Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Unaspected Mercury—Practical Thoughts

I wrote about the nature of Unaspected Planets in other articles.Unaspected Planets are buried and will stay in their infantile state if not taken up from the buried state. Lets try to look at Mercury. Mercury includes all activities of the mind from thinking to communicating. Mercury in Gemini works well. That is Mercury’s Domicile or Home. Mercury is in it’s Detriment in Sagittarius. Mercury is Exalted in Virgo. Mercury is in it’s Fall in Pisces. Gemini and Virgo are cerebral signs in which Mercury takes to as a fish in water. Sagittarius is too much of a mover and shaker for cerebral Mercury. Sagittarius loves adventure. Jupiter loves Sagittarius but Mercury does not. Pisces is a good example of a hard placement for Mercury as it is easy to see why.Pisces is non linear. Pisces arrives at conclusions through a right brain process i.e. intuitive. Mercury likes pure logic and reason. Mercury feels good with linear left brain thinking. As such, you can see how Mercury could struggle swimming in the waters of otherworldly Pisces. I say all this as a prelude to understanding the Unaspected Mercury.

With the Unaspected Mercury, we do not have the Domicile or the Fall. We have a baby Mercury. He is like a fetus. He is impressionable and can invent and create his Mercury as he sees fit. However, in the process he may flail . He may fly : wobbly as a baby bird pushed from the nest. The Unaspected Mercury is reputed to be awkward with words. He is reputed to be awkward with speech. He may be awkward with all manners of communication, both written and verbal. However, if he persists he will surpass others. He will have a mark of genius. He will be unique in his personal expression. That will be his reward for his struggles.

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