Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Asteroid Sappho

Asteroid Sappho takes Eros and Cupido up a notch. Truth be told, he gives them a sneer and moves on. How does one who is so erudite in literature and the fine arts put up with lesser mortals? Sappho is a high brow. If you want to catch that sultry Sappho man( or lady), read up on the arts. Study classical music. Frequent museums and know what you are talking about, for goodness sake. He certainly will. Let’s talk about how a Sappho cutie may feel. He will give you those erotic vibes but it will be from behind a book of poetry or classical music. How nice that he has taken seduction up a notch. Picture hot molten lava behind cool shades. Yes, Sappho may be more subtle than Eros but that is only skin deep. He is Eros in a Brooks Brothers Suit at the Opera, but he is Eros nevertheless.

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