Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Can The Chart Show Your Career?–Part Two

al pacinoI think you have gotten the impression that finding your career with the charts is not as easy as one may think. However, we can narrow it down for the simple reason that your desired career with combine your passions, talents and innate gifts. With that being said, let’s move on.

1. Extrovert or Introvert

To determine if one is an extrovert or introvert, we divide the chart in half, so there is a top half and a bottom half, In the top half are houses 7-12. In the bottom half are houses 1-6. Certain careers demand extroversion. These would be people -skill kinds of careers. For the extrovert, he will have a top heavy chart.  Other careers are good for the introvert. This would include  a scientist in the lab, researcher and computer programer. He would have a bottom heavy chart.

2. Full Houses

We talked about stelliums which are 3 0r more planets in a house or a sign. However, short of this,  focus on the houses occupied by  planets. These houses are the ones that are pivotal. The empty houses are those in which we do not have that much of a concern. You may argue that you have an empty 7th House but still want to get married. This may be the case but for your life purpose, of which career is a part, marriage is not it. Find out the meaning of each house in which you have planets and you will know wherein lies  the focus of your life.

3, Intuitive or Logical

Intuitive falls under the domain of water signs. If you have more than one personal planet( Sun, Moon, Merc, Mars, Venus) in a water sign, you will be intuitive. Logic falls under the domain of Air Signs. If you have more than one personal planet in Air signs, you will be logical. What if you have both like I do? Then, you are very intuitive and very logical. Careers suited to this would be writer, therapist and astrologer

4. Confidence

Confidence falls under the element of fire. In certain careers, one needs a huge dose of confidence. Think fire fighter.  Think warrior. Think martial artist. Confidence is a great asset in any career but for those high in fire, they are gifted with a natural confidence that others of us can only admire.

5. Practical and Grounded

This is the domain of the earth signs. One would want an accountant who paid attention to details. One would want the same from a surgeon or a math teacher. Other earth sign jobs are gardener and farmer as well as banker.  In any given chart, one must look at the 4 elements and combine them to see a person’s gifts.

6 Examples of Element Combinations

I am high in air and high in water. This is the classic chart for a therapist, a writer or an astrologer because the person can go deep into her heart and come out and explain. In this manner, we will look at other combos. If a person is high in earth and high in fire, he will be able to be organized and pay attention to the details of the earth as well as have great enthusiasm and confidence, which is fire. This native may be a financial planner who is a great success because he exudes a confidence.

Lets look at high in Fire and high in Air. This native will be very confident due to the fire. He will be able to have wonderful self expression due to the air. Maybe, he will be a Tony Robbins sort of person, who inspires others to be the best they can be.

Lets look at Fire and Water. These natives would be full of confidence but, also, intuitive.   A lead singer would need the confidence and the intuition with which to touch people. A performer in any field would need the confidence but also the artistic intuition given by water in order to touch people. I don’t know why I am thinking of the lead singer of Petra when I think of this combo. John Schlitt radiates confidence with a sense of sweet understanding of people. I don’t know his chart but he seems to embody this combo.

Lets Look at Air and Fire. These natives would be confident in speaking. They may be enthusiastic public speakers. They would be intellectual. However, they may not be perceptive, which would make them not suitable for an artistic career but perfect for a teaching or lecturing career where they would need to spellbind the audience with their charisma.

There are countless combinations of the elements, but this will give you an idea how very, very important the elements are to a person, and to a career.

7. Trines and Sextile

Trines are pure gifts. Sextiles are buried gifts which can become usable when one pays  them attention and care. These aspects will show you your talents. Look at both planets and Houses. I will give some examples. Pluto trine the Sun will be a natural psychologist. He will understand what is going on with a client just by feeling out the situation. Pluto trine Mercury will allow a person to express deep, primal feelings in a way that others can understand. Both of these placements make for a good therapist. A therapist is born, not made, in my opinion.

The Sun trine the Moon is a person whose head and heart work together. His feelings do not fight with his mind. He is in touch with his feelings. This wonderful trait would serve hin in any career. It would be perfect for a coach because he has to use both heart and mind in order to attain the most from his players.

The Moon trine Venus is a person who is very charming. He loves women and is very good with fashion, design and other “female” pursuits. Most of his friends are female. This native may be a clothes designer or make up artist.

Neptune trine Mercury would make for great imagination and great creativity. This would be a wonderful placement for a writer or a musician.

8. Squares Show blocks. Some people do not agree but I do not think a square can be resolved. It can be worked around. One way to work around a square is to maximize your trines and sextiles. Other ways are to simply look for your gifts which come in a variety of ways. For example, Pluto conjunct the ASC or MC is a gift because it makes for a strong person with leadership skills.

Let me give some examples of squares. Sun square moon may make for a person who is not in touch with his feelings. Hence, this would not be a good position for a therapist or a writer. On the other hand, he may be excellent at technical writing or in a technical field.

Neptune Square Mercury may make it hard to access imagination and creativity, so this would not be a good aspect for an artist or writer.

Venus square the Moon may make it hard to find the beauty in things of the world, so this would not be a good aspect for a home decorator.

I hope you can see the way that aspects would help one decide which career is best, even though these are just a very few examples.

You can put up your trines or squares on my Comment Form and we can talk about them. I will leave this article here and come back with Part 3, as long as you are enjoying these!






6 thoughts on “Can The Chart Show Your Career?–Part Two

  1. amiannLuke

    I’m not sure about the introvert or extrovert thing, as I don’t think the 1st-6th house determines if you are an introvert. I think it is more personal involving the planets, the signs they are placed in and the house positions :). I could be wrong though but for myself with my planets and house positions I have most of my planets on the bottom half of my chart but I think I am extroverted but not fully extroverted. There is a scale method I once saw :). Another example is that I know someone who has all their planets in the top half of their chart and I would call them an introvert as they are quite withdrawn in public.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, well it is a factor for introvert and extrovert and a strong one but not the last word because the chart has hundreds of powerful placements that the Astrologer has to weigh, Luke, so you are very right!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      This is interesting, Lyn. In your case, I would say you have been shut down by other factors. Hence, the top half/bottom half is a factor but can be mitigated. I guess this goes to the fact that one must look at each chart before forming conclusions but teaching mandates that we break it down lol

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