Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Mohammad Zoabi, One of the World’s Truly Remarkable people

Just when you think you can put everybody in a box, you find this.







It was the end of the school year
I was getting ready for my History Bagrut exam
I was doing some teen craps
I only expressed my mind, something that every person can do in democratic countries like Israel
I showed sympathy for the 3 Innocent Israelis who were kidnapped by terrorists
I got attacked, criticized and threatened by Arabs and Anti Israelis from all over the globe among them was; MK Haneen Zoabi
My mom reported the police, I had security around me and I had to move to a secured place.
I googled my name in English, I saw breaking news; Israeli Arab teen makes waves after slamming the kidnapping
I googled my name is Hebrew; MK relative Mohammad Zoabi is a proud Zionist-Upsets his Family
I googled my name in Arabic…..I wish I haven’t, I saw; Videos on me being kidnapped and killed, Shameful pictures on me with unbelievable descriptions.
All existed only for speaking up for the Middle East’s only Democracy and speaking up against terrorism
All that was short while before I was informed by reliable security sources that my life is in danger and that there’s an attempt to kidnapp me to the PA Ter. and harm me,
It took me a while to realize it all; I reviewed my self and my beliefs but found nothing wrong about them.
I reviewed the way I expressed my mind; its not the best way but at least I’m not encouraging hate the way Haneen Zoabi does
What i have done was, speaking up my mind, defending my country and my people; I mean if I wouldnt be able to express my love to my country inside my country where else could I express it?
My name is Mohammad Zoabi, 16 year old Israeli Zionist Arab Muslim;
Israeli-I was born in a country called Israel; same way French are born in France, Iranians in Iran. And hell yeah i’m proud for being Israeli
Zionist-Simply I believe in the Jewish people’s right of self determination in their homeland; The land of Israel
Arab-My 1st mother language is Arabic; My Ethnic background is Arab.
Muslim-I believe in one God and respect all God’s prophets and religions; Moses(Judaism), Jesus(Christianity) and Mohammad(Islam)
I see myself as a human being above anything else,a human being who wants to create a better world for all
I Mohammad Zoabi announce that I’m ready to give up my life for the sake of a better future for us, our children and all the coming generations of Mankind.
May Israel be blessed
May peace come upon us and all our Middle Eastren neighbors
May we have a better future full of Peace, love and a want to Co-exist
Always remember; No matter how different we are, we are eventually Human beings who very soon may release the last breath and give the world’s responsibility for the new generation
Remember; Life is too short to have enemies
May you all be blessed,
Praying for a better world for all;

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