Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part Two—-Jupiter

384195_374465509286573_1514504190_nPeople seemed to like my first part very much, so here comes the second.  To review, Saturn restricts. Saturn makes you doubt yourself. Saturn makes for low self esteem. Saturn makes for struggle. Jupiter, on the other hand, is the opposite. If Saturn is the Wicked Witch of the West. Jupiter is Glinda, the beautiful, charming and lovely Witch of the East.

That which Jupiter touches  becomes enchanted. Fortunate is the person who has Jupiter conjunct the ASC or MC. Right off the bat, you can know that this will be a popular person. When a person is chosen for Miss Popularity, run for the charts. The reason this Jupiter- enhanced native is popular is because Jupiter is the quintessential feel good planet. Popular people make others feel good. These positive vibes create charisma. Jupiter is the planet of charisma. Hence, let’s explore some of the possibilities where you may be dusted with fairy dust in your chart.

Before we leave the angles(ASC, IC, DSC, and MC), lets talk about the two remaining. The fortunate native who has Jupiter conj the IC will have had a blessed childhood. The native who has Jupiter conjunct the DSC will look for a partner who vibes positivity. The native, herself, may not be positive. She may not have access to this part of her. Hence, she looks for it in the partner. This is a classic rule of thumb for anything that conjuncts the DSC.

If Jupiter touches you in your Sun, you will have a boost of self confidence. Jupiter is brimming with self confidence and it is not an obnoxious kind of self confidence. It is a true and humble kind of self confidence which inspires the respect of others. Hence, Jupiter conjunct the Sun will have this trait as a prominent part of his personality. Jupiter conjunct the Moon will shine from the inside. It will be like a little lamp which is lit in the heart. One can see it through the eyes because the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Jupiter conjunct Venus will make the native radiate love. I love this placement and can, often, feel it in others. It is a kiss from the gods to be able to radiate love. Jupiter conjunct Mercury will give a positive vibe to anything the person communicates. Jupiter conjunct Mars will make the person go after his goals with a vital energy.

Just an interesting aside, I was surprised to find that Jupiter worsens a negative asteroid. I had this on my mind for a long time. What would Jupiter do to an asteroid such as Nessus, which is the asteroid of the abuser? Jupiter makes it worse, not better.  The reason is that Jupiter enlarges what it touches. A perfect analogy would be a tumor. Tumor growth is bad not good. Hence, when Jupiter touches a negative asteroid, the asteroid grows like a tumor. I know this is a terrible analogy but I bet you will remember it 😀

I talked about some planets conjunct Jupiter, so let’s talk about some asteroids. I was surprised to find that Jupiter conjunct a negative asteroid made it more negative, as I said.  Hence, if a man has Nessus conjunct Jupiter, he will be a super abuser, not just an abuser. If a woman has Sedna conjunct Jupiter, she may have been betrayed very, very badly. Sedna is betrayal by men. If a woman has Medusa conjunct Jupiter, she may have been badly betrayed by women due to her beauty. In turn, she turned her bitterness on men. If  a person has Dejanira conjunct Jupiter, the native may be more victimized  because Dejanira is the asteroid of the victim. I think you get my drift.

Conversely, if Jupiter touches a lovely asteroid, the person will brim with the loveliness. Jupiter conjunct Apollo will make one  worshiped by others. If a person has Eros conjunct Jupiter, the person will vibe with erotic vibes. If a person has Sappho conjunct Jupiter, he will be very sexy but in a more understated way than Eros. He will have a refined, sexy vibe about him a  la Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly. If a person has Juno conjunct Jupiter, she will have lovely character with traits of loyalty and devotion. If a person has Vesta conjunct Jupiter, she will have a wonderful spirit of true self sacrifice. If a person has Jupiter conjunct Ceres, one will feel a wonderful unconditional love brimming from her.

If you want to discuss your Jupiter with me, please, please add the orbs. I can’t give you a good sense if I don’t know the orbs!





33 thoughts on “Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part Two—-Jupiter

  1. amiannzakiahakakatie

    I do love the series so far 😀 The Saturn article was extremely helpful as is this one! I have Jupiter in Aries in the 3rd house. Mercury square jupiter, mars square jupiter, jupiter square ASC, jupiter trine uranus, jupiter trine saturn, sun sextile Jupiter.

  2. amiannzakiahakakatie

    My orbs are as follows: mercury square jupiter at 9°38, mars square jupiter at 9°06, jupiter square ASC at 4°09, jupiter trine uranus at 2°15, jupiter trine saturn at 4°59, and sun sextile jupiter at 3°00 First time calculating orbs so forgive me if it difficult to read lol 😀

      1. amiannzakiahakakatie

        Yes haha I do feel that way at times. I definitely feel I can discipline myself when I want…afterall, I did have to be my own parent for the last half of my childhood. But it’s all good because God helped me through it 😀

  3. amiannLon Spector

    Jupiter opposite the Sun suppost to be good? It never was good for me!
    I could eat cake, candy and junk food by the bucketful. Because I had
    Mercury opposite Jupiter, my mouth always worked in overdrive. I said things
    people immeadiately pounced on. People didn’t laugh with me, they laughed AT

  4. amiannD

    Wow Ami you are in the creative zone ATM. The gates of your imagination have flooded, running wild with the wind. Well done. Jupiter hey. Now what would you say to a Jupiter/Adonis/venus conjunction? /just one more-the asteroid Devine and Narissitic of a lovely lady touch my north node four minutes apart. What would that mean-Devine Narisissim? Do enlighten me dear one 🙂

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I have not worked with Devine, Dan but Narcissus conj your NN is not good. It will feel bad, imo. She will have an out of control ego in the relationship imo

      1. amiannD

        Who is Dan? My name D :-). Thankyou for your words Ami. Nice to meet you. Was hoping Devine could negate Narisisstic. If not ill happily find another dame to adore me 😀

          1. amiannD

            Call me Dimple. D stands for it. It is interesting your comments. I have found in my experience that both women and myself cannot help but adore eachother. There seems to be only one thing more we worship about eachother…we know what that thing is dont we…all night devotion :D. Hey maybe your right about this astrology asteroid thing. I look forward to speaking with you again Ami, your so kind and loving towards me, I could cry tender tear drops…

  5. amiannNat

    Jupiter in the 5th, conjunct Cupido (almost exact), trine ASC (almost 3 degrees), trine MC (4 degrees). Sedna opposes Jupiter (exact orb). I could write a very dramatic, violent book about being betrayed by men. I always thought it was me… So I really am doomed?

  6. amiannSummer

    Hi Ami,
    How would you interpret Hera conjunct Jupiter?

    Thank you, love your site!

    My chart:
    IC 2 Virgo + Mercury 2 Virgo
    Venus 7 Virgo
    Jupiter 9 Virgo + Hera 9 Virgo

    p.s. Coincidentally (?) Mercury rules my ASC & IC.
    Jupiter rules my DSC, co-ruler MC.

  7. amiannstella

    i have jupiter conjunct venus and mars (in 12th house), which all of them trine moon, but regrettably, all of them square saturn as well. i don’t show emotion, compassion, and cheerfulness (just plain cold; especially when i’m working.), but once i offer smile and/or start talking comfortably to someone, they usually feel very appreciated and enjoy my company. i like cheer people up and do laugh a lot, and i’m glad that most (who has experienced the cheerful side of mine) think i’m actually very nice to talk to (:

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Are your 12th House planets within 10 degrees of the ASC. If so, I count them as 1st house. Jupiter conj Venus is one of my all time fave placements. They shine with big love which feels wonderful to others.

      1. amiannamiann Post author

        Venus trine Moon is pure charm. If you have true 12th House planets, this will be your biggest challenge. How close is the combust of Sun/Merc. The degrees are crucial.

  8. amiannmelissa

    Let’s see….Jupiter [and Fortune] in Taurus in the 6th House Aries
    Jupiter opposite AS 5°49′
    Jupiter opposite Pluto 6°18′
    Jupiter trine Saturn 3°08′

    and for asteroids….I believe these are all within 1 degree or so
    Jupiter sextile Ceres
    Jupiter sextile Hera
    Jupiter square Arachne
    Jupiter sextile Gilgamesh
    Jupiter opposite Anubis
    Jupiter square Lucifer [eek???]
    Jupiter square Nefertiti
    Jupiter conjunct Dionysus [does this mean I like to have feasts? Cause I DOOOO!]
    Jupiter square Themis
    Jupiter sextile Rocknroll [I will take this as a go ahead to start a band??]

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      With asteroids,the most profound ones are conjunctions but sextiles within a degree would count as important, too. You would be nurturing with Ceres and loyal with Hera. With Lucifer, you may have spiritual pride. This would mean you do not want to bend your knee to God but want to be your own God. The square would make this a struggle for you. Do you see it this way? I don’t know the other asteroids, so am not sure. Is Dionysus the same as Baachus? If so, you are wild 😀

  9. amiannLu

    Arghhhh… How i hate my birth chart… lol
    Those stelliun make everything harder to figure out.
    Jupiter that conjunct my pluto (5a) and conjunct my saturn (5s)
    that same saturn who conjuct my sun.
    Then, i dont know if jupiter (in libra 8th) turn my saturn (in libra 8th) worse into my sun, even why
    that sun is in detriment in libra in the 8th.

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