Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Christianity—The Narrow Road?

People like to call Christians narrow minded The road to the true God is narrow. Few will find it. The road to destruction is wide. Many will find it.It is a sad state of events. In this last age, more Christians are getting psychic powers. These psychic powers are nothing more than Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Christians do not use the word psychic. They call it the Gift of Discernment or the Gift of Wisdom. However, the Holy Spirit promises to show us things to come.If that is not psychic,,what it? Back to the narrow road. God knows what people will do before they do it. However, people have free will. This may seem like an oxymoron but it is not.With God, there is no time and space as we know it. One just has to adjust the notion of time.Most people will not find the true God. Few will. The Bible says this.In these last days, God is promoting Himself more as the time is short. That is why more people are having public pulpits like Tim Tebow. That was no accident. It was not accidental that it is happening in these last days. God does not want any man to perish. God gives every man a multitude of chances but each man has free will. Each man can choose to find God or not.

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