Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable–What Do They Mean?

candle demonDave came up with another great idea for an article. I did not realize that he( and many others) did not know how to read the chart’s symbols, so I will devote some articles to this. It is not really hard. Astrology is a language like any other and one has to learn it’s terms. That is all. Astrology does demand that one is rather serious in it’s study because it is a tremendous tool and it is  like the Universe makes you work for the honor of understanding it. It took me three years before it started coming together. After that, it has only gotten better and better like a fine wine. If you HAVE to understand Astrology, like I did, stick with it. It will be one of the best investments you ever made!

Now, onto the article. On the side of the natal chart is a little graph. It has the initials C, F and M. These are called the Quadriplicities. They give us important information about the native. I will try to explain what they give in this article.

Cardinal—C stands for Cardinal. The Cardinal signs are leaders. Keep this word in mind and you will have gone a long way to understanding. Cardinal signs will take charge. If there is a jury, the foreman will be high in Cardinal placements. If there is a team leader, he will be high in Cardinal placements. If there is an alpha male, he will be high in Cardinal placements. If there is a teenage girl who leads the group, she will be high in Cardinal placements. Cardinal placements are determined by which planets are in Cardinal signs. This extends to the ASC and MC, too. If I want to narrow it down for ease of understanding( and will get tomatoes thrown at me for it) Cardinal signs are the strong people of the Zodiac.

Lets look at which signs are Cardinal. They are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These signs are on the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses. Now, lets look at a Cardinal ASC. These people will be more likely to be leaders than the other Fixed or Mutable Signs, which I will get to in a minute. I am a Libra ASC and I tend to be a leader. When I was in high school, I was the leader of my group of girl friends. I don’t really give up my power in groups.

Lets look at other planets in Cardinal Signs. If one has personal planets in Cardinal signs, one will tend to be a stronger person. Hence, if one has the Sun in Aries, Moon in cancer, Mercury in Capricorn, Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries, one would be uber strong. One may have a career as a cop or a CEO. One would not play second fiddle to anyone.

Now, this is sort of funny, but in a dark way. If one wants to see if a person is abusive, the one with the Cardinal sign  on the ASC will tend to be more abusive than the others. This is because when he is abusive, he does it in a stronger way.

Let’s  look at Fixed Signs. The Fixed signs have a key word. It is stubborn. The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo,  Scorpio and Aquarius. They rule the 2nd, 5th and 11th Houses. People high in Fixed Signs will be more stubborn. What can I say? Check it out 😀

Last in this grouping are the Mutable Signs. These are the easy going signs.  These are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. I call them the Cheech and Chong “Whateeeeever” signs. These would be the kids on the back of the bus smoking a joint. These would be the people who if asked which restaurant they wanted would let YOU choose. They would say “Whateeever”  This group can adapt to change better than the others. If you are on a trip, you may rather travel with a Mutable person rather than a Fixed or Cardinal.

For each group, there are positives and negatives, as in all things in Astrology. This article was meant to be a fun way to understand the Quadriplicites. If you read my articles, you know, by now, that I exaggerate a bit for learning purposes and to make it fun. Please, don’t keep telling me this, again and again. I know 😀

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