Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

8 Astrological Aspects for Being a Victim

girl chessWhoooooaa, you say. Are you gonna tell me you can see a victim from the charts? I think you can see everything from the charts. I don’t know all about the victim profile but I can impart some information I think you will find interesting. Again, my source of information is the charts I do.

1. A Weak Mars–Cancer and Libra are the two weakest Mars. They are in the Fall and the Detriment, respectively. A planet in these positions is like a runner with a limp. He may reach the goal post eventually but he will always run a little slow and  a little funky. As a Cancer Mars, I struggle with taking direct action such as screaming bloody murder when someone violates me. I hem and haw and feel GUILTY rather than angry. Guilt is the keyword for a Cancer Mars. For the Libra Mars, indecision is the key word. Don’t ask them to make the simplest decision. You choose the restaurant and the movie unless you want a painfully agonizing event. For both of these Mars, they are weak for different reasons. A weak Mars is more likely to take abuse without fighting back.


2. A Weak Pluto

Pluto is primal power such as in a wild animal.  You KNOW what a animal does when you violate it. Picture a mother bear with cubs. A strong Pluto will, likely,  not be a victim. By strong, we  mean a number of things. Pluto could have good aspects such as trines. Pluto could be conjunct the ASC or MC which makes for mega power.  However, if we have Pluto pushed down, we could have a victim on our hands. A weak Pluto could be Pluto conjunct the DSC. What touches the DSC, we cast off in and find in a partner. Hence, this person may cast off her own primal power and look outside for  a tiger. The problem is that casting off one’s primal power can result in a not so nice person picking it up and hitting you over the head with it.

Pluto can be weak from other factors, too. Pluto conjunct Saturn is a person who is obsessed with finding his personal power. Hence, he does not have it, by definition. In time, this person should access it, as Saturn will reward hard work. However, in the meantime, this person could be taken advantage of .

Pluto in hard aspect to  Chiron would be a weakened Pluto . Chiron infuses pain in to what it touches.

I can’t go over all the combinations and permutations but I hope you get the idea.

3. The Child Asteroid

The Child Asteroid shows your childhood. It is a simple way to see how your inner child felt. We carry our inner child with us throughout life. If the Child Asteroid has Dejanira conjunct it, as I do, the person will  have been abused. I have seen that in all charts I have done. One’s background sets one up to be a victim.  Power is very scary when you are abused. It could get you hurt so you surrender it. The problem is that most people who surrender it never take it back. Change is very hard, even positive change.

4. The Dejanira Asteroid

Dejanira is the classic victim asteroid. I picture her being attacked and allowing herself to be raped. It is a sad picture but one can give up all hope including the hope to fight back. That is the essence of a victim– utter hopelessness. Dejanira conjunct the Child Asteroid is another sign of a victim. Dejanira conjunct the Moon is much worse. It is one of the hardest aspects in all of Astrology imo.This person has always been sexually abused in all the charts I have ever done. This person usually becomes a Borderline due to the abuse which fractured the psyche– very, very sad.

5 .A Full 7th House

This is a classic Co-Dependency aspect. The reason is that the 7th house is “the other”. Hence, if one has many personal planets here, one is focused on “the other”.

6. Cancer or Pisces Moons

These Moons are very sensitive. They feel a great deal of empathy. They hate to hurt the feelings of others. Hence, they may allow themselves to be hurt. Pisces Moons would be more so than Cancer Moons. Cancer Moon is in it’s Home, so it has an inherent strength from that.

7. A Full 6th House

This person could be taken advantage of because he is very service oriented. This is the house of the nurse. You can see how tireless and selfless nature of  most nurses.

8. 12th House Planets

I like to talk straight so people can really learn Astrology without having to strain the mush from the meat. Having said that, 12th House planets are simply hard. If one has to walk through waist high mud to get home, it is hard. If you grew up with snow, you know what it is like to walk in snow drifts. This can be likened to 12th house planets. The 12th House suppresses what resides within.  If love comes easily to a 7th house Venus, it comes hard to a 12th House Venus. If emotional expression comes easily to a 3rd House Mercury, it comes hard to a 12th House Mercury. If being a rebellious kink ball comes easily to a 1st house Uranus, it comes with shame and angst to a 12th House Uranus. If being a strong and assertive leader comes easily to a 1st house Pluto, it comes very hard to a 12th house Pluto who may take his primal passions and put them into a double life. I hope you can see that 12th House planets provide the challenge that links them with the phrase , “Be a Saint or a Sinner”. They must find a spiritual solution to their every day pain. If not, they will find a dark one. The 12th House is the House of Addictions and Insanity, as you know.





26 thoughts on “8 Astrological Aspects for Being a Victim

  1. amiannferryleaf

    Hey Ami,

    What would come hard to a 12th House moon again? I could swear I read this on your blog or in your Forum somewhere, but have totally forgotten where, if I did. (d’oh!)

    Is it emotions? Not maybe expressing them, but having them? And why would it be Mercury in the 12th that would have trouble expressing emotions? *confused* …I thought Mercury was just more the mental energy; the thoughts – the mind? Not really feeling-ful…

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Ferry!
      Yes, for the 12th house moon, it is expression of emotions. It is really in not knowing them yourself, even. So, if you don’t even know them AND are afraid to express them, you have the 12th House Moon situation.

      For Mercury, it would be more of a communication thing. They are afraid to communicate what they think and feel, too.

  2. amiannLesley

    Hi Ami,
    Would Pluto in the 12th also be considered a weak placement? I was also reading that pluto placed here could be someone that had suffered from hidden, dark abuse. I have Pluto in the 12th house and can’t remember any physical abuse at all. (or can it be verbal or emotional also)?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, anything in the 12th house is a weak placement. Pluto here may not show abuse exactly but it more shows someone who suppresses his primal feelings. They go underground. That is how the double life comes about. The person splits into all good and all bad, if you will

      1. amiannLesley

        I get it. I love these articles. Great self-analysis, so to speak. I don’t feel all good or all bad, but certainly can be in my mind. Can the primal feelings be suppressed due to guilt, and then they can be taken too far?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Thank you, Lesley for the feedback on the articles. That makes me want to do more! YES–the primal feelings can be suppressed due to guilt and then taken too far. That would be a classic line for Pluto in the 12th! Good work!

          1. amiannLesley

            Thank You Ami!
            Coming from you that means a lot to me. I love astrology more and more each day. It just makes sense.

  3. amianngg

    Not sure myself, but is can a pluto conjunct dsc person able to turn things around? and keep himself the power in the 1st instead of giving it away? i need more on this one

  4. amiannTriple Water Astrolo

    I enjoy your insights…I would suggest that I’ve noticed “weak” planets (Mars in Libra or Cancer, for example) can lead to overcompensation or have the opposite effect of what is thought. In this case, perhaps Mars in his fall or detriment (including Taurus) suggests that the querent might be an aggressor as opposed to a victim. The entire chart must be examined, with each case unique.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Great question, Zeal. My personal opinion on this is that only God( and the true God) can modify the chart. The reason is that the chart is material and God is spiritual. The spiritual plane trumps the material plane. Tell me about your life. Have you been victimized? xx

      1. amiannZeal

        Thank you.:) i believe i have. During my younger years i experienced physical abuse (saturn in my 4th house maybe explains it?:)). Always felt i was an outcast. Im ok now but i feel scars are still there up until now that i am 30. When i love a guy, i always have intense emotions and tend to be dependent. A few yrs ago i was also swindled by a friend – quickly trusted her.:(

          1. amiannZeal

            Will do that, thank you.:) nope, no planets in my 12th house but asteroids such as child, dejanira, vesta and NN.:)

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Well, anything that is in the 12th house will tend to be hidden from you. The NN there is a big sign that you need to look to the mystical dimension, as that is one of your major life purposes. Deja there makes me wonder if you were victimized and blocked it out. Child there makes me wonder if your childhood was blocked out. What do you think, Zeal?

        1. amiannZeal

          Don’t have a happy childhood memory really which is sad.:( thanks so much! Your articles and insights are very interesting and have been really helpful!

  5. amiannkyla

    Hi again Ami. Wow, where do I begin… I’ve been reading up on my placements. Before I got into astrology I subconsciously knew I was not “made” to be in romantic relationships for various reasons. Then I see this article and my own chart and I freaked out. I told you already I have mars in 12th house conjunct south node taurus. I also have pluto conjunct dsc(7th) house scorpio and saturn in pisces 11th house. 🙁 what a nightmare!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I would love to look at your chart Kyla. I made the Forum much easier to get on, now. People were complaining and had the same problems as you. I am very, very sorry for that, Kyla dear. Please try again.

  6. amiannkyla

    Actually, I did try to make a forum account and try to post my chart a few months back, but there was an error in confirming my application for some reason. I just gave up after about 5 tries.

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