Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths


Ami, thank you so much for your help and guidance. You have been such a huge part of this journey for me, even if only for a short time, it feels like you have really helped take 2 years off my shoulders. I have been to counseling and going through self-improvement this whole time and none of that has taken away the niggling feeling in me. You have cleared everything up because you could read into my situation so clearly! For helping me get past this I can't thank you enough.

Justine R. Western Australia

Ami's gift is so amazingly accurate. Shes loving and generous when she gives her results. i don't think i could go a day without her wonderful energy

Nicole Grant Morehead City N.C

Ami is very gifted at what she does. She has brought things to the light for me that I didn't know to specifically ask about, but were poignant nonetheless. She helped me decide whether I should go forward with a relationship.Her advice helped me to end it.She helped me conform what I knew inside but was afraid to face. She will help you do the same if you call her. I've also found an ease in communication which makes the process that much more rewarding. Ami's the bee's knees as far as I'm concerned

Chris F New York City NY

Ami, my phone session with you was incredibly head-spinning. You have an uncanny way of just coming out with statements about people or events that are absolutely true!! What you said about my son and his problem in kindergarten was on target, all the way. And the way you seemed to see into my soul.... oh, I wish I could do what you do!

Sharon S Merrick NY

"Being a psychic, Ami immediatley spotted the issues which prevented me from evolving, and helped me understand them better in order to accept myself and start healing. She's been very genuine and caring, and her insight on various issues in my life has helped me grow as an individual and has brought a new perspective to my life. I am very glad Ami did a reading for me, because it showed me my deepest wounds, but also a way to heal, to get stronger and more positive in my life. I hope that anyone who reads this will get the opportunity to get a reading from her, because it has so much to offer. I wish the best of luck to you Ami, please keep doing what you're doing, you are great at it ! Much love,

Bella Laporte Lyon France

Ami, you have helped me enormously when I was facing an emotional dilemma. I was torn between two very different ways of life, and you told me to stay where I was, as it was the right thing for me. You predicted that things would settle down and I would feel happier after an imminent house move, and you were spot on! Things are calmer, and I feel so much stronger as an individual knowing that there is always more than meets the eye.....thank you, and many blessings to you and yours xxx

Ellen E Wales UK

You are a rarity in this world. You have a gift for helping other people in a way that is both insightful and genuinely caring. Thanks for all the dedicated, hard work that you do so compassionately and naturally

D S Los Angeles Ca,

Ami did a reading for my 19 year old daughter. Ami's reading was not only accurate, but probably foretold of things to come, as the subject of the reading is still young. Ami is practical, concise and her attention to detail goes above and beyond

Teri R Charlotte NC

Ami is more than an intuitive psychic. She is also a gentle, kind, and compassionate soul. Over the course of a tumultuous period in my life she consistently delivered insights which were awe inspiring and bone chillingly accurate. For example, I had always been extremely knowledgeable about computers from a young age but chose to pursue a profession in accounting and she picked up on this resonance and gave me great advise which freed me from my limited perspective on life. Besides this, she assisted me with familial, relationship, and even financial issues. She demonstrated keen knowledge about my complexes and is empathic beyond a doubt. To this day I hold Ami dear to my heart and we continue to be friends. There is not enough I can say about her integrity.

Steven W. Rhodes Chicago Illinois

Ami lent me her services during a sincerely stressful time in my life. Her insight calmed my spirits and soothed my ruffled feathers. Her predictions did, in fact, come into fruition, and i am so very grateful for the help she provided

Ashley K Norfolk England

Ami is not only a highly gifted intuitive that is educated in assisting others with difficult feelings and emotions, but a caring individual who will provide sound and insightful advise. She assisted me during a rather difficult and trying time in my life. I found her insight, gifts and advise to be a true treasure as it helped me navigate my life back on course.Highly recommended without hesitation

Alyson Hatcher Kokomo IN

Ami is an amazing reader. She is able to hone in on certain aspects of your life that may be troubling you with a high degree of accuracy. I was shocked with how spot on she was pertaining to aspects of my personality and things that had happen to me in the past. It takes a special kind of person to be able to pull this information.. She truly is amazing and offers you peace of mind should you be dealing with difficult times. Ami most definitely offer you some insight and a possible resolution to your problems. Ami is very kind and very in-depth, I would highly suggest her if you want to get to the root of your problems, she truly is one-of-a-kind. Ty Ami for all your amazing hard work.

Mia T Ontario Canada

In this day and age, it is a rare privilege to come across people who are spontaneously caring, who strive to help others with genuine empathy and courageous conviction. Ami is one of these rare individuals, who after going through heart rending challenges thrown at her by Fate has found a way to light the lamp of the Divine in her heart by means of unconditional love for Christ Consciousness. I am most positive that her spiritual assistance will be of immense value to all those who continue to have Faith in the miraculous workings of God

TMS India

When Ami does a reading, sometimes she prefer to dialogue with you back and forth to get a feel for you and your situation. It was the ultimate reading!!! I had the benefit of her guidance, kindness, honesty and heartfelt concern on a daily basis. Ami loves what she does and puts her everything into helping others ... no surprise she is very good at what she does. Not only did she accurately inform me that my boyfriend and I would get back together, Ami provided advice and encouragement to grow, be realistic and remain open to what life had in store for me down the road. I am surviving a very tumultuous time in my life because of Ami's readings and her genuine interest in using her talents to help others. Thanks Ami, much love,

Tenny B NewYork NY

"Ami is a wonderful accurate reader. She is very detail in her reading and she is more than willing to dig deeper and explain things. Not only that, she is also very warm and understanding, which are what we, clients, need! Because of your reading, I kind of get the picture of where I'm going ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you very much!

Cella I Medan Indonesia

Dear Ami You are such a giver. I wonder how you have all this energy.. and what do you call it in English, surplus energy; so considerate, so giving Thank you for all your guidance as a psychic. You are an extremely gifted person who has helped me open my eyes for things that block my path and hold me back in reaching my goals in life. Your analysis has been spot-on and I really enjoy the ongoing dialogue that you keep with your clients and the consideration you put into your work. You are a 112%

Starish L Odense, Denmark

Ami is an extraordinarily compassionate and caring woman. I was in a rut, I had problems and situations I didn't want to deal with. I didn't fully trust at first, but Ami is a wonder-worker and a true reader .. She gave me peace of mind with my relationship, insights on how to overcome my current outside stressors, a very helpful outside perspective on my problems and the will to focus on personal and spiritual growth.

Ivan S Australia

I was going through a really rough situation before I met Ami i was in a relationship with someone who was not for me.He was much older and abusive. I was feeling extremely lost . I had so much anger and frustration because i thought I was going to have to go through this for my whole life. My friends were a great help but no one but Ami convinced me to stay away from him .Prior to this, I got so tired of not having someone to talk to and to help me get through things. Once I met Ami, I decided to learn more about myself and my life. Ami was very welcoming and gave me great advice about things that not even my friends could help me with . She knew how to get around me i guess lol She blessed me with her help ... After I got to talk to Ami, my life literally changed because I haven't been back to see him. It has been about a month, now. I'm doing quite well . I feel relief and blessed that I found someone to talk to and e-mail every now and then when i feel something is not going to end right or not good enough for me. Shes someone very special.. Thank You Ami

Lilly Melen Bronx NY 19 year old

Ami has immense capability and enthusiasm for offering guidance and support to anyone that comes to her in need. She truly cares about every person individually and that

Micheal A Ontario Canada

I can not say enough good things about Ami She is excellent at what she does She is an intuitive Reader with an amazing Gift A gentle soul with a kind and compassionate nature You will be glad you chose Ami

L L Ohio

Ami's power lies in her immense compassion and genuine desire to give and aid. At first she told me there was a heavy dark cloud over me that blocked her "view". But she patiently worked with me, to pull the thread that would open up the space around me. Then voila, she suddenly saw the answer. My life has balled into a big tangle of numerous problems and obstacles, that I was completely lost and fearful. She has pointed to me the direction, so I am no longer clueless in the dark. I already feel that something has shifted that did not budge no matter what in the past 3 years.

Pia Lehmann Germany

Ami is a wonderful person who cares about people and truly gives an honest reading.I find she is not all about money and does not ask leading questions looking for a response like most so-called psychics do. Ami has a true gift and uses it according to and in connection to God's word.she is truly trying her best to help people.

Ray Hall Orlando FL

Brilliant reading, thanks so much for all your time and attention..Ami explained life areas which had previously confused me, she did this by looking more deeply into the complexities and suddenly they made way more sense. .Brilliant reading, thanks so much for all your time and attention. Thanks Ami

Chetanya A Kentish Town, London UK

I have consulted with many professionals over many years l. I have been searching for answers for a lifetime, trying to understand why I repeat the same mistakes in my relationships. After consulting with Ami, I have had an eye opening experience for the first time,explaining why I make destructive choices. Her insight has "set me free" and I am much more confident I am on the road to choosing healthy relationships. Ami is kind,compassionate,and personable...she really listens and her insight is thought provoking! Her readings have changed my life! Enjoy!

Tammy L North Carolina

"Ami is really capable of tuning to others' situations and problems. It's not just the talent she's been born with, but it's also her true compassion as a human being and her ability to listen closely to her friends. In many different situations has she helped me as a friend and as a psychic. Each time with an accurate result. She even made me see from the very beginning things I wanted to ignore. In the end it was proven she was so right about them from the first moment. I was really happy for her when I found out she decided to use her gifts widely. If you're reading these lines now, trying to decide whether to trust her or not, whether to pick up that phone or IM her I say do it!! It can only be fort he best outcome!

A.S Greece

I have known Ami for 15 years. I have come to her with all sorts of problems.She has been my rock through all of them. I had problems with school and problems with work. She seems to be able to see the root of everything. She helps me throw away the inessentials and grab on to the essentials . I was amazed how she would predict something that would happen at work.I would go in and it would be right. Call her if you need help. She is the best.

Carl Mueller Jacksonville FL

Thank you so much. It was wonderful talking to you. Our talk really settled me. I

Alice W. Fort Lauderdale FL

Thank you, Ami. Because of your kindness and honesty, you have helped me grasp what and why I feel the way I feel. Now, I know how to help myself be THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TIME and generosity. I look forward to speaking with you, again

Tamara Alexander OKC OK

I wanted to take this time to thank you for who you are as a person ; for what you offer and for what you've done for me, personally. You speak of real life events of which we all must endure. However, you take it a step further . You give what you believe to be honest advice. Because of your loving guidelines and suggestions, people will be able to take back control over their lives. People may not be aware of your kindness and dedication to what you love. When you have someone that loves what they do, their love tends to rub off on you . That makes you want to give back. You are special just because you are you. In the time we have spent texting, I have connected to you as one would connect to their psychiatrist or personal stylist. I respect you for what you do and hope that I may become of assistance for you in the future. . Thank you Ami , you are a wonderful, wonderful person.

Tamara Alexander OKC OK–second reading

Ami, sweetheart. You have a genuine heart that communicates to mine. Thank you for encouraging me. I come this far, and will continue on. I trust you,. You gave me more confidence and I feel better. Thank you,again, Ami. You are so lovely. There are no word to express it. Even though you are far away, i feel like I'm talking to you in person, sometimes. This, really, never happens! x o x o

Pia Lehmann Germany second reading

Your insight has been very valuable to me. Throughout our conversations, you have brought heavy issues of mine to my attention in a helpful way because you are there to discuss them with me. You are wonderfully intuitive. I can tell that you are very open and caring, and dedicated to what you do. You realize that there is really no separation between the people you are helping and yourself. Thank you, Ami ๐Ÿ™‚

Lali Washington State

Ami, you are an angel.

Adam D. Washington, DC

It really was a great joy to receive a reading from you. I was very fuzzy in my visions . As a result of the reading, I gained so much more clarity in my life. I would definitely recommend a reading. It was very helpful for me, and I would do it again.

Nancy Drew North Dakota

I have known Ami for some time now, and what I admire most about her many admirable attributes is her sincerity. Honesty is becoming a rare find in today's society, so people like Ami really stand out. She is loyal, dedicated, compassionate, intuitive, genuine, and real. I give her my highest recommendation.

R.M Georgia

There were critical times in my life where I needed certain answers to questions that couldn't be found by any other means. It was a true godsend coming across Ami as her sharp guidance and insight gave me those answers. Anything you want or need to know, Ami will be able to use her gift to give you the answers that you need in order to move in the right direction. Her abilities to see deep into what the normal human mind cant see is so accurate that it gets the right results every single time. She will bring forth things that will have you amazed. With clarity and unconditional compassion, she taps into the higher realm to give you the best of spiritual service. xoxo

Vivian Maynard Victoria AUS

"Ami is honest, helpful and truthful. I trust her.

Robin Auchliss New York City, NY

Ami has a tremendous gift for getting to the heart of the matter for which she is being consulted. I was able to address the areas of difficulty and challenges in my relationship with my boyfriend. I am happy to say that her reading has enriched my relationship . We are getting along better than ever. I have also observed her work in astrology on a popular internet forum . She has assisted countless people who are in crisis in their lives and who are asking for chart readings. Her interactive style, empathy and selflessness is what make her a sort of miracle worker, through using her psychic gifts.

Elaine Ames Upstate New York

I am really grateful to have you in my life. Ami, you are an angel.

Rose Arlot Miami FL

When you do the charts, you are so giving and selfless. I wanted to write to you to tell you how much I respect what you do. Thank you

Christie L. Miami, Florida

I met Ami in a store. She spent time talking with me and helping me with a career situation. She told me that someone would come up to me, in my business setting, and give me an answer. Sure enough, the next day, a woman at work walked up to me and told me I should follow a particular career path. Thank you Ami You rock !

Henry Browning Miami FL

Thank you for checking on me, Ami. You are my angel, a continual support by my side. If my boyfriend and I work out, you will be the the biggest part of our success.

Andrea Ames Miami FL

I want to say that I used Ami when I needed answers to a particular situation in my life. I have never used a psychic before because quite honestly I thought they were all scams. I came across Ami sight by chance and decided to give it a try. My email chat with her was right on point. I didn't feel she was misleading and actually she was on point about my boyfriend and I. She gave me answers and told me what I need to do to move forward. And all was with good Christian advice. She was well worth the pay and I would recommend to anyone to give her a try. You will be glad you did!

Michelle J. Dallas, TX

I came to Ami with a concern that is close to my heart. I paid the fee for a phone 30 minute phone session. To my surprise, she returned my fee. My situation was out of her realm of experience, and she was honest enough to admit that she could not be of much assistance in this case. She was kind enough to give me some advice at no charge, though.

Marie Springfield VA

I want to say Ami has been a TREMENDOUS blessing in my life. She didn't tell me what I wanted to hear but what I needed in order to change my particular situation. After applying what she stated within a day I have seen some change. If you need answers to a problem, give her a try.. You won't be disappointed.

Michelle J. Dallas, TX Update sent to me after the reading

Thank you, Ami, for having me be a part of your life.

Andrea Ames Update

Amelia, as I am pouring myself out to you, I'm having an uplifting, thought provoking, self-re-discovery experience!

Ian Connecticut

Ami, thanks so much. You are truly amazing!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Please don't think I'm weird but ,in our small conversation I feel like I have a bond with you. .I don't know why!Perhaps, because knowing you and how you work motivated me to combine scientific and spiritual knowledge, together .You gave my life a direction..You made me know , more, what is my destiny !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kanwal Delhi, India

Ami, I think you're amazing for the time you take to help guide people.

Donna LA California

East or West, Ami is the BEST!!

Kanwal India

  Ami  treats you more as a friend rather than a client.
 She is a person rather than a business.
  I can contact her  if I need honest and truthful answers and opinions about things that
  I cannot understand or see for myself.
  Thank you,  Ami

John Little Rock, Arkansas

Ami told me that in a small percentage of cases, she cannot read a person and I was one. However, she spent a lot of time with me, helping me using astrology. I hope to have a reading one day. Thank you, Ami

S. R New Zealand

I used Ami services only once, but I would definitely recommend her services to all of my friends. She has very professional but at the same time has a warm and personalized approach to the client. I felt more like a friend versus a client. She is simply a caring, compassionate person. These are qualities I cherish more than anything. Thank you for being a warm and nonjudgmental person, Ami

Victoria Boston, Mass

Ami, you are flippin awesome.

Ruth L Texas

That was an awesome reading , Ami. I am so happy with it!! Thank you very much!! I would love to use you again!! Thanks again, and have an awesome Christmas! Love Ruth E Velasco

Ruth E Velasco

Ami, you have been through great trials but you have a positive upbeat, chatty, social spirit. I appreciate how you reach out to others. Chilean Hugs!

Rod S Santiago Chile

Ami, You are God's gift to me this year: a shining beacon of delight, hope and truth x o

I. Y Conn. USA

Ami, I wish you a very Happy New Year!!! Thank you so much for the past couple of months for being there and providing me with advice. There has to be a reason why God put you in my path. You are truly an angel... ???

Nancy N. Miami Florida


Artemia Northern Greece

I'm amazed at what you have shared with me. Interesting, thought-provoking, and correct! I do want to SHINE. Ami , you have given me a lot to think about. Thank you from my heart....  

Joanne Cleveland Ohio

Ami, Thank you so much for this wonderful reading. I can't really thank you enough for being there me and providing me with advice. After our talk I felt completely relieved knowing things will work out for the better.

Alice W Fort Lauderdale FL——-Second Reading

Ami, That reading was just incredible. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Ian Connecticut Third Reading

Thank you and, you are so very on point, Ami !     I want to say that I was very pleased with knowing Ami and being able to come to her for spiritual inquiries. She was on point by confirming many things that I was yet not willing to admit regarding areas of my life. If you are looking for someone to be honest and lead by God for guidance....Ami is definitely a good choice

Kaleigh Georgia

Ami I COULD HUG YOU !!!!!!

Alice W. India

Ami You're great and for 2 yrs of reading charts, it seems more like you've been doing it for 10yrs lol Absolutely correct! WOW! Lol you're awesome!  

MC Calgary AB (Canada)

  I received a very perceptive reading from Ami, of this website. I was so comfortable sharing wiith her the concerns that were deepest in my heart: concerns that I could not share with other people. She was non-judgemental, supportive, kind and understanding. She was so easy to speak to. I love the fact that she is a spiritual being, too. I am working with the information that was revealed. But, I have no doubt it will be a blessing to me as it increases my awareness of various situations in my life. I would encourage anyone that is seeking a deeper understanding of various conditions or.people in their life to seek Ami. She will be a blessing to them.  

DV Goode California

Speaking with Ami was like talking with a good friend with lots of wisdom. The conversation was not forced and she was very easy to open up to. You can definitely feel the presence of God on her and she gave him all glory and honor. I would definitely recommend her to my friends and family!! I am looking forward to speaking with her again soon!!!

Samantha Louisville, Kentucky

Anything inspired by Something Higher has a timeless quality. You have that Ami. I can tell because you can relate at a soul level. Your work also has that quality. [?]

Stephanie Nicol Melbourne, Victoria, Austrailia

Hi Ami Thanks a lot for the wonderful job. I have so much more understanding now of myself. I enjoyed the work you did a lot!! I look forward to contacting you in the future. Thanks, Ruth E Velasco

Ruth E Velasco After an Astrological Chart Reading

You are very pleasant and peaceful, Ami.

S J India

Ami makes you feel special.

Ronnie Kleinman Dallas, Texas

It was sooooo nice to talk to you, on the phone.

Lucinda Indiana

You are such a beautiful soul Ami... I can feel your energy, I'm so blessed to know you <3

Charlotte Rose Hambry Pittsburgh Penn

Ami, thank you for your kind words.
I need to take that leap into the unknown and have it grow organically and blossom into God's Pharmacy.
You have given me direction, comfort and courage to move forward with my vision.
The message I received today was heart and passion.  I know its going to take heart and passion to do the work, but it's the vision I want to be a  part of.
The path will lead me to God's work and evolve Yummy Sexy Foods.
Thank you and I look forward to your friendship.

Eat more greens today!  Betsy

Betsy Owner of Yummy Sexy Foods

Ami was wonderful! She answered all of my questions honestly and in a very caring and supportive way
She was understanding and very direct. Helped me so much when I needed it most!!

Mary Morris Northern Ca

The amount of volume of information you are able to process is astounding. You are able to communicate with so many people all at once bouncing from person to person and retain a high level of accuracy and making a point to put personal feel with it at the same time. Something like that is very rare to come by indeed, and I truly don't understand how you do itMostly because my modus operandi is a parallel but different then yours. I tend to put a strong level of energy one at a time into a small number of people. I have to be able to focus.So really what I am trying to ask is, how do you do it? How do you do it and not burn out in the process? It truly does boggle my mind.

Pieter Oregon

I absolutely love your FB, page, love your website, and everything I've ever read on it. Absolute brilliance. I feel as though every subject you touch speaks to me personally, and every issue I'm analyzing or actually struggling with, you have covered. Way to go!

Annie V, Knobs Mass.

Ami is great! She did charts for my boyfriend and myself. She, also, did our synastry. I was a little anxious. She sent me e mails on her findings as she went. So, I was constantly informed of what she was seeing as she was seeing it!
Ami was honest and extremely accurate. I wish I could do it all over again!! LOL She is awesome. I cannot express how pleased I was with her.

Sara Los Angelos California Astrological Chart(s)

You are super, super, super good!!! Thanks!

Amne Chicago IL

You're mega- awesome.

El Farris —Attorney and Author of “Ripple”

0_0 Unbelievably accurate. So dead on. Thank you so much. You are awesome

Penny Texas

Ami, you have the most inner light and soul I have seen in my short but meaningful life. Your light helps other people shine their own.

Konstantin DL Israel

Ami, talking to you was a pleasure. Thank you for being very down to earth and real . I feel like I've known you for years Much love, AMB

A M B Miami Florida

  Ami, you were right. SO right! Everything worked out in the end with my guy. We almost were finished and I was ready to move away from Germany. He came to a big big revelation and he now sees everything differently. All he wants to do now is to do anything to make me happy. He says he's been in love with me all this time and I''m his dream woman, but we had horrible life circumstances that made everything impossible. He realizes he has been misunderstanding everything. He's ready to do anything to make everything right. It feels so strange. but we are going to give it a try. He is the sweetest person in the world, now that he has no more doubts. He's just a very pure, sensitive person who has been devastated before, and he is afraid, but i trust that we can overcome anything, after all these years of misery. It's truly a miracle. You're amazing Ami. I cannot thank you enough. It's because you told me we were meant to be, that I could stay strong and come this far. For the first time in my life, I feel there is something secure and permanent. Thank you so much Ami. xxx  

Anna Groenig Berlin, Germany

THAT IS SOOOO TRUE AMI!!! Right on spot Ami about everything!!! thank you soooo much!!

Noor Lebanon

Astrology is amazing! Ami Anne your insight is amazing! It is very accurate and insightful. Wishing you the best

Michelle Weeks Las Vegas NV

Ami, you are a great Astrologer!  

Mario Donato Professional Astrologer California

"Ami got me through a potentially career-ending situation with a colleague from hell. This was no run of the mill 'dilemma'. It was a high stakes situation in which I had everything to lose, and Ami was virtually a stranger when she helped me to (successfully) navigate it. She went above and beyond and was extremely generous with her time.Ami is smart,intuitive,perceptive,professional, humorous, honest and straight-forward. Be prepared to hear it as she 'feels' it."

Nicole Nathan New Yory City

Thank you for all your diligent work on my chart. I really appreciated the amount of time you spent on it and how well you answered my questions...and this is really saying something coming from an engineer! ๐Ÿ™‚ I enjoyed the straightforward and accurate interpretations you provided. You blend astrology so well with your psychic gift - your desire to help people really comes through in your work. I will definitely recommend my friends and family to you and I look forward to doing more work with you in the future.

Jennifer Colorado Mechanical Engineer

  • Thank YOU! Ami, for being the beautiful soul that you are and for being honest with me.
    • heart

Charlotte Rose Hamby Pittsburgh PA

 Thank you again for those soothing words. 
 It was the best money I spent on myself in a long time :D
 I will definitely let you know the outcome. 
 I feel so good about your advice that I would love to come to you again to ask about specific questions on my family. 
 Much love & peace, Linda

Linda Rourke Olympia, Washington

Dear Ami, Thank you so much! It was as if my head was cleared and I could hear God telling me how to release the pain. Today, I swear I saw Jesus chuckling at me as it finally sunk into my heart that He had picked me for His garden--that I am beautiful to Him. Amazing grace ๐Ÿ˜‰ You are wonderful at what you do, and I thank you so much. Love, Ann      

Ann Mass.

You totally rock Ami Ann-- Awesome! <3 CB

CB Smith Perth, AUS

Thank you so much for your reading today. You really helped me see/understand the direction I need to go and gave me some peace of mind! Your amazing! :)

Gabby Montana

Ami, I am so grateful for having found you. Thank you so much for being truthful and helpful. The things you said brought to light what I kind of knew but I was afraid to admit. What you said is so true. It is so easy to communicate with Ami. She is very honest, yet kind, warm and caring at the same time. She is accurate. I would highly recommend her.

Mixotic U. K


Thank you for your generous time and wise counsel today! It was a pleasure speaking with you as I seek to work through issues that have affected my life these past few years, and some challenges I have had my entire life. I'm looking forward to taking positive steps for healing. Appreciate the information you share on your website and will plan to visit your forum often.

F.T California

Thank you dear, you`re just awesome. It was really nice to have some talk with you. Best regards, and may all lucky stars shine bright upon you! <3

Anya –Russia

"Ami is very passionate about and dedicated to providing helping service for individuals in need. She is very warm and friendly. Thank you, Ami for caring."

Samuel Johnston—–Dallas, Tx

You're a good and smart and intuitive and loopy and brilliant egg.I am glad to know you.

Terry Neil New York, NY

Dear Ami,
I was very excited about the phone consultation and interpretation of mine and my boyfriends chart. Everything you said rang right on point for me! I was in a pretty hard place for the last couple of months, but after talking with you on the phone, I realized I had received new light shed on a dark situation. I receivedguidance, patience, generosity and sisterly love from you all at once. The chart reading was also amazing! I am so very excited and appreciative of the time that was spent studying mine and my boyfriends chart! The best part is how well my boyfriend and I fit together as shown by comparing both charts! I thought he was a loving man, but after reading about his chart and how wonderful he is, i am even deeper in love with him.
Thanks again for the love.
Kellii Heath
Houston, TX

Kellii Heath——-Houston, TX

I think that your work with the readings and phone calls is outstanding and that you go the extra mile and that you are perceptive, intelligent but not "heady". Plus you have enough world/life experience to deal with people of very different frames of mind. And you aren't anti-therapy, but you have a good sense of the way providers in mental health/social work can "pathologize" people and make fairly straight-forward stuff into diseases and dis-eases (lol). Also, you value people but you don't play into some people's need to be special or future geniuses.

Nicky—College Professor—-Boston Mass

I have run the gamut with Ami from phone consultations to email readings -- and now charts.
Ami's intuition and gifts are no less present in her charts which are quite detailed, and come with the added benefit of being able to ask Ami unlimited questions about the charts via email, which is quite rare. As with the other consults, Ami goes the extra mile and her feedback can change lives, if you let it.

— Antoinette M., Boston Professor

I'm honored to have had a holy spirit-led reading with Ami. It was amazing how she allowed him to guide her to the information I needed to help me with my concerns. She was quick, clear, and down to earth. I will use her I the future. You Rock. Ami. Continue to let God use you. Sarah, MD

Sarah———- MD

Ami, I greatly appreciated our interaction via email. During a time with difficult decisions ahead, I was able tobecome more grounded and more objective. Ienjoyed my experience and wish the best foryou andall others wishing for some clarity. Susan Minneapolis, MN

Susan————- Minneapolis, MN

      Hi Ami,

I believe that each person has a special task here on earth, a special something, that is unique and made for us alone. Some of us gets that... and more , while some of us go through life without really knowing it - some walk in the dark, while some slowly drown in the harsh realities of life..
It's all up to us to know. All up to us to take over and control our lives... We should be in control.
But sometimes, sometimes all we need is a push - a hard shove maybe, or a someone to talk to, or even an opportunity to get us going, to see the light.
Well, for me, I'm more blessed than others, I guess... because I found an angel...
Ami, you rock!

Alvin—————- Philippines

You really CARE for people. When Igo backto work I would like to keep the option open for the counseling that you offer. I can't think of anyone that I would rather do this with than you. You hit all of my weaknesses right on the head (with the help of astrology). The advice you gave has really set me straight as far as that relationship.

Lesley ——————Canada

 Thank you so much. You are truly a blessings to others.
Many Blessings to You.  XOXO 

Boswellia New York, NY

Thank you, Ami. It was clarifying and enlivening to speak with you. Hope breathed a bit.

Jackie——– Boston, Mass

Watching you is kind of like watching someone be unbelievably calm, with a small smile on their face, as they walk through the middle of a high school cafeteria, where a serious food fight is happening.

Nahyt———————- New York

Again, thank you so much for having this journey with me... I would have wanted this to last... Maybe a month or so... Lol! I think deep inside, i have known what my life theme is - well except for being a leader and charm, as these two are bonuses. This birth chart reading is just a confirmation - and a wake up call too... Oh, i will consider your invitation to join your forum (I'm really shy about joining forums lol) - I will first do something about my life - have i told you that my life is a little chaotic nowadays? Hahaha! See you when I see you! Mwah! Alan

Alan—–Manilla, Philippines

Yikes, eerily accurate! . Only you and one other astrologer in my whole life has been able to pick up on that. So in my eyes, you are extremely good at what you do and I thank you SO much. It def takes talent to be able to see and interpret any birth chart let alone a complicated one lol. I thank you so much for your taking your time and doing a thorough job. It's so much appreciated <3

Victoria———New York

Ami will conquer the world... And will introduce astrology in a way, that is revolutionary, and evolutionary in its nature. Keep the brilliant work going... <3

Tarek Moustafa——- Alexandria, Egypt

    Thank you Ami. I feel better and I'm excited about the journey I am on. You will hear from me again. I appreciate your compassion and honesty. Xo

J.P Dallas, TX

Hi Ami, You don't know me but I want to thank you nonetheless. For years I have known that God gave me psychic abilities and that I was to learn astrology. I was a raised a Born Again Christian an severely discouraged from the path. Over the last three years, but especially the last 10 months, the Holy Spirit impressed that it was time, and that I was spiritually mature enough to discern truth from all of the New Age hokey out there. I am thrilled to my core to find that there are others out there like me, and that God himself is truly OK with this. It has been hard for me to take the step and come "out of the closet" so to speak. I applaud your stand, love of Jesus, and desire to be a blessing. So many people need help and guidance. I do not believe that our Father meant for us to stumble through life blindly. He has provided us with tools. Again, thank you, finding your site was an answer to my heart's deepest prayer. Be blessed in all you do!

Dee Wilson———-North Carolina.

I am really, really really happy with your reading! You are such an angel! Everything's finally clear to me! Thanks so much for helping me put the pieces together! I can sleep properly now.:D Will recommend you to a friend if that's ok?:)

Alice—–Manilla, Philippines

Ami! I wanted to thank you so much for your assessment of my chart. I have been reading/studying Alice Miller and the reason I turned my chart around is because I am a left-handed individual. As I said - it's been working out Although I prefer directness and it drives me crazy to have to deal day-to-day with someone who isn't . I am not a pusher. People are going to be who they are. Again, I thank you so much for all that you do. I appreciate you . Peace and blessings.

T ——– New Jersey

I really enjoy your site, Ami. I enjoy how you write about things. I think your critics are foolish, envious and unkind. I speak as a journalist and writer of 30 years: an award winning writer and member of the British guild of travel writers.

Simon Heathcote

This woman is more than just a psychic. She is a friend and an empath who sees it all, but would choose to help you with what she knows and senses. I love her approach. I think everyone should give her a try. There are many people I have seen who end their readings by just giving predictions, but this woman takes it to a much higher notch. I am dealing with relationship issues. I cannot thank her enough for the warmth she has shown. She will guide you step by step to reach your goals. Love you, Ami.

Vijayta Sharma——– Bangalore, India

Thank you so much Ami. I am so happy and relieved to hear that there is true love and even soul mates!! I will pray that he can be saved. I know God can change him and save him. Thank you so much sister. You've given me hope not to give up. God bless you and your heart, Sister.    

Rose P—— Boston, Mass

I am super thankful! The 5 question Astrology chart and the Natal Chart analysis were the two of the best gifts I had all year. I know that the answers lie deep within me, but with a lot of fog and drama, I really needed someone to help me bring them out in the open, so super thank you! Let's keep in touch, ok? Alvin


Ami Ann is macho

Earl Gooch——– Nashville, Tennesse

ย  You da bomb and what you do is great.

Adele—–London, UK

Wow Amii!!! This is so true and what you are telling me has helped me to tremendously gain a sense of self respect. It willย  to make me a lot stronger and aware of my feelings and how to keep in touch with my emotions. I can't tell you how grateful I am to God, that he blessed you with the gift that you have to help me on my path of life to grant me sense of direction, Ami, while I was reading, I was like woooow! You are so on point with what you found out!! And I also learned things about me that I didn't know!! What a blessing you are my sister in Christ!!

Tanya——–Las Vegas, NV

  How about the angels that are among people like you, Ami? You have helped me to understand myself while healing a broken heart. I, always, say that Ami is my angel. ย   

Dani P—-Brazil

After checking out your website, I really appreciate what you've done for the world, including myself. I find your courage, and kindness inspiring.

Jeff————————————Detroit, Michigan

My Dear Ami, This is the first time I've ever paid anybody to analyze me and my private life. The beauty of having you do it is that during this past week you became part of my psyche. You brought things to the surface that I wasn't aware of. The same goes with my relationship. Through your intuitive analysis, you became a part of it. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Svetlana from Las Vegas,NV.

Ami's insight helped me feel a lot better about a situation I was going through. She also helped me to see things astrologically that I would have other wise missed on my own. Talking with her felt like connecting with an old friend, you can feel the warmth from her emails. I would definitely recommend her services.

F——–Tacoma WA.

DAMN YOU, AMI. You are just too good. Unfair.              

Jackie–Professor— Boston, Mass

Dear Ami- Thank you so much for the expertise, time, and effort you put into analyzing a synastry for me. Not only was your service prompt, excellent, and accurate but above all else you were so easy to talk to and answered all of my questions (and I had a lot!) I will absolutely call on you again when I have astrology questions I need answered with accuracy and honesty! Sincerely, Jennifer R.

Jennifer R—-Short Hills, NJ

Love your articles. I've learned a lot from you in a very short time and just want to say THANKS!! I'm an astrologer (of sorts with an 8th house Sun and really really really get what you say. Your writing is not only packed with information it's delightful to read! All my life I've know I'm different (I'm 61) and somehow, you really hit the nail on the head just about all the time for me. Much appreciated.

Mary Lee—— Lancaster, PA.


Thank you so much for working on my chart, it took me some time to get my thoughts together and write you back...ย 
I was crying today after reading everything all overagain!
As you said, your asteroid trined my NN, so, that's true, I started receiving help and confessions about myself from the first email.
Some of the thing we talked about were my negative sides that I usually don't talk about to anyone. I don't even think of them as negatives. Talking about them felt good like loosing some kind of a burden, and I'm decided to consiously try to stay away from those behaviours.
I always felt about myself the way you described me in your readings, it confirmed what I thought about myself, both good and bad.
I think that if I'm so full of pain and feel stuck in that box of past, people around me feel it too, and it stands on my way to self actualization, which is to help others through communication, advice, love and kindness, and etc., all that I would love to do more of.
I want to think of myself as the one with a good core, and I want to do some work on myself to become that person.
Now I have more entusiasm about my future, some new plans and aspirations in my life, new short-term and long-term goals!

Agnes Ross————————–Dallas, Texas

I am SO glad I chose to come to you for the help you offer, as its targeted approach is, as you say, way more specific as to WHY we have issues and helps us figure out strategies for our weak opposed to counseling which I just didn't want to do.ย  (plus this was a lot less expensive than years of counseling, thank God! ;D)
I love the advice that we try to talk heart to heart; it confirms what I'd felt God telling me several days ago, and you're absolutely right about us both being sensitive and defensive and that contributing in large part to our tension and ups and downs.ย  I am REALLY gonna try, and I thinkย  my husbandย  will too.ย 
I will soak on this for awhile and let you know when I have more thoughts. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ THANK YOU for your hard work and HOURS/(days) spent on this!! ๐Ÿ™‚ย  the value received has been unbelievable and I will read these OVER and OVER; things like this are like huge pillars in my life that solidify me and ground me; things I look back upon that keep me steady and keep my faith strong no matter what happens....
thank you so much Ami!!!!!

Valerie G—- VA

2 thoughts on “Testimonials

  1. AmiMixotic

    Ami, I am so grateful for having found you. Thank you so much for being truthful and helpful. The things you said brought to light what I kind of knew but I was afraid to admit. What you said is so true.

    It is so easy to communicate with Ami. She is very honest, yet kind, warm and caring at the same time. She is accurate. I would highly recommend her.

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