Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

More on the Asteroid Echo

Astrology could be studied for ten lifetimes and one would never plumb the depths of it. It is like the Bible, in that way. Astrology is almost a living breathing entity, as is the Bible. However, I understand Echo from my own chart. I have it conjunct my ASC. My life has been a singular struggle to find my own voice. You see, Echo does not have her own voice. She exists as a shadow for Narcissus. Echo does not care for her own individuality. She only cares to make the object of her dreams, Narcissus, love her. As such, the singular purpose of a human being for development of himself and to go forward in the world, is lost to Echo. Of course, Echo does not have to co- exist with Narcissus in a natal chart. Echo is it’s own Asteroid and has it’s own properties.


I suppose the sad thing about Echo is that she will find a Narcissus, as this is how she views herself, as someone’s appendage. There are no shortages of Narcissus’ when an Echo is looking for one. The Asteroids lie in our unconscious until we dredge them up, usually with the help of Astrology. Many are the Jung archetypes, although I do not see how a therapist can help someone, as profoundly as needed,without the aid of the chart. The chart is like a recipe detailing oneself, as surely as one would need a recipe to make a gourmet meal. Back to Echo,though. I think Echo is a singular factor in depression. If one cannot sing one’s own song, one will be depressed. Echo sings the song of the beloved, not herself. She mourns for the beloved because she does not exist without him. The beloved may have been a parent, and often is. However, the person with the prominent Echo looks for the parent in anyone and everyone.That is the nature of Echo, in my humble opinion.

10 thoughts on “More on the Asteroid Echo

  1. amiannsweet-scorpion

    I’ve been interested in Echo lately, since I was reading up on mythology again.

    I have Echo in my 8th, trine my Scorpio NN-Venus-Jupiter, sextile Chiron. I find it more interesting that it trines my Scorp Juno more than anything else. But I’m having a hard time making sense of what Echo means for me… if I have it in an easy aspect to my personal planets, and also my destiny point the NN, what could it mean? That I’m destined to find my own voice through groups since they are all in the 11th house, and that it’ll provide healing to my Chironic wound?

    All in all this is quite an interesting asteroid with many possibilities. 🙂 Great article.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hmm Well, if you have an asteroid or something like Chiron in a trine, it STILL makes an impact on you, but you can deal with it better than a square, as the energy flow is easier. I would say that you would learn to use your voice, as a result of a partner and as one of your goals. Hmm-as far as the house, I am not sure about that, with respect to this. I think the 8th House is the pivotal house, here, as it holds the Chiron.

  2. amiannNailah D

    Very Interesting. I just learned about the Greek nymph Echo, today. I have Echo in the 3rd house in Capricorn, and trine my Mercury, and opposition my Mars. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and a poet. I had many poems just sitting around. To afraid too show anyone. But, once I did I felt really…relieved. Just like you said not being able to sing one songs.
    I hate to ask: However, I curious.
    As Christian, can you be pagan?
    Because history, shows that Christians thought most deities were demons.
    Nailah D

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Welcome Naliah
      No, as a true Christian( and it is rare imo) you cannot be a pagan. Come join my Forum and you can put up your chart. Hope to see you there 😀

      1. amiannNailah D

        Thank you, Amiann for responding. And, I’ll join the forum. I wouldn’t consider myself a Christian.
        But, considering your blog is named Mychristianpsychic, I was just curious.
        I also believe that anything possible, religion wise. However, I would consider myself more of a pagan.
        And also, sorry for all the typos.. late at night etc.. Astrology binge. I’m pretty sure you’ve been there.. lmao.

  3. amiannmiss

    Hi Ami! How are you? :)Can you answer me please -want to understand this asteroid-you may feel it if you have it on your asc.
    1)What do you think may mean echo conjuncts desc and jupiter.May it create a dependant person,because it opposes his asc or it may affect on the “wanted spouse”-seeking for his Narcissus or for his Echo?
    2) If there is a conjunction of Narcissus (A) and Echo (B) in synastry the orb is 2.8 it is significant?These asteroids are not prominent in peoples own charts.Also B’ s Narcissus opposes A’s venus.
    What kind of relationship it may be if we look only on these aspects?Asking cause it is kind bi-polar…..
    3)In another synastry the asteroid echo is prominent in both charts: Boy has Echo conjunct his Sun Girl has it conjunct jupiter and desc, in their synastry : her echo-jupiter-desc conjunct his north node and her Saturn conjunct his ECHO-SUN.What can it mean?Will they be dependant in each other or what? Were you dependant on people who conjunct your Echo or were you always seeking for a person with prominent Nessus on your planets? Just want to understand the energy of these two asteroids!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Friend
      That is a lot
      Do you want to post your chart and then ask the questions. If not, I will have to take each part one by one and try to answer. I will be back tomorrow to look!

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