Did you feel like you were going crazy? You were losing your mind? This is all part of the sociopath’s crazy making behaviour. The sociopath will always accuse you of doing the very thing that they are guilty…
Addictions Based on Your Sun Signs
This seems to have quite a bit of truth in it 😀 https://www.facebook.com/moonit?fref=photo
Women who Attracted To Abusive Men
As always, I write about what I know. I wish I didn’t know this subject but I do. I know I am not alone in this because many of my clients are in the same position, as are many of…
WHAT IS YOUR INTUITIVE TYPE? Physical? Spiritual? Emotional? Mental?
Do you resonate with a SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE? Do you resonate with a MENTAL INTUITIVE? Do you resonate with an EMOTIONAL INTUITIVE? https://www.facebook.com/connectiontocreative
Men and Women’s Very Different Idea of Perfect Bodies
These four body images, comprised of celebrities’ best features, reveal the staggering differences in how men and women perceive the perfect body. A new survey has gathered the preferences of both genders, creating ‘body beautiful’ composites using the physical attributes…
Behind the Glamor of Being a Sociopath
There is a glamor to being a sociopath. Should there be? I suppose not but human beings are not how they should be. Are they? I think every woman is attracted to the sexy vampire. Some won’t admit it. Denial…
15 Ways To Know You Are Dealing With a Sociopath
Bea asked me this question. It is a good one. I will try to talk from my experience, rather than list the usual list that goes in these kind of articles. 1. You feel like you have found your soul…
When You Still Love Someone Who Treats You Like Dirt
Do I have the best titles or what? I don’t think I have ever brought up a topic to which someone cannot relate. I bring up things which trouble me. I bring up things which lay heavy on my heart.…
About Sociopaths —— Know Your OWN mind.THEY will know it if YOU don’t
Human Toys This is a very entertaining blog about seduction (presented as an account of an actual seduction occurring in real time, but even if it is fiction it is still entertaining and filled with seduction truisms). The first post:…
Synastry of Obsession
Many of my clients are woman and come to me ready to die if they do not get the guy. Others have gotten the guy and are going to die if they don’t get RID of him. Hence, I have…