Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Reading the Chart—The Elements

good vibesDave enlightened me that some of my readers do not understand the simple symbols on the Astrological Chart. I will be writing articles to try to help.I think one of my talents is to simplify and make topics  interesting and fun. I hope so because one has to learn the basic language of Astrology before it’s wonderful world can open to you. Here is to that end!

                  The Elements

In the little graph on the side, one will see F, A, E and W. These stand for the 4 elements–fire, air, earth and water. The importance of these cannot be overlooked. If one did a chart simply on these, one would gain a great deal of insight. Hence, let’s begin. Fire is confidence. Fire is joy. Fire is optimism. Fire is getting up after one has been defeated and trying, again and again and again.

Air is the intellect. Air is an interesting conversationalist. Air is smart. Air loves to read. Air has a wonderful sense of humor. Air is wit. The Air Sign will be the first to raise her hand in class and know all the answers. Can we say Teacher’s Pet?

Earth is practical. Earth will plan the details of the trip. He will have the passports ready and the itinerary down to the tee. Earth will pay the bills. Earth will be a shoulder to cry one when Air cannot come down to the ground.

Water is pure emotion. Water will cry with you when you have a loss. Water will offer you a warm hug, a cup of tea and an ear, for as long as you want it. Water understands pain. Water understands emotions. Water will not tell you to “get over” your depression. She will be by your side until it is through. That is a little slice of the elements. From there, we can mix and match OR see what happens when a person has none.

When I first started Astrology, I had to start somewhere, so I started with Element Voids. I am an Earth Void. When I discovered the nature of the Earth Void, I jumped for joy. I understood why I was so unlike other women in not caring for  matching dishes, decorating  houses and other practical things of the world.  When I did my college papers, I would pray I could organize them enough to get by. My house is always at some level of a mess. My closets are always at some level of  a disorganized mess.

Each Void has a classic signature. The Earth Void does not care for, nor is good with the practical details of life. The Fire Void struggles to motivate himself. He lacks the Element of Fire. Hence, he lacks a basic kind of passion for life that comes easily to the native high in fire. The Fire Void must push himself to overcome inertia and the blues. If any Void wants to stay in bed and not confront the day, it is the Fire Void. This is not his fault. It is the nature of his Void.

The Air Void lacks detachment. If you tell her she looks fat in that bathing suit, she will have beaten you to a pulp before she realizes that it was just your measly opinion and it doesn’t matter what you think.The Air Void lacks what  people who are high in air have–an ability to pull back and assess the situation without becoming involved. Air Voids take everything  personally. If a group of people are talking, the Air Void is sure that it is about her. The Air Void, also, may feel pent up and not able to communicate until it becomes critical mass and she blows. Hence, the Air Void is a natural pressure cooker due to the fact that she cannot communicate easily. This is not her fault.

The Water Void is the hardest, in my opinion. If people don’t like me, they will, usually, be Water Voids. I am talking about that intense dislike that seems to come from nowhere. I have Cancer Moon conjunct the MC, so I seem to reek of water. Some of the Water Voids find this offensive but one man’s passion is another man’s poison. When a person does not like you, or vice-versa, look to the charts and you will find your reason. Back to the Water Void.

The Water Void does not feel and/or process emotion as we do. They are a sort of an alien species. This is because they are low in empathy and the unspoken language of the human being is empathy. Hence, the Water Void is kind of an outsider, face pressed against the glass window, looking in. I find that many Water Voids get defensive when I say this. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but the element of Water is what it is. It is feeling. It is the heart. It is the emotions. The Water Void lacks an essential part of what it means to be human. Are they bad people? No. Are they different? YES. Hence, when one deals with a Water Void or a person with low water, one can understand why they do what they do( or do NOT do what one expects)  I have tried to explain the Voids. In doing so, I hope I have explained the elements to more of a degree by showing what life is like without one.

Back to the graph. If a native is high in Fire, you know he will be confident and enthusiastic. If a native is high in Air, you know he will be logical, detached and intellectual. If a native is high in Earth, you know he will be practical. if a native is high in water, you know he will be emotional and empathetic.  Look to the personal planets and see in which element they reside. The personal planets are the most personal to the native. They are the most core to the person’s soul. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. Next look to Jupiter and Saturn. Next to Uranus and Pluto. In this way, you can weight the importance of the elements in the life of the native.

I hope this article has helped. Please, ask any questions or comment on my Comment Form.

2 thoughts on “Reading the Chart—The Elements

  1. amiannBrittney

    Is it normal to have a lot of earth in the chart, but not resonate much if at all with this earth description? I have Sun, Moon, ASC, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all in earth signs, but I’m not really that practical, in fact, my Scorpio husband and Pisces mom are much more practical than I am. I hate planning, and even when I try to plan or make a list I always lose the list (figuratively and often literally) and just go with what comes up. I even lose my passport all the time (and have been needing to get my name changed on it for 3 years). All of my personal spaces are usually a mess because I just can’t seem to keep anything organized. And I’m just terrible with money and finances. I’ll leave it at that.

    Is there something wrong with me? Am I repressing my elements? I felt like I resonated with all the void descriptions, actually.

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