Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

A Mini Miracle

I want to share something with you. I err on the side of not talking about Jesus. I don’t think He needs to be hawked like a bargain basement item. I have friends I have to push out of my house because they won’t stop preaching.I am not like that. If I go out, I talk about all sorts of things and want to have a good time. As such, I did not share an excessive amount about God on my website because I was using the same mentality.However, I got a sense that I was to share more . I asked God to show me a sign. Last night I had 7 233 page views. Today, it is up to over 7500. I feel so wonderful because God made Himself known to me. Perfect love casts out fear. Perfect love means God’s love. If one knows He is there, even in the smallest things, one need not be afraid.

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