Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Venus Square Venus in Synastry

lolly girlDo you know how it feels when you like a person’s “way”? They just attract you a’ la “Something in the Way She Moves” by the Beatles. One will have this or not. One cannot make it so. Understand that about synastry.One cannot make exist what the charts do not allow. Write this on your forehead and left arm. It will serve you well.

Venus square Venus may be  a kind of revulsion to the way the person is. I don’t know how else to say it. We all have certain sensibilities. We all find certain things attractive and certain things garish or even revolting. These things do not have to be big, such that that  guests at a dinner party  would stare.  It may be the way one expresses oneself. It may be the way one speaks. It may be one’s sense of humor. You just do not find the person “pleasing”. This would be Venus square Venus.

Tell me your stories. I await your Comments.

8 thoughts on “Venus Square Venus in Synastry

  1. amiannLon Spector

    I have Saturn square Venus in my OWN chart. How more revolting can
    THAT be?
    I don’t have to find out that I’m hated by man. I can’t even get to first base
    with man!

  2. amiannLon Spector

    Certainly, you have to be “perfect” to be loved by God.
    Didn’t Jesus say, “You be perfect, like God is perfect.”
    Like most of the things He said on the Sermon On The Mount, He didn’t
    mean that literally. He was speaking symbolically. He was MAGNIFYING the
    law, to make it HONORABLE.
    Imperfect human beings could never keep the commandments. So He
    kept them for us. He is NOW the focus of our lives, not “impossible”
    In my own case, there were MANY CLUES that God wanted me to remain
    “virginal.” First off, I was born a eunich. Jesus said that some would be born that
    way. I was told that I would have to undergo operations at the age of 9, and I did
    undergo the operations. I was told that I would be “normal” afterwards, but they
    needn’t have bothered with the proceedures , except to protect me from Cancer.
    Also, because of my family situation, I was unnaturally close to my mother. Like
    me, she had Moon in Cancer, and Venus in Pisces. What father could compete
    with that? Especially, a non-empathic, nurotic Virgo/Virgo type? My father
    “farmed out” ALL the nurturing parts of the relationship to my mother, who he
    niavely thought was enforcing his viewpoints. Then, when I didn’t behave in the way
    he expected, he took his wrath out on me, a kid that was only copying what his
    enabling mother taught him to do. I grew to hate him. He was repeating the
    relationship he had with his own father. My mother would defend us children, and
    throw it back in his face. They had fericious fights about EVERYTHING. Remember,
    one was born in the Year of the Horse, the other was born in the Year of the Rat.
    So, what do we have here? A relationship between a Pisces and Virgo and a Horse
    and Rat! They couldn’t be more opposite if they tried!
    Females HATED me! (Except for my mother, of course.) Why wouldn’t they?
    After all, I had Saturn in the 5th, and only later discovered that I had Venus,
    (In the 8th house) square Saturn in the 5th house. I never understood the reason
    for this unfair and irrational hatred until I discovered Astrology. They couldn’t help
    their reactions. Scouls and frowns!
    For example, there was one girl who absolutely hated me. She ALWAYS said
    insulting things. She gave her brother’s pet kitten away (I didn’t know it was his’)
    to my parents, and told her brother that I had stolen it! What??
    Here I was, just a chubby slow kid, minding my own business and (I didn’t know her
    well) she hates me so much she sets her brother against me. He made my life
    miserable. He was always spoiling for a fight, wanting to meet me to fight. At 3PM
    everyday I had to find a way to avoid him and loads of other bullies as well.
    I had a very vicious girl bully. She would torment and harass me as well. She
    would follow me to and from school and make my life a hell! Once some kids
    from school asked me why I was crying. I pointed at her, and they punched her out
    for me. She was crying, and I was actually concerned for her! My mother
    eventually dealt with the situation as she did with most “situations.” She was
    harrasing me as usual, and my mother ran towards her, she took off and never
    bothered me again. That worked fine with the girl bullies. Nobody could stop the
    boy bullies.

  3. amiannLon Spector

    In 1967 I lived in Springfield Mass. I lived in two sections of the city.
    One part was “clean and modern.” Another was old, dirty and industrial.
    I had my usual problems with bullies in both sections of town, but the
    house I lived in by the railroad tracks was particulary miserible.
    The first day I moved in, I was warned by neighbour children about a family
    of thugs that terrorized the neighbourhood. They were a group of ruffians,
    and all the kids feared them, but the adults seemed oblivious to them.
    The boys and girls all wore leather jackets. They took special pride in being able
    to walk on anyone they wanted. It was ONLY a matter of time, before I had a run
    in with them.
    I rode my bike to school with my friend. A member of the thug family saw me.
    “I want that bike, he said, I ran away as fast as I could. My friend said, “Slow down,
    if they wanted to they would have beaten us up and taken the bike.”
    I tried to keep away from that family as much as I could but I had to attend
    school. School, (Neptune in 3rd) was always a problem for me. As usual, I
    couldn’t wait for 3PM to come and I had to plot a “safe route” home.
    I had three main sources of torment. My father, who had a hair trigger temper
    and was a very unpleasent man to be around. Bullies at school who never let me
    alone, and in this particular house, HAUNTINGS, polergeist phonemon that
    terrorized me EVERY night. This was an especially miserable time of my life,
    because I was assulted EVERYWHERE I was. I got no relief.
    In the outside world (school) it was business as usual. In my home I was attacked
    by hands I couldn’t see that slapped me and pulled on my hair. Scratchings,
    poundings, rappings, strange howling noises, Heh, Heh, Heh, laughter, sparks
    flying from the covers. door nobs turning and a wicked shadow man who entered
    my room at night. All I could do was sleep with the covers over my head, which I
    did for many years EVEN after I left that house. Lucky for me, the haunting
    didn’t follow me to other places I lived. I think having Uranus in the 12th house had
    something to do with it.

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