Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

You Sexy Thang–Mars and Venus in the Natal

rainbow lipsSome of us are kissed by the gods for pure sexiness. The person may not be classically attractive but will vibeΒ  charisma. One classic placement for this is Mars touching Venus in the natal chart. There can be many possible combinations. The conjunction is always the strongest. However, every aspect from the sextile, trine, square, opposition and quincunx will conferΒ  great sexual charisma.TheseΒ  natives can be counted on to be hotties.If you are doing on line dating and want to get a feel for your unseen paramour, check out his Mars/Venus in the natal.

You will thank me for it. I accept πŸ˜€

92 thoughts on “You Sexy Thang–Mars and Venus in the Natal

      1. amiannSarah

        Thanks Amiann πŸ™‚ to confirm my thoughts.

        I have natal venus/ceres in aries and most men/women find me charming or sexy even though I don’t find myself expecially sexy or charming.

        I read some comments about how mars/venus energy blending is offensive or brash or venus in aries are sex obssessed, that are quite strong opiniated affirmations, in my humble opinion. Mars and venus have different ways to express themselves in someone’s character and they can be refined just like they can be primal.

        As a Venus in aries individual I can tell firsthand sex is not the main preoccupation in my life despite my mars in scorpio – another “sexy/charismatic/hot” position according to astrology. But I do value (venus) my independence (aries) for example

        I looked for some sexy celebrities emulating sexiness involving venus/mars energy. Very intersting indeed.
        Venus in Aries : Elizabeth Taylor, Marylin Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Rihanna, Jennifer Aniston, Audrey Hepburn, Shakira…
        Mars conjunct Venus : Madonna, Jack Nicholson, Uma Thurman, Carmen Electra, Al Pacino…

  1. amiannMoonChild

    I have natal Venus Conjunction my natal Mars in Scorpio House II.

    What about Natal Venus Square Venus? (in my partners chart)

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            Well, Moonie, Lesley says that one is super attractive but may find it hard to handle. You are welcome, Moonie dear.

          1. amiannLesley

            My guess is the square could give someone an uneasiness with their sexiness: you have it, but may not know how use it. I have this a bit. I do have a certain sex appeal and sometimes resent it. A square can put someone at odds with themselves.

  2. amiannRainbow Cake

    Venus conjunct Mars doesn’t necessarily make for “hotties”. Venus/Mars are opposing aspects, and it makes for people who are frequently frustrated, or have a bad temper.

    Do you let in out of sign aspects too? Like Venus and Mars in Pisces, difference being 20 degrees.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Welcome Rainbow Cake! Yes, I think the aspect trumps the sign. It seems that Mars/venus makes for charisma. Perhaps, hotties was the wrong word πŸ˜€

      1. amiannRainbow Cake

        No, these people they don’t have so called “charisma”, maybe your word is “assertive”. They are offensive and brash people. BUT they are also frequently sportsmen. They’ll definitely be runners.

        N/B: My orb is 8 degrees. Anything more than that is an out of sign and I don’t think they count. Out of sign conjunctions seem to me more like inconjuncts.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Thanks RC. Who are you referring to as offensive and brash? Just the conjunction? I see about out of sign conjunctions. I did not know that.So, do you mean that the person struggles to harmonize the mars with the venus? Thanks

          1. amiannRainbow Cake

            Yes they are klutzes. Offensive and brash are those with Venus/Mars conjunct. But often, it is subtle, and you don’t see it expressed. They express it in their body language. They may be scared but they put on a brave front all the time.

  3. amiannLon Spector

    Would this also be the reason why Venus in Aries people are so sex
    obsessed? That is ALSO a Venus/Mars combination of a sort.
    BTW, have you resolved this delemma about how a “self-professed Christian”
    handels the question of sex outside marriage?
    Certainly, religious “christians” (?) can justify such behavior to themselves,
    just as they justify putting a little water on a infant’s head and welcoming the
    child into the “church.” They can incorporate all forms of depravity and give it
    the seal of approval. Like the church incorporating demons and calling them
    I guess you have no choice but to write on such topics, because, as it is,
    nobody-except Padre, and Bibilea-responds to the “christian’ topics you write about, and your blog wouldn’t last too long if you banned the sex.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      LOL Well, people are interested in sex especially the age group which reads my website and so I write about the subjects of interest to people. I could act all high falutin but I try to live in the real world πŸ˜€

  4. amiannLon Spector

    There is NOTHING “high fuluting” about living the TRUE Christian
    If extra-marital sex was the answer, we should have millions of contented
    peaceful citizens, as opposed to millions of murderous degenerates.
    The plight of the Jewish people is important to you, is it not?
    Did you know that some Jewish women volintarily engaged in sex with German
    solders in the hope that they could save their lives? They would say when they
    were finished: “Now you wouldn’t kill me after that, would you?”
    Guess what? The very next day, these “cooperative” women were placed in the
    extermination pits and met the same fate as other Jews.
    If Jews in the U.S. don’t stop churning this degenerate garbage out, they too
    will meet a simular fate. There are other blogs, and let me tell you they are

      1. amiannRainbow Cake

        I saw Biblea comment got deleted again. Ever wonder how certain people are chased from the site when they speak their mind?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          B can have his voice but if it is just for the purposes of a pure insult to me, I will delete it. If it is a fair criticism of me, I will keep it. I want to see where I am missing it but I am not going to accept pure meanness for meanness sake which B likes to get off on :/

          1. amiannRainbow Cake

            I thought Biblea was pretty insightful, and she is a female. She always tells the truth and does not see the point of lying.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            A song for Biblea

            I can’t post U Tube links so will have to ask my webs designer again to fix it. Coming soon πŸ˜€

          3. amiannRainbow Cake

            You’re a perpetual lover but not always very good at it. Let your Sag dominate for once. Not the negative Gemini archetype!

          4. amiannRainbow Cake

            Your mouth would look better curved, like this :3
            The slanted smiley might make the wind change, so be careful. Just a fair warning, buddy.

          5. amiannamiann Post author

            I saved the pic, RC. It is so amazing. I will use it on one of my articles. I have missed you. I am such a nut.

          6. amiannamiann Post author

            You know what? God is using my talents and my gifts. Why can’t you be happy for me, rather than being nasty :3

          7. amiannRainbow Cake

            Ok if that’s the best you can do..

            If it’s the best you can do then you have used the potential of your gifts.

        2. amiannRainbow Cake

          Stop playing God, btw
          You’ll never know what God wants you to do

          You only know what you want to do

          So don’t write god in where you’re most comfy

          1. amiannRainbow Cake

            Maybe you can find a sweetling that thinks like you and like living in the computer. You’ll feel appreciated that way, O. You can also do Greer and create characters together ^^

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            I can’t link U Tube links, right now, so listen to this. From me to you

            Judy Collins – Send In The Clowns

          3. amiannRainbow Cake

            That song is really creepy. Why clowns of all things?

            You’re in love with your illusions, Ami.. Illusions don’t earn you anything concrete, because there’s no foundation. Get out in the real world, and stop hiding in your burrow like a little bunny.. because you’ll only remain there.

          4. amiannamiann Post author

            Thanks RC. Of all the crazy things you do, I feel you are my buddy. Maybe, that makes me a lentil but I am getting out more and more. I am reconnecting with a Moon trine Moon friend. With this aspect, you have the same sense of humor. She and I die laughing about everything. If we are ever at a funeral together, it is terrible :/

            She is a Pisces Sun with a Scorpio ASC and Moon. I like Scorpio woman. They are more like men. They are not little gossips. They hold things close to the vest and think like a man like me πŸ˜€

            Also, my garden is such that I am making my special raw kale dish and bringing it to my neighbors as a present. It is so much fun to have them open the door and get something special. That was one of the purposes of my garden, to get me out of the house and getting to have more friends. My neighbors are very friendly. I was the one who hid away.

            Anyway, I am continuing on with my singing and one day, when I am good enough, I will play professionally. I am very fussy about wanting to be good enough. My teacher says I could go out now but I don’t want to be bad. It sucks to listen to someone who is not good.

          5. amiannRainbow Cake

            Awww, go with your friend, buddy.

            You will never understand the joys of struggling in the real world hiding under your pillow. A Pisces/Scorpio will understand you, sweetie.. I wish you good luck.

          6. amiannRainbow Cake

            Ok, show me a pic of her, please. And are you the Greer old lady? Or the drag queen?

            Invite me to your wedding, too, if you will.

          7. amiannamiann Post author

            This is an honest question, although I would be surprised( but happy) if you answered it honestly. Why do you have such a compulsion to hurt people πŸ™

          8. amiannRainbow Cake

            I like to show them the truth of themselves; if they are hurt it means they saw their own flaw.

          9. amiannamiann Post author

            I respect that part of you and a lot! However, I think you have a gratuitous desire to wound for the pure pleasure you get from wounding, is to that part that I am speaking, right now. AS to the truth telling, I believe you have a keen perception which is brilliant and that is one reason I admire you.

          10. amiannRainbow Cake

            There’s no point admiring me for truth telling when you are living an outright lie, babe…

          11. amiannamiann Post author

            You talk too good. I am going to go take a bath. I just saw my second snake in my garden. Now, I am kind of afraid to go out.

      2. amiannRainbow Cake

        I don’t know, dude, we exasperate each other, you just don’t know how you exasperate me, you only see that I exasperate you. We maybe aren’t meant to be friends, it won’t work out. See, I try to break illusions; you try to honor them.. One way or another, it is a mismatch..

          1. amiannRainbow Cake

            Too bad A, it’s either you change and improve or I degenerate into your illusions. I won’t ever do the latter.. so, you know?

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            I have to have a song for this but I am going to take my bath. I have been doing so much weeding like 4 hours a day. I had a guy help me but he got in a fight with his g/f and left town so now I have so much weeding to do that you would not believe it. My back aches πŸ™

          3. amiannRainbow Cake

            Awwh, you’re just like a comic book character. I’ll come talk to you when I’m bored and need some make-believe.

            I don’t think anything you say is true, you have become a caricature of spiritual insanity. Lay off the astrological-tobacco, A.

          4. amiannamiann Post author

            I just took one of the best baths in the history of baths– sea salt, lavender oil and hydrogen peroxide. My back feels good. Praise the Lord πŸ˜€ Now, I have to weed and plant turnips. I love turnips from the garden. They are like sugar.

          5. amiannRainbow Cake

            You aren’t performing to your full potential, A.

            You have plenty negativity around you, and you are too selfish πŸ™

            We won’t be happy A.

          6. amiannRainbow Cake

            Yawn, guess you’re too selfish to see it… whatever du, you’re going to stay this way…. ^^

  5. amiannLon Spector

    There are people who definately connect Jewish media infulence with
    the depraved culture. In the U.S. Jewish people have great political and
    cultural influence. There are very irate people out there who believe that
    the Jews are undermining the moral climate of this country.
    For example, the culmultive results of the civil-rights movement have been
    an absolute DISASTER for this country. EVERYTHING is the white Christian
    male’s fault! Appearently, only WHITE GUYS have “original sin” on their heads!
    Everybody else is a perfect little Angel, and if it wasn’t for those wicked, wicked
    white guys the world would be a paradise! Your son happens to be a white
    Christian male! What world does he inherit? He is labeled the culprit!
    The Bible says there is going to be a “mingling of the seed of man.” I take this to
    mean that there is going to be a One World Government ruled from Jeruslem.
    We will have the Jews, and the Gentiles. There will be no discernable races in the
    future. That’s the way it’s going to be “enginnered.” An Eskimo woman, will be
    inseminated by the sperm of a sub-saharan African. A new world order will be
    But in America, it’s going to be different. The goal will be vengence. I see a plan
    to elimate the white Christian male, (How many of them do you see now
    employed in banks and stores?)
    The BEAUTIFUL white woman is the most desired OBJECT in the world, amongst
    ALL peoples! Of course, we know that no person is an object and should be
    treated as such, but that’s NOT the way it works. The emphasis is on BEAUTIFUL.
    A pain, drab, white woman is just as undesirable as a white Christian male. And
    black women for the most part live the most lonely lives of all.
    Since the pretty white woman is the most valued object, everyone wants one.
    If the white Christian male is elimated, where do the attractive white women come
    from? It’s easy. They come from frozen white male sperm! You don’t need a
    living white male to produce a gorgeous white female! It can be done at the
    sperm bank.
    I don’t know about other areas of the world, but in the U.S. the plan will be to
    create as many beautiful white women as possible WITHOUT the presence of
    white males who will be ABORTED and not permitted to be born.

  6. amiannLon Spector

    The “World” is hypnotised and certain people who have “crept in unawares”
    are attempting to bring down this society with debatches!
    The end result will be our exctinction!

  7. amiannLuke

    My Venus in Aries in the 5th house trines my Pluto and sextiles my Uranus. Do you believe the Pluto with Venus aspect would produce an attractive vibe? πŸ˜›

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Interesting about Venus in Aries. Do you like women to chase you? This venus has a weird reversal where the woman are more aggressive and the men more passive when it comes to going after the opposite sex.Pluto/Venus is a sexy vibe! The sextile with Uranus may give you a nice amount of kink πŸ˜€

      1. amiannLuke

        Sometimes if I feel I am doing too much of the work, I start wishing I had someone who would come after me, and ask me questions about myself and want to get to know me first, as well as put effort in. So I like a bit of chasing and getting it back I guess :).

          1. amiannLuke

            Sometimes I love the feelings I can get so much that even if I think I will end up hurt which I almost always do, I just tell myself that feeling this feeling is worth it :). The pain is not really hard for me to get over either, that’s my Venus in Aries gift :).

  8. amiannAnthony

    I have venus opposition mars both square uranus, t-square not good lol. I get attention from women. Don’t consider myself blessed by the gods but I’m not ugly either lol

  9. amiannanayi

    I’ve got Venus in Scorpio in tight trine with Cancer Mars. Venus also has a tight square to saturn. I guess thats why i don’t feel as attractive or charasmatic as venus/mars aspect shiuld make me feel…although i do notice dudes come up to me telling me i look intimidating to approach or only get approached by pervs πŸ™

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      What House, T? This person would be super sexy. He/She would be sensitive and not like garish things, tawdry jokes etc. He would like poetry and sensitive music too. He may like romantic movies, too

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