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If Anyone Has Questions about God and No One to Ask—-Ask Here

I don’t care if it seems like a stupid question. No sincere questions are stupid. If you are wondering about something, but never had a place to ask, ask anonymously. I have studied the Bible for over 15 years. If I cannot answer, I will try to find the answer for you. Write on the Comment Form with your questions. I will be happy to respond.

2 thoughts on “If Anyone Has Questions about God and No One to Ask—-Ask Here

  1. amiannRuth E Velasco

    I am interested in knowing how the devil is working behind the scenes in people’s lives. I want to know how the devil and his followers are influencing people through politics, media, etc, and examples of how people are following or being influenced by the devil. I hear that we are in the last days, and I want to know how people are becoming more corrupt during this time.

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