Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Hands Down—–The Sexiest Asteroid Conjunct the Ascendent

girl necklace down backThis is dedicated to one of my favorite readers  and whom I consider a friend, Living Mystery who has Lilith conjunct the ASC. I ask for pictures of  certain Asteroids conjunct the ASC, so I can get a sense of them. I have asked for pictures of Eros conjunct the ASC and Lilith.

These seem to   confer an easy, effortless sexual vibe to the native. For some natives, they do not want the attention they engender. However, many are pleased with this placement. It is a gift from the gods because the native is naturally gorgeous and charismatic. Who in his right mind does not want that?

These asteroids work the same way in males and females. I find Lilith to be more playful than Eros, which is more sultry. At any rate, both of these asteroids confer the natives with a “je ne sais quoi” that is felt as a delicious and scrumptious vibe.

41 thoughts on “Hands Down—–The Sexiest Asteroid Conjunct the Ascendent

  1. amiannLon Spector

    “Abstain ye from fornication, as 10,000 were killed in a day.”
    When Moses went up to Mt. Sinai to recieve the Ten Commandments,
    the people became antsy. They had no confidence he would return.
    So they backslid and made a statue of a “golden calf.” They engaged in
    revilrary, including sexual depravity and promiscuity.
    Moses returned and caught them by surprise. He hurled the Ten Commandment
    tablets at them, and one third of Israel was wiped out.
    Likewise, the return of Christ will be like “a thief in the night.” He will catch many
    by surprise.
    “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”
    If a person commits to a reighteous life five minutes BEFORE Christ returns
    he earns the Kingdom. If a person was converted 50 years prior to Christ’s
    return and falls, he loses the Kingdom.
    Please, tone down on the SEX, if NOT for the sake of your OWN soul, then for the
    sake of your readers.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      My readers are interested in these things and they are part of life. They are not wrong for a Christian to talk about. Do you know how many people have found Jesus as a result of finding my website? Many. That is fruits, my Friend <3

  2. amiannLesley

    Sexiness is all right within the right context. It is o.k. to be sexy for your spouse. God created everyone as he wanted them and it is up to each individual to realize this and act accordingly. Just my opinion, and a little word for Lon. MOST have interest in this topic.

    1. amiannLesley

      Hi Brittany, I don’t know what comment you read, but NOWHERE in that comment was I either holy moley or thinking I was better than anyone else. And really, telling someone to shut up and calling them an asshole is neither “loving, kind, generous or forgiving.” When I last checked, everyone was entitled to an opinion, and I will remember the respect you gave mine and give you back the same.

  3. amiannbrittany

    i am not being loving toward you, but then again i am not scolding someone else for not being a favorable in God’s sight as I think they should be. Spiritual superiority is one of God’s least favorite things, just remember that when you are scolding people for not living up to your spiritual standards.

  4. amiannbrittany

    why don’t you just live by the standards that you feel are correct, and then take your reward from God, and just let other people do what THEY think is best and let them reap their own reward, as opposed to living your life shaking your little finger at people.

  5. amiannbrittany

    everyone IS entitled to their own opinion. SO WHY ARE YOU GOING ON AMI’S MESSAGE BOARD AND TRYING TO SENSOR HER????????????????????????? If you don’t like what she is saying, then google a christian message board and confine yourself to that, PLEASE.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Lesley wasn’t insulting me, Brittany dear. She was just giving her opinion. I am a big believer in free speech. Anyone can give his/her opinion.Lon is the one who does not like what I am saying lol

      1. amiannLesley

        Brittany is profane and extremely out of line. Profanity and name calling should Not be allowed on any site. What she is saying is an attack and I don’t know where her comments are coming from. You know what, she shouldn’t be cajoled. Her initial comments were extremely hurtful and bordering on harassment! (NO LOL)!!!

        1. amiannLesley

          She has mixed me up with Lon, and ignorance is not a defence. This is the first comment I have read like that on this site, and this should be a respectful discussion.

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          I know what you mean, Lesley. I was deciding what I should do. I left the comments because I learned how to handle situations from being forced to face them on LL. Randall does not jump into fights. He lets people work it our and then, they can learn. I could never have my website if I had not learned these kinds of skills. Now, I can walk away from most people harassing me. This took a long time but if Randall had made it a sterile environment, I would never have learned. The last person who harassed me was the worst of all. It took me 6 years to learn how to deal with her but I did. Randall gave me good advice and I learned little by little. This person is truly evil, not just a jerk, so I learned to deal with the worst of the worst and came out the other side. For those kinds of reasons, I did not intervene, Lesley dear.

          1. amiannLesley

            I understand free speech, but there is no working it out when one person will not stop attacking. She was out for blood. I am going to leave it alone now. As someone said to me, only the offender needs forgiveness. I would rather be offended than be the offender. Her comments threw me for a loop. I think that my comments concluded that most people are interested in sex and sexiness and there is nothing wrong with sexiness, as God created us and made NO mistakes. OH WELL.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            She was talking to Lon, not you, Lesley, I think. I did not delete it because one of the most valuable lessons I ever learned on LL was to ignore. Sometimes, I comment. Sometimes, I ignore totally. This lesson really helps with life, so I don’t want to prevent others from learning it.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thanks for understanding, Lesley. Just an example. One girl left LL and tried to do her own website. A person from LL who was obnoxious came one and kind of overtook her website. This person needed to be backed down but she did not know what to do, obviously, so she kind of ran away from the whole thing. I have learned how to deal with people who insult me. I have learned how to deal with people who bait me. This took 6 years and the very wise counsel of Randall, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude I can never repay. He truly helped me to mature. When you have a mother like mine( and yours, I think) you don’t learn to mature. You try not to lose your mind and that is a feat, unto itself. Randall allowed me to screw up time and time again and did not throw me away. I am almost crying as I write this. I learned how to deal with things from him and now I can have my own website. That is why I love LL so much and feel such a debt of gratitude for all it has given me. We, Cancer Moons, really love the people who are good to us, especially when we are really, really struggling. I guess all that to say why I think it is important to let people figure out how to handle things xxxxx

      1. amiannLesley

        Yes, and to be honest, everyone has spoken out of a passionate opinion before. And, I am sure that Brittany has feelings about the mixup. I don’t know, but I feel she may be quite young. Live and learn. Forgive and move on.

        Thank you, Ami

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          You are welcome, Lesley. To be really free( and no one can do it perfectly) one can not be driven by the opinion of others. The goal to get here is worth every struggle, in my opinion, dear one xx

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            Les,I think you only get there through going through lots and lots of attacks and having someone to help you deal with it such as a mentor. I had Randall on LL. He has been so good to me and he has really, really taught me a lot. He is a natural mentor. That is one of his gifts. He like to see people do well. Many people don’t lol I was attacked the other day and I started to respond and then I thought, why bother? Who knows what the person is going through and just ignore.

  6. amiannnany

    Hi Ami! I have read that actress natalie portman has lilith conjunct ascendant in Scorpio – she is very cute but does she emit raw sexuallity kind of thing. Probably most people find Angelina Jolie to be the sexiest( as per surveys by various magazines) and she has Venus conjunct the ascendant. So does Venus in cancer wins over lilith in Scorpio. In theory, the latter on ascendant must give a higher sex appeal. What do you think??

  7. amiannLon Spector

    Dear Ami,
    I never meant to be the cause of such dissention! In fact, you’ll find no
    greater defender of of women who are the victims of “slut shaming” then me.
    See what I wrote on The Caylee Daily web site the otherday against people
    who call Casey Anthony a “skank,” and a “hoe.”
    Today’s woman is NOTHING but a VICTIM of a culture and a MEDIA that is hell
    bent on promoting immoriality for PROFIT. REAL PEOPLE are being KILLED as a
    result of this. You “kill” their MORALITY then they kill their OWN children for the
    sake of being with a man! Isn’t that what “christian” (?) Susan Smith did a few
    years back?
    My mother always said that a woman with young children should NEVER
    remarry because the new husband would likely abuse his stepchildren.
    Men don’t like providing for another man’s children because they feel threatened
    by them!
    Christianity can’t compete with the “God” of sex! I’m sure you did EVERYTHING
    possible to save your son, but a media brainwashed JEZZIBELL/DELIGHA led to
    his undoing!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You can have your voice, Lon, as everyone can. When people get close as some of us are on here, there will be fights. That is part of life. I tried to live a sanitized life and it didn’t work, so now I try to live an authentic one 😀

  8. amiannadele

    Hi ami,
    was wondering if you could help me understand these aspects in my synastry chart with someone…
    1-my Child, lilith, north node Conjunct there Child, eros, valentine.
    2-my valentine and black moon lilith conjunct there asc.
    3-my sun, Mc conjunct there vertex.
    bearing in mind these all fall in our dominant houses of scorpio, cancer, 5th and 8th house.
    ……pretty much in love xx

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      With Child conj Child, were you born close in time. If so, this would be less important.HOWEVER, personal points like the NN, ASC and vertex are very important. So, I would that the NN conj would make for a truly lovely relationship filled with passion, true love and deep, simple and honest affection.

      The ASC would be your bringing him deep and true love plus raw sexuality.

      The vertex would be you bringing him confidence and a boost in his self esteem. This is truly, truly amazing synastry, Adele dear.

  9. amiannLon Spector

    It all comes down between being “in the world.” or, raising ABOVE “the
    If the Word of God is truthful, then the TRUE CHRISTIAN should be given
    power to live in a Godly fashion. We will NEVER be perfect, but we CAN
    be directed by God’s Spirit. In fact, the TRUE Christian is ONLY directed by
    God’s spirit!
    I don’t know about that Jewish/Massonic “church” that you attended years ago,
    but like many such institutions, they probably tacked evangelical Christianity
    onto “reform” Judisam. The “rabbi” was probably a “Fawell” type.
    Extreme evangelical christanity tacked onto “pigeion” Judism, to make Jews
    feel comfortable.
    You were probably taught the typical “Hal Linsay” things like political conservatism
    the immenent end of the world, the need to do “good works,” eternal life,
    Heaven/Hell etc…
    The pastor I’m sure was a sincer man, but, as with many contempary “christians,”
    misinformed. He made you throw away your Astrology books, for example.
    There probably were a lot of crosses in view, (You mentioned that your son got a
    cross tattoo.) And drawings of long haired Jesus.
    Jesus was NOT crucified on a cross. He was crucified on a living tree. Jesus DID
    NOT have long hair. Paul says long hair is disgraceful on a man. Also, there is no
    “right day” to attend church. We don’t go TO the Church. We ARE the Church!
    We are intimately connected to Christ’s “body,” like a wife is connected to her
    husband’s body!
    So to conclude, IF a person be joined to Christ, they are a BRAND NEW
    creation! They are provided with POWER to ABSTAIN, so they can live
    There is no need to “fish” for converts using the “bait” of S-E-X!

  10. amiannLaura

    Hey! I would like to know that if my AS in 5 degrees 51 minutes in Gemini and asteroid Lilith is in 0 degrees 32 minutes in Gemini, would they be seen as in conjunct and would it affect my appearance? Also, is having my Venus 21 degrees 39 minutes in Taurus in 12th house (+ trine MC) somehow influencing my AS? I know that orb is really wide, so they wouldn´t definitely be conjunct, but since it is in Gauqelins´ zone and in its ruler Taurus, perhaps it would not be completely unnoticed?

    Thank you for answering 🙂


    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Laura and Welcome!

      ASC and Lilith is too wide imo

      I don’t understand The Venus and MC aspect. Could you tell me the orb? In this case, your career may be in the field of beauty such as clothing design, home decorating. You may have beauty from this Venus though cuz Lilith conj the MC is super sexy as is Lilith conj the ASC

      1. amiannLaura

        Thank you for your response, Ami!

        Orb between Venus and MC (Capricorn) is 39 minutes + Venus is also trine Jupiter and Neptune, which are conjunct MC (both by 5 degrees). I also have Uranus in my 10th house. All together they are quite confusing 😀

        Oh, and could you please explain, how would BML conjunct IC in Cancer (only aspected by a square from NN and sextile from Venus) play out in a person? (rest of the 4th house is empty). There doesn´t seem to be much information about that specific placement.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Jup and Nep conj the MC make for a happy vibe you have and also a dreamy one and an idealistic one. You would be very attractive with Venus trine the MC.

          BML conj the IC–I am not sure. Was your home very sexualized?

  11. amiannLivingMystery

    Well well well my sumptuous fruity Peach, how can one stay away for such a time when receiving such award and honours from your great self. Your smoooithness knows no bounds. Mmmwah. As for that other bongo brain Mr Spector, time to get out and smell those colorful roses- a new spectacle, instead of spectating. Your heart and words are in the right place buddy, but your delivery and context is fuckin woeful. Lose the highlights and the inverted quotations-they’ve gone viral lol.

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