Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Pain Aspects in the Charts ( and Perhaps Why)

girl brightDave has Chiron conjunct the North Node and asked me if he was consigned to a life of pain. That is a hard question, as you can imagine. I can speak from experience about Chiron in synastry.  One of my relationships had Chriron conjunct the North Node. His Chiron was conjunct my NN, exact. I can tell you that the relationship had a pain theme. I did not know about Astrology when I entered it. I would not enter a relationship with Chiron conjunct the NN. I have counseled several people as such. The charts will play out.

If a person has Chiron conjunct the NN, will they have a life with a pain theme? Yes. Will every minute be pain? No. Can there be many, many joys? Yes. However, when one looks back at one’s life and tries to define it, pain will be one defining theme. This is through no fault of the person. It was his chart. His chart is from God, as are all of our charts. God numbers every hair on our heads. God has a plan for each person and that plan is GOOD. I promise you that. However, the earth suit may be hard. It is harder for some people than others, too. The charts show that. However, the people with the hard lives may be blessed because they get humbled and they can find God.

I want to talk about other pain aspects, though. Certain aspects stand out as uber hard. They seem to define the person,through no fault of the person, of course. I will talk about some.  The first would be Chiron conjunct the ASC which seems to be severe bullying. The closer the conjunction, the more severe the bullying. I have tried to figure out why this happens. The closest I can come to a reason is to note the behavior of chickens. If one chicken is bloody, the others will peck him to death. Most people do not have the guts to stand up. Hence, they will follow the crowd. If a person is getting bullied, they will jump in. This shows the sad state of the human soul

The hardest aspect in the chart, bar none, is Dejanira conjunct the Moon. This seems to fragment the person as a result of abuse. The person often becomes a BPD sufferer.

Lately, I have seen charts where the planets are squished together. One girl had 4-5 planets squished together in the second house.  I think it was Sun, Neptune, Venus and Saturn. I can’t remember the exact planets. However,then, she had a Sun/mercury combust. Her mother asked me to look at the chart. I was kind of taken aback because I could feel the pain and the sense of the pressure cooker in which the girl lived. She had Aspergers.

I talk about the Sun/Mercury combust a great deal. I think it is one of the hardest aspects in the chart, especially when it is exact or close. The person is caught up in themselves such as a little golf ball with all the rubber bands within. If you have ever opened a gold ball, you can see that it has thousands of rubber bands holding it together. The living on top of oneself nature of the combust is the same.

Voids can be very hard especially if they are exacerbated but other aspects which mimic the Voids. I will give an example. One person had an Air Void and a full squished together 3rd House. Hence, he was pent up from communicating from both of these sources. Indeed, he felt like a pressure cooker. He had Aspbergers, too.

Another hard situation is when a person as a Void and the Void element as the ASC. I have noticed that this makes for a kind of split in the person. People see the person as having the element in a strong way, yet they do not have the element, at all. Hence, other people are confused, as well as is the person, himself.

Certain Asteroids spell P-A-I-N. The hardest place for a painful asteroid is conjunct the Moon. Think of your guts. Think of your core. The Moon is both your guts and your core. The Asteroid Sado conjunct the Moon makes for a person who is sadistic as naturally as breathing. If the conjunction is close, the person will have little understanding of it. Other people will know. Believe me. My mother has Sado conjunct the Moon, exact.

The Asteroid Medusa is jealousy from other women. It results in some sort of destruction of the native because she is beautiful. Yet, she turns her hatred on men. I have seen this play out in women who have a strong Medusa asteroid.

The Asteroid Sedna, on the other hand, is betrayal by men, starting with the father and moving forward. The betrayal is bone chillingly severe.

The Asteroid Nessus is the Asteroid of the abuser. Our fine president, Obama, has this. A person with Nessus conjunct the Moon( or any other pivotal part of the chart such as the Sun or the ASC) will be an abuser, in my opinion. In rare cases, a person can transmute this energy for good. However, I think I have seen one, only, and it was by her self report. God can change any chart, though, and this goes for Nessus or any other Asteroid.

When the Child Asteroid is very stressed, one can know that the childhood was hard. My Child Asteroid conjuncts Deja, the asteroid of the victim. I would be victimized. It is set in stone, in a way. I was. Hence, one needs to look and see what touches the Child Asteroid to understand the childhood of the native. If it is Chiron, for example, the person had a childhood of utter pain. If it is Sedna, the person was betrayed by the father badly. If it is Nemesis. The Child had an enemy in her life.

I know I have just scratched the surface, as usual. However, I don’t like the articles to get too long, so I will stop here and look forward to your Comments!


66 thoughts on “Pain Aspects in the Charts ( and Perhaps Why)

      1. amiannStephanie

        It’s brought out a lot of hidden emotions, that to didn’t know I was carrying. It’s help bring them to the surface, so that I can deal with them and move forward with a better understanding.

  1. amiannmergie

    I have chiron cj my decendant. My brother chiron cj my asc.
    We are each others healer. We both know we came for each other… However he is against astrology and has kept his distance because so. It’s funny as he is deployed and I had a crisis with my tween and he out of nowhere calls our mom and ask what is going on with me. He sensed my pain as I am able to sense his. It’s weird it’s awkward it’s does not get talked about but we are aware.
    I am looking for some asteriod to use for a wicked mother in law. Any suggestions?

  2. amiannGagaMonster

    I loved this article! I can find myself in it.
    Now it’s clear. I have Medusa on 7 degrees Scorpio, and Moon 3 degrees Scorpio. It’s still conjunction, am I right? I was always abnormaly jealous on every girl I met. Jealous to the point Where I can’t control it.

    And I have Sedna on 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Saturn 17 degrees Taurus. Both are retrograde. I feel it’s not good. Can you tell me something about it?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thanks Gaga. Nothing makes me as happy as when someone likes my articles! 4 degrees is wide for an asteroid but you seem to feel it, so in this case, 4 degrees still fits. Perhaps, the Moon makes it stronger. I bet it does. The Sedna/Saturn would be a real struggle with betrayal from men. Does that fit?

      1. amiannGagaMonster

        Hmm idk, I didn’t experienced it yet. And, hopefully, I won’t. Sorry for replying little late, I was so busy!

  3. amiannLivingMystery

    I have the themes of Chiron conjunct my NN. Ophiuchus the serpent bearer: Ophiuchus is Chiron the snake charmer, and lilith is the snake.

      1. amiannLovinbgMystery

        Exactamundo! Hehe. Plenty of stuff on the net about Ophiuchus. I believe you need to balance Chiron up. It seems to be all pain with you and very little healing. Chiron is a healer too.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I know that Chiron heals BUT the Chiron in synastry in relationships seem to break up the relationships for long term use, anyway, or if they stay, it seems to be unending kind of pain. I suppose who would find God without pain? Who would grow without pain, too lol

          I have a grand trine of Venus, the ASC and Chiron. I use pain and love in my life to heal myself and others. It is all there in that one aspect lol

          1. amiannLovingMystery

            I hear you and you seem to be answering your own questions too hehe. Chiron in synastry can work long term if there are other conjuncting aspects. My soul partner of eight years now has her SN on my Sado and Chiron and Sun. Her NN has Baccus exact her NN and my uranus conjuncts her NN so all can even out, sex is wild lol

  4. amiannLovingMystery

    I hear u again hehe. Yes SN. And yes SN seems also very different to you and most astrologers too. Past lives: I find it extraordinary Peachy Weachy that past lives don’t fit your actuality. Or has this changed? You will have to give me your reasons and or your reasons to why u dont know if that is true.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I love when you call me that. You are so cute! Ok, I don’t believe in past lives. I see the SN as what we are comfortable with, like what we have mastered i.e what comes easily to us.

      1. amiannLovingMystery

        If u don’t believe in past lives then to me what your effectively saying is that the everlasting soul only incarnates into formation once. As in every soul has the same blueprint irrespective of their own consciousness level and learning capacity.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          The Bible says once born and once to die. I think we are “sent” here for one purpose and that is to find Jesus and help others find him. I don’t think this life is an evolution of our consciousness etc. That is a New Age concept. I think everything we need to know is written in the pages of the Bible and a sincere desire to understand will yield it’s wealth just as in Astrology. Astrology does not jump out and give you it’s wisdom. You have to work for it through sincere study. The same is true for the Bible. When that happens, the Bible becomes alive to you and you don’t need or want other teachings . Like Paul Newman said, “Why should I cheat with hamburger when I have steak at home?” 😀

          1. amiannLovingMystery

            Understand dear that the Bibles purpose is for the Salvation of man through Jesus Christ where by man who cannot save him/herself surrenders to god as saviour. Buddha who you then are saying is wrong came for the purpose of enlightenment whereby a saviour isn’t required. Enlightenment and salvation are different avenues altogether. All can be saved, however enlightenment is rare.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Well said, my brilliant friend! However, all these “enlightened” people are really not. They are in darkness with the veneer of enlightenment. If you scratch it, darkness exudes. Satan is an angel of light. Remember that.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      How do you see Buddha?
      I mean, these guys, Buddha etc, have great things to say. That is because they must APPEAR as filled with light, just as Satan was the most beautiful creature ever created. These false religions do not appear dark or no one would be attracted to them, Dan dear.

  5. amiannLovingMystery

    There feels like a strong sense of hostility towards anything that isn’t bound in the bible. As if it doesn’t exist. As if The Bible has a copyright on God.

      1. amiannLovingMystery

        “It is Dan dear” feels like a violent kindness. I’m sorry that you deny Krishna and Buddha as Lord consciousness.

          1. amiannLovingMystery

            Jesus is my lord and saviour. I worship him. Jesus, Gautama and Krishna all resonate the same lord consciousness so in essence they’re all no different. However all three have different purposes. My purpose here on Earth is to bring Jesus and Buddha into the same place of worship. I’m here to bring salvation and enlightenment together.

  6. amiannLovingMystery

    Buddha is a quality of consciousness darling and not just a name lol. Just as Christ too is a quality and not just a name. So when I say Christ and Buddha I’m referring the quality of their own consciousness awareness and not just them as their human incarnation. Thus I worship Jesus Christ incarnate for the purpose of my soul. But for my purpose of enlightenment I worship Christ the consciousness and not the Son of Man.

      1. amiannLovingMystery

        🙂 Christ the Consciousness is the Son Of God before he came into the world as the Son of Man. So the penny finally drops for you, I’m saying that the return of Christ is both salvation as son of man and enlightenment as son of god. Now my question to you is do you believe the Son’s second coming is already upon us?

          1. amiannLovingMystery

            And it looks like u need to study for another 20years lol. You are a great teacher of Jesus and yet u dont even know his presence suddenly now. If you don’t believe what I say about Jesus what hope do I have that you may look if even for a few brief seconds outside of your own country.

          2. amiannLovingMystery

            Best to put your scriptures down darling and know the Son simply by direct experience. I have hardly opened a Bible in this life and still the Son shows himself to those who are deemed unworthy by Christian standards.

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            Oh My Goodness

            You are deceived, Dan. No one is too good or too exalted not to study the Bible to learn of God.

  7. amiannLovingMystery

    Misunderstanding me again darling. In fact I was implying the opposite. What 8 weeks of bible reading now compared to a lifetime of reading by your good self and well I could go on but you know more than me don’t u darling? Hehe…so I think it best to leave it alone now.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      We don’t have to leave it alone, Dan. You are my Bud and we can discuss things. In my opinion, one must really study the Bible, try to walk it out and also try to contact Jesus personally. It is three fold. The people who say they don’t need the Bible and can just contact Jesus personally are headed for trouble imo. The Word IS God. He is the Living Word, so all are really one, Dan, as I see it.

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      I think the people who shun any part of the 3 part “process” to know God will come up with error. Some people are too intellectual in studying the Bible and don’t experience God. Some don’t know the Bible and want all to be experiential. It is one and can’t be broken apart. I don’t know if I am misunderstanding you, Dan. I may be. If so, I am sorry! <3

      1. amiannLovingMystery

        I get what your saying about the three part process, and thankyou for sharing. And again I have to say your right, however what you say isn’t absolute. It doesn’t have to be absolute. I came to Jesus or may I say that Jesus as God came to me who had never even touched a bible or visited a church. It’s different for those who see God outside of bible study. God experience can be used through other avenues, especially the avenues you yourself call false. Lol

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I agree 10000% that God can reach you where you are. He is coming to Muslims in dreams now. However, once He finds you, you need to study His Word cuz He IS His Word.

          1. amiannLovingMystery

            I preferred to write his word. Writing it was my study. Reading it comes and goes. Writing it is ongoing.

  8. amiannLovingMystery

    My Jesus was the study of enlightenment for some 7 years before turning to lucifer. Due to the need for my soul needing to be saved a couple of months ago I then turned to the bible. My Jesus unlike yours exists also outside of the bible. And therein lies the fundamental difference between u and me.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I found Jesus through Stephen King and the book The Stand, my all time fave book. I real all of King until Misery when he got commercialized. All his books are about the struggle between good and evil and this is what brought me to Jesus, so I am a LOT more out of the box than you think, my gorgeous friend.

      1. amiannLovingMystery

        Yes your showing a nice polarity :-)…. Astro wizard, Stephen king maestro, singer??, and right wing fundamentalist Jesus nut freak! Hahaha. You know I’m only joking. But I heard you were a singer. Can you sing wow. One of these years I would love to hear you song away :D.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          You are so sweet. Maybe, i could do a little snippet on Vacaroo for you. I will have to fool with it this week and see how it sounds. Thanks for caring, Dan! xx

  9. amiannLovingMystery

    I pick up a pen ha. I will keep this part to myself only to be shared when I come public as nothing I can say to you now would carry any weight darl.

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