Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Cancer Descendant

One’s Ascendant shows one’s outer bearing in the world, as well as how one perceives life. One could say that the Ascendant is one’s glasses, the lenses from which one perceives life. One could have dark sunglasses as a Scorpio ASC, peering out from behind, not wanting to be known before he can get the lay of the land, and assess others. One may have the rose colored glasses of Pisces, seeing beauty where there is little. The Descendant is the opposite sign to the ASC. It is exactly opposite the ASC by degree and house. The DSC shows what one desires in a partner. The chart is always wise and this is no exception. We crave what is opposite ourselves. If one has a Capricorn ASC, one would have a Cancer DSC.

The sign of Cancer is a cardinal sign, as is Capricorn. Cardinal signs are leaders. Capricorn leads in a more direct way. Capricorn will work hard for what he gets. He values societal structures. He is, usually, mature before his time. Cancer is a leader, also. However, she leads in an indirect way, from behind the scenes. She is the sign of the mother. A mother must be strong, but she must be gentle and a nurturer, too. Cancer is both. She is the sign of the home and family. She rules cooking and home decoration. Family comes first. She will add select friends to her nest, but it is not a global nest as in Aquarius. She rules over her small nest with devotion and fierce loyalty. Don’t hurt one of her loved ones or she will not be passive, but as aggressive as any Scorpio. However, she saves her aggression for defense of her loved ones, and one may never see it, otherwise. Cancer is content to stay behind the scenes, unlike Capricorn who would want to rise in society. Capricorn values career. Cancer values home.

As to her personality, the Cancer will be warm and nurturing. She will not pursue a man, if she is a female. She is old fashioned. She will not have flings, but will wait for true romance. She values home cooked meals, more than lavish dates. She will want you to meet her family and belong to her larger family unit. Cancer is sentimental. She is,also, sensitive. If you hurt her feelings, she will withdraw. She may give you the silent treatment. You will have to be very kind to get her to open up to you, again. Don’t take advantage of this, though. Cancer can cut someone off, completely. Cancer does not plot revenge, as does Scorpio, but she will become cold and may never warm up to you, again, depending on the degree of infraction. If you hurt someone she loves, it may be never.

The physical features of Cancer are large, warm, pool like eyes, which show a great deal of sensitivity. She is very intuitive. Her form of intuition is gut feelings. Trust her, as she is usually right. Her gut will tell her about people with unerring accuracy. Most of all, she is a warm, sensitive creature who will love you as no others. You will be part of her warm nest and feel right at home.


3 thoughts on “Cancer Descendant

  1. amiannRuth E Velasco

    This is a very good article!

    I also love the article you did on the cancer moon which is where my moon is.

    I was wondering, if at your convenience, you could do an article on the Aquarius ascendent. My ascendent is in Aquarius, and I want to understand myself better.
    I am very curious to know if signs run in families. My moon is in Cancer, and Cancer is my son Danny’s sun sign. My sun sign is Sagittarius, and that is Danny’s ascendent. My Dad is Taurus with a moon in Sagittarius. Danny’s moon is in Taurus. My mom is a Gemini with a Sagittarius moon. Is this common? Does God usually make similarities like this in families?

    Thanks for all that you do!

    Ruth E Velasco

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I just saw this, Ruth. Yes, signs run in families. There are books about the “genetics” of astrological signs i.e that they run in families . It is the case in families when I do charts, also. I will do an article on Aqua ASC, for you, Ruth.

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