Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Intimacy (In–to–Me–See)

In-to- me -see. That says it. Can you even bear to look at yourself, let alone let someone else see you? I asked God about this and God gave me a vision. It was not a way out vision.It was not airy fairy.It was simply a picture of me being whole talking to someone. I was whole. That was the point of the vision. I asked Him when I would be ready to share myself with someone? The answer was when I was whole. What am I trying to say? I guess that the journey to wholeness is singular. It would feel better if the journey were not. It would not feel as lonely. However, it is singular. I suppose it is you accepting all of you. It seems so daunting, so impossible. However, how can we share if we have not made that singular journey to unknown parts of ourselves?

4 thoughts on “Intimacy (In–to–Me–See)

  1. amiannDL

    maybe “being whole” is more of a feeling than some religious enlightenment….
    like feeling that one is in peace with oneself

    there was one time when i was talking with a friend on a bus about many things… from the deep to the really silly subjects…. and for a moment i felt like i was ok with everything i have and with everything i am and this feeling just came out of nowhere but it felt good and gave my self-esteem a big boost

    but im no master in interpreting visions and im sure you will find what it really meant one way or another

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Aw DL. Yes, I had a moment like that. It was several hours, when all things were in the right order and most especially I was, too. <3 <3

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You know, I was despairing, too, before I read your posts and felt that I was not alone. I despair of getting over this huge level of anxiety which flips to depression and makes me feel like I have to drag myself off the floor. I HEAR YOU BB. Don’t be alone, anymore. Come and join us, Baby.

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