Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Moons, Moons, Moons

216327_531316173592130_1546916705_nSome things will make people angry but that is par for the course. Truth is in short shrift. That is why I give it 😀

I have some thoughts on Moons after all of your wonderful(?) feedback and more charts and more client counseling. I will group Moons into some categories. There are loyal Moons who will have your back, no questions asked. These Moons will know you enough not to question if that jerk is REALLY bothering you. They will not have to do their own investigation of the matter. You just have to call on them( or they will see the situation themselves) and they will be by your side and ON your side. These Moons are Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Leo and Scorpio.

There is another group of Moons who are the thinkers. These Moons will see you in trouble and have to figure out who did what. Reason comes before primal loyalty. It is not that they are not loyal. They process loyalty differently. Hence, you can know that they will want to figure out all sides of the issue. Then, they will likely not jump in, but try to quell the situation. This is very unsatisfying to the above Moons. It feels like betrayal but it is really just the thinking process of these Moons. These would be Gemini, Aquarius and Libra.

Pisces goes into his own category because he is so uber sensitive. He will feel for someone. He will feel a great deal. He is loyal. It is not that. He could be put in the first category but he does not have the backbone to stand up on his own. He simply does not have the tensile strength and it is not his fault.

I do not know many Saggi Moons so cannot comment. The one new Saggi Moon friend that I have would be in the first category but she has a great deal of Cancer. Cancer Mars may put a person in the first category. I need to study more on mitigating factors as there always are mitigating factors. One has to separate the chart for purposes of study but a whole person is a combination of many, many placements. That goes without saying( and will help people not throw so many tomatoes at me, too 😀 )





15 thoughts on “Moons, Moons, Moons

  1. amiannLesley

    Hi Ami,
    I have some experience with the Saggi Moons as I was married to one and had another one around me for awhile. They are loyal but in their own way, meaning they can be with you in the physical and absent emotionally. And when they are done, they leave VERY abruptly leaving hurt feelings behind. My Libra Moon understands to a degree, my Cancer Sun feels this is unspeakable. Again, just my experience.

      1. amiannferryleaf

        I would say that Aries is reactive 😉 and that Virgo is loyal but will quietly consider the situation.


        Or, in your terms, Aries = ‘loyal’ and Virgo = more of a thinker. 😉

  2. amiannmarion

    I am a Saggi moon. I dont emotionally attach very quickly. But when i do fall for someone emotionally, i fall hard and deep. I connect to people through ‘activities’, particularly travel and philosophical/religious pursuits and discussions.

    For example i feel ‘connected’ to Ami through this forum…:) Wondering what you eat for breakfast, wondering how you felt when you lost your child…etc. though i dont even know where you live.

  3. amiannzakiahakakatie

    I am a Saggi Moon and I am VERY loyal to the ones I love. I am very intuitive when someone close to me is hurt; and I take their side. Please, please don’t think I am trying to argue with anyone…but like Ami said the chart makes up the whole person 🙂 I have a lot of Saggi in my chart but I also have a lot of Cancer. I am very emotional and quite sensitive. I do have quite the adventurous side and I also like my independence…I have to have room to be me 🙂

  4. amiannLon Spector

    There’s a famous saying: “Offense can never be given, it can only be taken.”
    Why should people take it as an insult when you tell them about their Moon?

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