Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Could This Be An Astrological Configuration of a Sex Addict?

red nails girlI have been doing the charts of Tori and Dean. I may put some more asteroids on the Composite before I call it quits. However, an interesting aspect in Dean’s chart jumped out at me. He has Saturn conjunct Chiron which is one of the hardest places for both Saturn and Chiron. I wrote about this in another article but I will add some information here.

What conjuncts Saturn makes for STRUGGLE. It makes for a huge struggle in the domain of the planet or asteroid. In this case, it is the planet of OUCH, OUCH, OUCH. Chiron hurts wherever one has it. There are harder places and easier places but no one escapes Chiron’s imprint of pain. For a person who has Chiron conjunct Saturn, it is as if the faucet of pain never turns off. One feels it and bears it, almost 24/7. That phenomenon is the same for any body that conjuncts Saturn, in my opinion.

All this may be bad enough but we have another  factor here. It is Lilith conjunct Saturn as well,. Saturn is in the middle of a sandwich between Lilith and Chiron. Hence, the naive struggles with raw sexuality as well as pain. Lilith is raw sexuality.

What conjuncts Saturn makes us obsessed with healing. When one has an addiction, one is trying to heal. It is a self medication. It may look like a useless and fruitless act but it is a means of trying to mitigate something. In all cases, that something is pain.

What strikes me in this configuration is that Lilith and Chiron are paired due to their relationship with Saturn. I think one can see sex addiction here. It is rumored that he is in rehab for that. I wish him well, as I am sure all my readers do.

2 thoughts on “Could This Be An Astrological Configuration of a Sex Addict?

  1. amiannLuke

    Saturn Conjuncts my Mercury but i read it is considered to be not so bad as Saturn and Mercury are also with Venus in the 5th house so it doesn’t block creativity, but can make you highly creative and gives you ways to put it to work.

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