Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Venus–What You Find Beautiful

tatt modelOne of my male friends used to say that he had to like someone’s “way”. Some snippets of conversation stay with you. I think of some people who I find absolutely beautiful and it has nothing to do with looks. It is their “way”, as my friend said.

To bring it back to Astrology, it is Venus. Venus personalizes us. Venus is a very personal planet, second only to the Moon. However, Venus is very different from the Moon. Venus is not sexual love, as some people think. It is not even romantic love. It is what we find beautiful.

Even in furniture and home furnishings, there is aΒ  light looks, such asΒ  Ikea. There is a heavy, ponderous look such as rich dark woods and heavy, leather armchairs. As many looks as exist, are people who love them.

When it comes to people, a beautiful woman may not be someone’s type. It goes beyond appearance. It goes to something deep within each person which can be called an aesthetics compass.

In a relationship, the Venus matters a great deal. If I could have the Moons trined or the Venus’ trined, I would take the Moons. There is a very different feeling to these two situations. Moon trine Moon is the most simpatico you can find with another person. If one could call two people one, it would be Moon trine Moon.

One can have Moon trine Moon and not be attracted to the person in an aesthetic way. One would know their soul like no other but may not feel the person was beautiful in the unique way that Venus will do.

I will try to give some examples. Venus in Gemini loves words. Muscles don’t matter. A man does not have to look as if he stepped out of the pages of GQ. However, he has to be able to use words as a surgeon uses a knife. That would be beauty to a Venus in Gemini.

Venus in Virgo seems to want perfection in a woman.. It would be a mountain that no one could climb. Venus in Virgo is in the Fall. Hence, it will not work well. It will be a continual struggle, as happens with planets in the Detriment or Fall. It is just how it is and we all have some of these planets.

Venus in Virgo is much too sensitive to tastes and smells. It cannot be helped. He is not trying to be fussy. We, all, are born with a certain palette.If any Venus searches for perfection, it would be this one. That is why it is in the Fall. It cannot find perfection and hence, it remains in theΒ  eternal struggle. I find that the Detriment and Fall planets always leave an unsettled feeling in the native.

Venus is Aries has a strange reversal. The man needs to be chased. The woman chases. The male Venus in Aries will probably not admit this. However, I go by the charts and not the person. I hate to say it like that but people are, often, in denial. An Astrologer has to discern. I trust certain placements to act in certain ways, regardless of what a person says.

Venus in Taurus is a sweet Venus. He is like a lazy cow, grazing in the meadow. No disrespect is meant by this picture. On the contrary, he is calm and can stop and smell the flowers. He enjoys the simple things in life. He enjoys the ride.

He will value homey things like a good meal and a warm blanket on a chilly night. This Venus does not need diamonds and fancy dates. He can put his arm around you as you relax on a comfy sofa and watch a movie and be in cow heaven.

Venus in Cancer loves the home. He will not need fancy dates, either. He will be happy to make you a home cooked meal and put it in a picnic basket and go to the beach. This is a sweet Venus. He loves family and makes a nest with the small group of friends he lets into his sphere. You best be loyal. Cancer will not take betrayal. You will find yourself locked outside the white gate of the picket fence he has around his comfy abode.

Venus in Scorpio is too intense for himself. It is too intense for anyone else. Many Venus in Scorpio will not admit it. This is where I get much of my hate mail *cough*. I call them as I see them. This is the Detriment position. the nature of this Detriment is too much intensity. The Detriment nature of Aries is a reversal of male/female roles. Each Detriment may be quite different but it will be an albatross, nonetheless. Let me give an example of how this Detriment position may work. Venus in Scorpio takes love too seriously. We all take love seriously but he takes it to the next level. He cannot help it just as Venus in Virgo cannot help being too sensitive to tastes and smells. It is just the nature of the beast.

If there is one Venus which will be love sick, it will be Venus in Scorpio. If we find it in the 8th house, it will intensify. If we find it conjunct Pluto in the 8th House, we may have a person who will see love as life and death. I have seen a person who committed suicide over a lost love. This does not mean that this placement will do this, of course. I am trying to describe the intensity of these placements lest you tread a little more carefully with a person with this Venus( and the 8th house, in general)

Venus in Libra is an interesting one. I can feel out this Venus and I really don’t like it too much, even though it is in it’s Domicile. This is because it is too refined for me. This Venus is a natural pearls and sweater set girl. You best not wear tight, shiny black boots and too low of a cleavage. You best not too loud or laugh too coarsely. She likes everything at a basic Ohmmmm.This Venus may be the most lovely Venus a la Grace Kelly. However, if your idea of fun is laughing at nothing at all and not stopping until you cannot breathe, better find another companion and leave this Venus to someone who wants to walk through the museum with a discreet silence.

Venus in Leo like glam, glam, glam. This Venus wants an attractive partner on his or her arm. Venus in Leo likes to be seen and be LARGE when he is. If you are with him, you will have to be as pretty as he is. This Venus may go for the shiny bauble more than the quiet character of the person. This Venus will not be seen in an old dirty tee shirt or bathrobe. Venus in Leo may be the most vain Venus. It is just the nature of the Lion in the planet of love.

Venus in Aquarius is one of the better places for Aquarius planets. It embodies the true nature of Aquarius, not the holier than thou veneer that the Aquarius Sun and Moon can have. Venus in Aquarius is a giving person. He wants to be fair. He will try to treat you well and expect the same in return— not so shabby. He will need his space. This is good if you need yours. This Venus s genuine. He is as he appears. He seems to like a woman who is not overly sexy. He seems to like the girl next door look. He likes a girl he can bring home to Mama. Remember that if you see his Venus in Aquarius. Hide your tattoos, even though you may think Aquarius may like them. In my experience, the Venus in Aqua men like a wholesome look in a female. Write to me if you agree or disagree. I can hear the hot water running and myself ready to be thrown in.

Venus in Capricorn is a different animal altogether. She wants the best. She does not want cheap dates. She does not want cheap clothes. She does not want cheap perfume. This is fine if we have a man who wants the same thing like another Venus in Capricorn. If not, we would need a sign that would appreciate this in a person and not see gold digger written all over it.

Venus in Sagittarius is a fun loving Venus. It is the bachelor of the Zodiac, so know that if you have your eye on this Venus. The phrase “variety is the spice of life” must have been written by a Saggi Venus because they get bored quickly. They love legs, most especially, so bring out those boots and high heeled shoes. Then, be prepared to throw them off as he challenges you to a game of tag. Life never gets tiring with a Saggi Venus, if you can keep him from getting bored and following another gorgeous pair of boots home.

Venus in Pisces is very different from Venus in Saggi. Can we say polar opposites. Venus in Pisces will write poetry for you while Venus in Saggi is trying to get you to play touch football. Venus in Pisces is gentle and dreamy. Don’t hurt his feelings, if you can help it. He really is the most sensitive Venus and if he trusts you, you will have a most precious gift.

I am sure I left out information but that is what you are there for. Comments, comments, comments πŸ˜€




26 thoughts on “Venus–What You Find Beautiful

  1. amiannzakiahakakatie

    I really like this article!! I know a little about astrology but not very much; this was very informative πŸ˜€ My Venus is in Taurus and the description above is extremely accurate…I am relaxed and I don’t need fancy things and fancy dates.

  2. amiannferryleaf

    –“However, I go by the charts and not the person. I hate to say it like that but people are, often, in denial. An Astrologer has to discern. I trust certain placements to act in certain ways, regardless of what a person says.”

    When you say you have to discern, does that mean that you’d also take into account any mitigating aspects touching those placements that “act in certain ways”? In other words, do you add a “usually” to the “act in certain ways” into your mental equation?


    “Venus in Taurus […] enjoys the simple things in life. […] This Venus does not need diamonds and fancy dates.”

    πŸ˜€ I am REALLY glad you said this! I can’t tell you how exhausted and annoyed I get at person after person regurgitating that same old tripe about Taurus needing fine dining, expensive this & the best that – and about being materialistic, materialistic, materialistic!

    No Taurus – sun OR Venus – that I’ve ever known has been this way.

    Sensualist, yes. Materialist, no. It is only by happenstance that sometimes the things most pleasing and enjoyable to the senses (especially these days, in the era of synthetic & ‘faux’ everything) are sometimes more costly. But that has much more to do with the era that we live in, now, where natural AND good quality materials are depleted and spare, rather than abundant and cheaply available to all. (Such as 100-200 years ago.) All because of our greed. πŸ™


      1. amiannferryleaf

        Okay. πŸ™‚ Thank you for answering & clarifying.

        I didn’t mean for that question to be offensive or stupid or anything, I honestly needed to ask because…well I tend to take things quite literally sometimes, and sometimes the way you state things makes my mind go, “wait…” and wonder if you’re saying something carte blanche, literal, absolute…or merely emphasizing some point for the sake of making a certain point.

        You know, disclaimer-itis me, here. πŸ˜‰ I almost never state anything in absolutes… I think. πŸ˜‰ xD

      2. amiannferryleaf

        Oh…however, I also wanted to say:

        The only thing that worries me a *little* is that there may be people like me, who have a certain aspect, who might “fight” you on an opinion on a particular interpretation, coming from an honest and self-searching, introspective place. I don’t feel the word “denial” would really be appropriate in these cases.

        I don’t know, but if I were the one looking at such a person’s chart, if I truly sensed that the person was being as genuine and self-searching with me as they could be, yet still strongly disagreed with me, I would consider one of two possibilities:

        a) There was a mitigating factor in their chart (or in their spiritual life–as you’ve said, God changes the impossible) that I either missed, or perhaps was not aware of being a possibility,


        b) the person is being as introspective and honest/bare with me as possible for them, but simply has a big blind spot to this 1 area in their life/behaviour.

        What do you think?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          You are totally right, F. It is not an exact science. I must feel out what is soul searching and what is outright denial. You can feel it. The person in denial will be angry with you for bringing it up lol

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            Yep, so if this happens in my Forum or someplace else, I will not accept the person as a client. If I feel the person will be like that, just from my intuition, I won’t accept them as a client, either.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Sensualist, yes. Materialist, no. It is only by happenstance that sometimes the things most pleasing and enjoyable to the senses (especially these days, in the era of synthetic &

  3. amiannmarion

    My wonderful flatmate, who is on the verge of becoming my lover has his Leo moon trine my saggi moon by 5 degrees. So we do have what you call the ‘Rolls Royce aspect’. But his Gemini Venus squares my Virgo Venus by 2 degrees.

    We are SOOOOOO comfortable in each other’s presence and in arms (hugs). We have amazing telepathy. Our mind functions are so in sync. But the wicked venus square is already obvious even before we are in a full fledged relationship….Our tastes on ‘what is beautiful in life; music, art, movies etc’ are at complete odds. We even have big debates over trivial things like ‘the suitability/non suitability of my little son’s hair style’.

    But thanks to moon trine moon, all arguments can be quickly sorted…with a big hug! Anyway hope his Taurus Saturn, Mercury, Sun, AC stellium trining my Virgo Venus will be overall good to my pretty little Venus.

    BTW what is Saturn trine Venus like in Synastry?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      It sounds lovely, Marion. I am so happy for you and please keep me posted!Venus trines make for a glue that will keep you together. Saturn touching Venus can make for some criticism but the trine will make it more of people will have a maturity and a respect and reverence for their love. Truly lovely, M.
      Thank you for commenting because that is how we all learn, too!

  4. amiannLon Spector

    There was a song long before your time called “I like Dreaming,” by a man named
    Kenny Nolan. That IS the Venus in Pisces song, particularly if they are not blessed with
    good looks.

  5. amiannRuth E Velasco


    Could you shed some light on a question that I’ve had for a very long time? I am a very laid back, down to earth person, and I want a man that is like me in that regard. I have no interest in fashion. I want a jeans, tee shirt guy or sweat pants guy. Sorry, but the Venus in Leo sounds horrible to me. Also the venus in sag because I value loyalty.

    I am sag sun, cancer moon, Scorpio Venus and Aquarius rising.

    My question is: Which Venus in a man is the most laid back, down to earth, who puts on no airs?

  6. amiannLon Spector

    Dear Ami,
    Thanks for your interest in my father. As I write these words now at 7:26 AM, the room
    he sleeps in is strangely quiet. Usually he stirs at this time. I wonder if there is cause for
    concern. I’ll be waking him up at 8AM to start the scedule of medication. Anything could
    happen. With his litanany of complaints you’d think any day is the day he could “go.’
    Oh well, if you don’t hear from me for a period of time, you’ll know why!

  7. amiannLon Spector

    He WAS saved. He just doesn’t know it yet. “No man can come to me except the Father
    calls him, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

  8. amiannLu

    I just realized that my venus in scorpio has too much bad aspects… As my sun, jst squares and oppositions.
    When it happens with the sun, I learned reading your site that it affects confidence and self steem, what I know right cause i have sun conjunction saturn.
    But with venus, is about how I feel beauty, right?
    It makes me feel or see the life in a “ugly” way?
    My venus semi-square my sun (-1a)
    My venus square my mars (2s)
    my venus conjuct my uranus ( 6a)
    my venus semi-sextile neptune (1a ) (I hate neptune, btw… lol).
    my venus opposition chiron (-1a)
    my venus opposition eros (-4a)
    my venus square my AC (9s)
    my venus conjunct MC (8s)
    my venus conjuct sado (0s)

    I think the only “good” aspects are…
    venus Q (0s)
    and maybe venus semi-sextile dejanira (0a)

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