uranus in the 7th? I don’t think Uranus gets nullified like that. It would point to a LOVE or marriage but upheaval, too. One does not need to get divorced when there is trouble. One can stay married and get separated, if need be. The Bible would say that. Actions are not shown by the chart but potentials and the person makes the choice xx

  4. amiannShen

    6. Pluto in the 12th house is a person who has a double life i.e two very different sides to his personality.
    Yeap, sometimes he chatters, sometimes he is so quiet. He has his own private world. His mind runs deep.
    12. Ruler of the 7th in the 10th will marry for money and prestige.
    I think it’s high inclination. Need to continue following her life
    22.Venus in Libra does not like coarse joking. Keep it refined.
    Very true!

    24. Moon conjunct Nemesis has a Mother who is a virtual enemy.
    I checked one man chart, found his Venus conj his Nemesis. It means Love is his enemy?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes,Maria. These natives seem to have a good girl/bad girl kind of division. They may have one part of their life which is all good like a good nurse and the other that is all bad, like an out of control sex maniac lol

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