Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The North Node in the Astrological Chart

The North Node(NN) is totally fascinating. It shows one’s life goal, life purpose. It does this by both sign and house. The sign in which the NN resides shows traits to which one should aspire . If your NN is in Sag, for example, you need to be more adventurous, take more risks, be more optimistic and more confident . If your NN is in Cancer, you need to be more of a nurturer and give your heart to your home and family

The house which holds the NN shows which area is the most aspirational. If you have the NN in the 2nd house, you need to be more practical in the every day world. You need to make better friends with the day to day, practical world. If you have the NN in the 12th house, you need to be more mystical. You need to make better friends with the next dimension: the dimension of spirituality, mysticism and creativity.

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