Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Survival Kit To The End Times

You must be able to hear the Voice of God and you must be able to hear it, for yourself. I can’t tell you how many times God has saved me. I can’t tell you how many times I have done something that made no sense, at the moment, but turned out to be a safe house, in the future.

God will save you from shame and embarrassment, too. The only sure thing in times of madness( in which we now stand) is a clear channel between you and God.

The very first thing is to get Born Again. This process is the exchange of God’s Spirit for your own. That is why one can feel God’s love in Born Again people. God lives inside them.

After this, immerse yourself in the Bible. The Bible is a mirror of who you are.

At this point, you can learn to discern the sound of God’s Voice from your own. Study and study the difference, as there is one.

Then, follow God’s Voice.

We may be called to lose some of our freedoms. We may be spurned and rejected. I think we will be.

Look to Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep your eyes on Heaven, your true home.

The people that hate you can’t see the truth. Their eyes are blinded. They won’t understand when you try to explain. Seeing God’s love in you is the only way to reach unsaved people whose hearts are hardened.

At any rate, please get Born Again. Study the Bible. Listen for God’s Voice.

Love to you,


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