This seems like a weird title. I know it is. I have weird revelations, shall we say. I grew up with a person with low empathy? Was it no empathy? I am not sure but low. I was not heard when I was upset. I was not heard when I was sick. I was not heard when I was afraid. Actually, the person got sadistic.
I have had an online friend for 4 years. He is a sociopath. I have observed him. This article is a result of my observations of these two people as well as my personal revelations on the subject. The other factor in this article is the dark side in all of us.
Last night, while I was in bed, I realized something. Sociopaths seem to feed off hurting others like a vampire feeds off blood. They feed off people’s pain such as a shark glories in blood in the water. This fact hit me. Then, I thought about human nature, in general. We all have the worst impulses inside us.
I have been afraid of my own impulses, whether they be dark or just ego driven. I would not look. My mind raced with all manner of things so I did not have to face my feelings and thoughts.
Suddenly, I could see the sociopath. I could see that he/she is on a path that another person cannot change. God can do it but without this, it is hopeless. That fact is the same for each person, sociopath or not. God’s arm can touch anyone and change anyone. No person is good, either. That was the point of Jesus’ sacrifice.
How does one become a sociopath? No one can give a 100% answer. I can share some of my thoughts. I think the chart has to allow for it. I cannot see a tender Cancer Moon becoming a sociopath. I cannot see an Unaspected Moon becoming a sociopath. The Unaspected Moon feels things more strongly than any other Astrological placement. It is raw in the way that Micheal Jackson seemed raw. The person has a vulnerable open heart that is too soft for this world.
In the same way, I cannot see a tender Pisces Moon becoming a sociopath. Let me make this clear, I can see a tender Moon like Cancer or Pisces becoming a sociopath if the Moon is very afflicted. Afflictions are hard aspects such as squares or oppositions.
I will be back
I think my husband is a sociopath. He is a Taurus. He doesn’t believe in astrology or God. Never did his chart, but I know we are incompatible astrologically and other ways.
Put up his chart. You can do it here or on my Forum, if you would like, Melanie dear.
We get back to Casey Anthony again! Cancer Moon in 11th house. Perhaps the 11th
house has something to do with it. Isn’t the 11th house the “Aquarian” house?
They are dispassionate and cold aren’t they?
Incidently, I could never get the hang of “lexigramming.” In my quest to analize
Casey Anthony from EVERY personality system, I tried to construct sentences from
her entire name to see what light to would throw on her guilt or innocence. The only word
that consistantly came up was “Ant!”
I really wonder if Casey does not have a 10h House Moon, Lon. What do you think? I know we talked about this before but it so fits. What are her moon aspects, too? Would it make you happy if I put her chart up? I know how to use PB and can do it, if you would like, Lon dear.
Every chart I saw all over the net sad she had an 11th house Moon. Even the
chart displayed at “The Linda Goodman website. You didn’t work there at the time
the story broke did you?
One thing they noted was that Casey was going to have a benificial connection with
an older man because of her Venus/Saturn aspects. It’s said that she is presently living
with a man even older then her father. You would think that she would be forced into such
an arraingement out of necessity.
Many people noted that her behavior is out of character with her Cancer Moon. But the
Venus in Aries, (Among other placements) nulified the affects of her Moon.
I also once read a book that maintained that house placements are more important then
sign placements. For example, the significence of Uranus in the 12th house, is much more
important then Uranus in Leo. I have both placements, but the house placement has much
more effect then the sign placement.
As far as putting up Casey’s chart, you must consider the over all affect it would have on the
site. She is considered “old news” and many are revolted by the mere mention of her name.
You might want to use her as a teaching example. I’ve certainly examined her using every
personality divination system I know of. If a system can’t even describe a blatently evil
person, like a Hitler, what good is it? The authentic systems I’ve investigated describe her
to a tee.
By the way, do you believe in what Linda Goodman said about Lexigramming in her
“Starsigns” book? One of the first things I attempted to do when I learned the computer
was to get on the Linda Goodman site, but it seemed impossibly difficult. I like to keep
things VERY SIMPLE and I don’t like to invent many password names. I wanted to see
if CASEY MARIE ANTHONY was ever lexigrammed but I couldn’t get on the site. I tried
to use Linda’s method but couldn’t construct many intelligible sentences. Do you think
Lexigramming is valid?
I know you said you watched many films on Netflix. Did you ever happen to see a film
called “The Incident” (1967) That’s the best film I ever say about sociopaths and the
affect they have on people.
I would put Casey’s chart up for you. I am not interested in her, particularly. It is not a judgement thing, just an interest. I think the lexigram think is fascinating. I had a chart reading with IQ and he did it for me. It was pretty amazing but I never studied it myself, Lon dear
Nice picture.
Can you describe how the website feels and I will tell it to the web designer? Well, I lost all my e mails from my old e mail account but the address is still the same but it got routed to a new e mail. That is fine about the pictures not being saved. I would have loved to have seen them though. You have a very artistic eye, B.
I wanted to GIVE your description to the web guy. I wanted to know how it felt to you so I could give him a report. I feel like I keep bothering him that my site is slow so I feel I would have more credibility if I had a personal report from someone else. It was not personal, B dear.
I had to have my whole site transferred to a new company and things got lost that were posted on that day. Anyway, I don’t have much luck with tomatoes because bugs seem to eat them if I let them ripen which means I have to pick them when they are green. Also, they take up a huge amount of room for little yield. However, this is interesting. They populate by themselves. I save old scraps of veggies and put them on my garden and tomato plants spring up, which is cool.
what happened to you zopim, you downgraded?
No, B
I was with a company who wanted a huge fee for the maintenance contract so I asked someone I trusted who has his own company and he told me he could do it for a reasonable fee, so I switched over. In doing so, the switch was a little messed up because the old company did not do ANY updates, so everything got kind of messed up.
alright, I believe you.
Now you said tomatoes aren’t a good crop, so what do you grow? There are many kinds of peppers. I saw a giant one as tall as a toddler. Or do you grow the peter peppers or scorpians?
Well, most of my garden is greens because I like to juice them, put them in soups and I made the BEST, BEST recipe, B. I wanted to see if I could make greens liked by non health food oriented people. I made up this mixture and brought it to a party and people loved it. I have let all sorts of people try it and they love it. I take the flowering kale from my garden. I have purple and green which is cool. I cut it into little strips like noodles. I used Padre’s olive oil which marinates for a month. This is the key to why it is so good, I think. I mix the olive oil vinegar and a really good quality tamari. Tamari varies a great deal in quality. It is like wine, in that way. I add some red wine, too. I marinate this and it is truly out of this world. I am gonna try to get 100 new kale plants and make this for people as gifts.
B I adore hot peppers, as you do. I have so many different varieties that I can’t remember all of them. I plant seeds and plants together so am not sure which is which pepper unless I look on the computer. I think I planted scorpions but I am not sure. I thought I ordered them from Amazon but my garden is very earth void. I am not sure what is what until it comes up. I have a friend who helps me with my garden and he is OCD. I drive him crazy because it is all disorganized.
This is cool, though, B. You can plant garlic cloves and they grow green sprouts you can eat and use for salads etc. They taste like garlic but are better.
cool, Im not sure if padre is even a real person. It would make a great gift though, you should get away from your computer so you could do that.
I know, B. Little by little, I am getting away from the computer. It is gradual as I have been in a hole for a very long time. I went to a party on Fri night. I invited my friend over this week. She and I have the weirdest relationship in that we have the exact same sense of humor and we die laughing wherever we are. I think it must be Moon trine Moon. I had that with my son and we have Moon trine Moon ,exact. It is rare to find that in a relationship. Do you agree?
yeah i do grow garlic sprouts. i’m going to try tomatoes because theyre so cool. Their names are cool as well. old candy’s tomatoes, german strawberry tomatoes etc. The purple ones are full of antioxidants, you might like em.
B, that is so cute about the names. You are such a unique cute person!
Yes, purple things are cool like there is purple cauliflower. Purple makes things pretty, too, because they contrast with the green of most veggies. It is cool how God made all the colors. I like to look at a salad with the red tomato, dark green kale, purple cabbage or other purple veggies and then yellow and orange, if you have them. You can really see God in all of nature. Did you ever see that little FB post about God’s pharmacy, B? The veggies LOOK like the part of the body they heal like cauliflower looks like a brain and heals a brain. Tomato has the 4 chambers like a heart and heals the heart. Kidney beans look like kidneys and heal them. Carrots look like eyes when you slice them and they heal eyes. Grapes look like blood cells and they heal them.
B, I just got the best organic black pepper from Amazon. Do you like black pepper? It is Indonesian, I think and out of this world. I will give you the name if you are interested. I got a pepper grinder, too. I never had one.
well I agree moon trine moon make the best relationships but it has to be certain kinds, A. Like air signs, water and fire have better moon trine moon relationships. I think a sextile would be better for others. Good luck, A.. you should try getting out of your personalities and live as yourself. you are worth it..
Thanks B xx
This girl is a Pisces Sun. She has a strong Pluto feel about her, prolly a Scorpio ASC and more Pluto, too. I trust Scorpio women the most. They seem the most like men. I trust men more than women. I don’t trust fluffy women, you know?
You should trust Scorpio women. They’re the most loyal and would do anything for a friend. You’re so lucky. I like pisces women as well. My fave person had a pisces moon. Aries women are most like men, you would love them.
I like Aries women, too, but Scorpio seems deeper which I like when close to someone. Yes, Scorpio women have never betrayed me. Cancer Moon is very loyal and needs loyalty.
show me a prtscrn of your purchase, A, so I know it’s real and not jussayin’ .. re: your pepper purchase. GL with it..
well you make the best discoveries. Kampot pepper sounds so mysterious. Did you actually purchase it though?
Well im going to purchase some tomato seeds but ill set up my gdn first.
Yes, I tried it last night for the first time. It is totally amazing, B. I read the Amazon reviews for things. Most times, the reviews will be right. Once or twice, they were not.
Well, some people have great luck with tomatoes. Here is a great hint though. Buy neem oil so insects don’t eat your tomoatoes. Spray it once a week. It is harmless for you, animals etc. Thank Goodness cuz I won’t use the chemical insecticides.
You know what is really cool to grow and grows like a weed? Horseradish. I bet you would like this, B. It grows like leaves and tastes like horseradish. The other amazing thing I tasted for the first time, yesterday, was a turnip from my garden. It was as sweet as sugar.
thanks for the useful tip. Im not sure i like the smell of neem but it does sound very environmentally friendly.
Personally, I like Aries women the most. If I were a man I’d be with one. They get things done the fastest and are very efficient and no nonsense. They are better than the Scorpios who are too emotional imo.
Well, I like the watery quality of Scorpio women. I have been friends with 2 Aries women and it ended badly. They are very different than water people such as I. They think you are wallowing when it is just how you are :/
right ok …
are you a gemini or a cancer, I forget cuz you keep changing stuff?
I am a Gemini Sun, venus and Merc in the 9th House and a Cancer Moon in the 9th house conj the MC, exact. That is why I tell all my stuff 😀
you truly don’t seem like a 9th houser, to me. I can identify them in a lickety split.
What do I seem like, B?
Ok, B.
Well I guess so
I’m playing loc on iOS A, the game I told u about. It’s getting a bit more fun.
Well I grew a watermelon before by dumping seeds on the ground I’ll give u that A. But it wasn’t very tasty
LOL You are so cute, B. I should come and pinch your face 😀
I would crash a watermelon on your face, A. I would hope it would not hurt. Or id draw you a watermelon juice with tangerine bath
I missed the meaning on this, B. Are you saying you could smash my face and not feel anything more than if you made me a watermelon juice and a tangerine bath( how lovely!)
I think you’d like a food fight with watermelon A that’s what I meant
I think it would be awesome to have a bath entirely out of juice, too! It would take about 10 watermelons and 20 tangerines, A
Man, it sounds sensuous and lovely, B.
It reminds me of the blood empress, A imagine the watermelon juice would look like blood! But I reckon it’s going to make your skin drink up the goodness and glow! ☺️
You are wild, B!
I’m not so wild, A. Except if you speak of straining calendulas, then yes.
You are wildly cute.B, Would you please send me an e mail so I have your e mail address mo******@my****************.com
sorry A u have to e – mail cuz my email is spoilt and I cannot send any mail sorry 🙁
Lets drop the e mail issue, B. It is too complicated. Hope you are doing well today, B! What are you up to, today. I am gonna get 100 more flowering kales today. I am so excited!
Flowering kale look really nice like real flowers. Good luck in your garden, A!
Thanks B. It is beautiful. Some are green. Some a re dark purple and green
I wish you could taste my kale recipe, B. I hit on a winner. I think I told you about it somewhere on here. Now, I have about 200 kale plants so I am all set to make it for people.
It’s a pretty plant. I am not sure it is edible×225.jpg
I see this. Gorgeous. Glad you add to the beauty of nature by growing them.
Thank you, B dear. I know you are into beauty, so I have another tip for you. Check out Greer Childers Body Flex. She is 60 years old and a total babe .
Can u send me the link. I can’t find a gd picture of her
It showed her vomitting
By the way could you tell me your fave fruit, colour, body type and spice? Thank you
What are you talking about, B? That is the breathing technique! Aww, you ask cute questions, B. My favorite fruit is mango. My favorite color is pink. If I could live in a pink world, I would. My fave body type is a tall think golfer or tennis player. My fave spice is habanero pepper powder or this new black pepper. What about you, B?
B, Would you call her your average granny type ^^^
She looks but like you Ami
You could have supple skin like hers u need conc serums for face
Aww That is so sweet, B. I think she has a natural beauty not a face lifted one. I use a natural supplement for my skin :/
Serums are natural plant botanicals.
Btw you are cute.
Thank you, B. Yes, I was studied Hyloreanic Acid(sp) on Amazon and it did irritate some people’s skin, so I thought I should not get it. My skin is really free of irritations now, so why mess up a good thing and it is kind of sensitive, too.
You are cute, you doll
Thanks B. You are too kind. Stop with the compliments already. They are going to my head :/
I’m going on a trip for a month. You won’t miss me, you cute farmer.
Aww B
Where are you going? I will miss you. You know that.
Tell me about your trip, B!
Send me a vocaroo if you will miss me
And if you did you won’t discard my e mail address
B–Listen to this!
yes i did listen.
was nice and the boy was bold.
do u want to have a mini book discussion? pick a book you have yet to read, and then i will pick it up and we can discuss it.
Aww Sounds wonderful, B. We could even have a Book Corner Forum. That would be so cool. OK, let me think a bit and it is nice that you let me choose!
have you read liz greene’s saturn? I have it but i havent read it. if u wanna discuss that its fine by me. or pick one from a classic list you havent read.
i havent read most of those. books i read are more contemporary and unheard of. i would like to pick up one of them. do u recommend any?
I don’t like Liz greene. I find her too heavy and too esoteric. I find her a drag to read and too much effort for the info one gets. I love the English Astrologer, Howard Saportis. He writes like a dream like eating cheesecake but maybe we should read fiction as that may be more fun. I am going to look for my book now to tell you the title and see if you want to do it.
u there A? are u still thinkingh?
I had my guitar lesson but I am still thinking because this will be fun and I want to pick a good book. I always wanted to have a book discussion with someone I respected. I have one book that I have not read but need to and want to. There is an interesting story behind it. I don’t know if you would be interested though. I will go get it and give you the title. I want you to like the book, too, so we will decide on it together. Ok?
Well, I was kind of afraid of this book so I never read it even though it is really bad because the author wanted me to but I will look for another one, now.
ok since you picked one, can i pick one as well. I’d choose one from my to-read list.
let’s try redeeming love by francine rivers? It’s #1 on my list meaning I put it there eons ago but did not read it yet.
another is “the year of living biblically by aj jacobs.
your choice :0)
list out 5 sweetie, but make sure they are a good variety and are not man books. also i dont want those that you have in your house. u can list something exciting and then get it from the library. dont be so selfish, A. Youre really masculine for an old lady.
Stop being mean. Here is the list and I like cool, fast moving books so shush about your old lady business.
I have a list of cool books, I think. Pick one
Evan Hunter —Privileged Conversation
Ed McBain–The Last Dance
” ” Widows
Anthony Trollope–Can you Forgive her?
My aunt is a Trollope fan so I got a bunch of these. They are Victorian but good, sometimes slow but good.
Here is an Astrology one
The Gods of Change by Howard Sasportas. He was so wonderful, I think. He died recently.
Anyway, pick one of those B, please.
I have 2 new ones on medical astrology. Are you interested in that? If so, I will get the names, B. This one looks amazing, B. A handbook of Medical Astrology by Jane Ridder-Patrick. I have one by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas about the Luminaries, too. So, pick any of those, B, dear.
I should delete this cuz it is so bad but it is cute so I will leave it :/
hurry up A you tyrannical old woman.
I also have a website i want to recommend to you, but only if you are truthful to me. Or else id not and id shut you off forever.
i dont seee the list at all. you terrible meanie.
remember to give me variety. and i will only pick 1 from yours.
i dont see the widow’s kiss one who is the author?
also, are u sure id liek those. u are supposed to pick one u think id like and i dont like the man books.
Sure, what is your list?
ok heres my list
#1. redeeming love – francine rivers
#2. poisonwood bible – barb kingslover
#3. Saturn – Liz Greene (I have it)
#4. consider the lobster
#5. Voctional astrology – judith hill
#6. language of flowers – mandy kirkby
#7. sophie’s world (I have it)
This is right up your alley, B.
i want u to pick both first and then u need to give me time to find your trollope book, most likely by sunday i would. so if u start first theh u wld finish first
Ok, B. I want to take my time and pick though. I will try to do it today. I want something that feels special to me.
look at this, A!
That is cool, B!
u didnt give me much choices A.. I dont actually like trollope unless its really good.. can u pick something from a bestseller list.. for my books, i picked like 4/6 that are on times bestsellers lists. u can even guess them. could u do that please A? cuz trollope is like 500 over pages i think it would take me a month and i would give it up
Forget Trollope B . I will get one from your list and pick today and order it from Amazon. How does that sound?
You crack me up with how cute you are, B.
pick it from the library A, i dont want you to spend extra on something u wont like later on. Btw i have a 200 to-read list. if youre going to buy a book it prolly has to be a good one? maybe saturn by liz greene then cuz its worth keeping? lol?
whatever A lol
No, never heard of the Gor trilogy. Well, the story with El is a little long so I will save it for another time. I want to look at some of the books on your list, now.
ok heres my list
#1. redeeming love – francine rivers
#2. poisonwood bible – barb kingslover
#3. Saturn – Liz Greene (I have it)
#4. consider the lobster
#5. Voctional astrology – judith hill
#6. language of flowers – mandy kirkby
#7. sophie’s world (I have it)
Let me put this on the front page so I have it.
Wolf hall is about old England I’m not really sure I’ll be motivated to read it. Do u have other selections? If there are no more I might read one of those, A
Glad you ordered the book by Rivers! My north end library has it so I will need to travel down there to get it, A
OK about Wolf Hall. We both have to be excited to read. I will get on a list of some others.
That long!!! Oh dear, B. Why that long?
I read a BROAD spectrum, not everything. If it does not interest me, I don’t read it, but many genres interest me. For example, I like Victorian. I like Stephen King. I like detective. I like many of the classics like Steinbeck. I like anything that piques my interest but that is a personal thing, as you know. That is what I mean, B. I will look again later and tell you why I did not like some.
same here, A, same here. I read broadly too but it has to interest me..
I bet you like Le Carre.. I read steinbeck;s “The pearl” It was great!! I havent read the others, though.
I never read Le Carre. I don’t like adventure, per se. I like the psyche behind the adventure. There is a big difference there, B. My father loves pure adventure but I don’t. I like the characters and how they think. This is what is interesting to me in detective ones. Oh, I read most of the FBI Profiler books. Ever read these? These are totally amazing. One woman killed her baby. She wrapped it up in a blanket and buried it. They knew it was the mother from how the baby was buried. So sad but it is interesting that they can profile the person just from the facts of the crime like is he a white collar worker or a blue? etc etc
East of Eden by Steinbeck is amazing. I have read it many times.
what is the title of one of those fbi books A?
I think youd make a very good profiler.. if you care to work there.
Lets see. I read them a long time ago when I was super into reading. He is a famous profiler. I think John Douglass. Speaking of Douglass, you know who is one of the most amazing people of all time? Frederick Douglass, the slave who educated himself and really made a hug mark on the world. What a person. My son and I adored him. He was one of our role models.
I would hate to be a Profiler, B. It would really harden you to life. I don’t want to be hard.
i knew it you like biblical themes, A..
Yes, Padre is a “real” person!!!
Goodness, as if I’m a construct of mismatched parts or an AI creation!
To the article, I’ve heard sociopaths described as being color blind, when they pull up to a stoplight they don’t “see” colors, they can only mimic emotions.
True story, out on NYE’s at my local watering hole, and the Aquarius guy who stole 600 dollars from me showed up and was all like “hey how are you doing?”..this after I told him to stay the hell away from me..he no conception that anyone could be deeply angry with him..he lacked that sort of emotional capacity to see himself as doing wrong or anyone being willing to thrash him.
Creepy creepy guy, in a moment of “confidence” he once told me he could not control himself around women with long, straight, brown hair..straight out of the Ted Bundy playbook
You are not a real man but an olive oil legend.
I’ve moved onto making organic apple cider vinegar as well Lady A, easy as the olive oil to make and saves some $$$ on the store bought, very biter apple cider vinegar that contains no “mother”.
Padre. Please, tell me how to make it. Your olive oil is the best thing I ever made in my entire life. Outside, I have the garlic sprouts because of you. My friend who is a super gardener never heard of them before.
Well, simply dice apples or whatever fruit or veg you have, and add to a container.
Add water and sugar and leave exposed to the air (though with a filter of some sort on it to keep out insects drawn to the decomposing fruit/veg) and wait a month, strain, and let rest until it tastes the way you want it to taste.
Then pour into bottles
It is a bit like making wine, BUT, instead of a closed fermentation, it is open to the air meaning no anaerobic fermentation that creates alcohol.
Cool thing is, one can use apple cores and peels to make it, the stuff that is normally thrown out or composted.
Wow so cool, Padre
Could you use pineapple, mango, etc. What about if the fruit is old and you are gonna throw it out. Can you use that?
I been meaning to ask you padre since you’re a fermentation expert
My 20 yr old baileys Irish cream has grown a huge mother like a cheese lump inside it. I wonder if it’s still drinkable or if it’s become valuable?
Also heavy cream gone sour is cream fraiche? Thank you much, padre San.
LOL a huge mother. That reminds of my friend I told you about, B, the one with Moon trine Moon with me. I went to a party at her house many years ago. I ate the cheese and it tasted a little weird but I thought, “Oh well” Later, she told me that she just puts bad cheese in with the new herself!! YUCK. I never forgot it. I told her that you just can’t do that. It takes a professional 😛
No I don’t do it purposely A
I just wonder if it’s edible
Not 100%, my initial reaction is to not trust it, suspect at best it has b/c a sort of cream infused cheese from the other ingredients in the mix, at worst it’s soured cream that has b/c infected w/bacteria and is very likely to make one get sick.
Basically, the bacteria in the bottle has overcome the alcohol content which causes me to mistrust it.
Personally I’d contact the maker and see what they had to say
Interesting about the bacteria overcoming the alcohol content.
I feel so sad I threw out the bottle. I could have broke it by the pavement to see what kind of special cheese was in there. I bet Cheese people would pay a fortune for it. 🙁
Yes, the emotions of a sociopath are lacking in the way a color blind person is, I have read. However, God could heal all this and make the person normal.
Dear A
Something u need to know
Sociopaths choose the”other side” so God is no longer with them
They have moved from gods plan to the grasp of another entity
They are totally different
Have you felt love, and also evil
Yes that cold feeling it’s pure evil
Did u hear a statue of lucifer is petitioned to be erected in Oklahoma? It shows children near satan and it’s going to have real children sit in his lap
Just like you choose to live others lives so you loose your own
It’s a pity cuz you have working limbs, brains and look human yet you choose to live like a robotic octopus :/
I understand some of what you are saying, I think. May I ask you some questions for clarification?
Ok Now, I have several questions I will ask one at a time. I don’t understand the watermelon thing but will leave that until later :/
Ok–Does a sociopath CHOOSE how he is, so to speak?
Good question Ami
Yes he chose the bad path
But he was born with the tendency to do so
He chose it
Every action is a choice
Unless he is possessed
But possession is only in spurts A
A sociopath is a personality
Ok—does the person HAVE empathy though. Like when they see a person get hurt, do they feel an empathy or just nothing?
I am positive they feel nothing
Empathy is love
What is the direct opposite of love it’s apathy
They know empathy but it’s gone and replaced by pretense
Ok, if the sociopath feels nothing, that is not a choice, it is a reality. Do you agree with this?
Ummm half n half
Hope u not tryin to trap me w logic
I feel they made it their reality
Every child belongs to God until they move on a bad path
Like they chose to turn from god so they made it real
I am not trying to trap you, B dear. I am trying to understand the subject.
Ok I do understd it do u?
I am gonna come back and study, B. Thanks for your input.
True psychopathy is not a “choice”, the brain is simply chemically inbalanced and “misfiring” so to speak. Tho if one looks at the larger picture, such are most likely to garner material wealthy and power etc b/c they know how to manipulate for their own gain.
Paul was not kidding when he said “throw the evil man out of your group”, he knew such conditions are unchangeable.
Not sure why, I tend to attract sociopaths like a magnet, they just find me and want to “confess” the ill stuff they have done, their foibles, the whole 9 yds. This realization has caused a massive shift in my world view..dislike it, however mere survival has taught me the hard way..they cannot be “fixed”. It would literally take the Holy Spirit itself descending upon them to “fix” them..even then, would not trust them at Paul when he wanted to meet the Apostles and they avoided doing so for a long time.
God can heal a sociopath the way He can heal anyone, Padre dear.
not sure Lady Ami, the guy who stole from me was always talking about God and how he’d go to Church and blah blah, I suspect a chemical imbalance in the brain just hinders them from ever seriously taking a relationship with Jesus or the Most High or both
BTW, for the vinegar, I use a 5 gallon bucket from the bakery with a pour spot, I simply took a rubber glove and clipped off the tops of a couple of the fingers of the glove to allow it to “breath” and to keep the insects out.
Works great, and it is a sort of constantly rolling system of vinegar production once one has the mother it sort of does the work itself.
Email incoming my Ditzy, Frantic, Gemini friend 😀
I took it off cuz I figured I could do it myself but I think my mail is screwed up. If you could send it, that would be great mo******@my****************.com
I didn’t get it. Did you send it, P?
This is the Law of the Jungle little ones:
“Now this is the Law of the Jungle —
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk
the Law runneth forward and back —
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”
That is Kipling little children
Aww I hate facing things lol
If Jesus Christ and God The Father can raise the dead figeratively and literally. they
can save sociopaths! That IS Their job!
Yes, Lon dear but YOU have a purpose in this world while you are here. You have a lot to offer. You offer a lot on here, dear one!