Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Difference Between the Trine and the Sextile

934708_519102898126233_184071312_nDave brought up another great topic. The sextile is often forgotten and/or misunderstood. I have two trines—Neptune trine Mercury and Neptune trine the Sun. I have two sextiles–Pluto sextile Mercury and Pluto sextile the Sun.

Trines are like effortless grace. Have you ever just been able to do something, almost effortlessly, and other people would marvel. However, it is so natural to you that you don’t understand how everyone cannot do it. That is the trine. Most people have several trines. These are your natural talents. Mine them for all they are worth because they are like unearned money in the bank. They are simply yours as a gift from God.

Let me give a few examples for purposes of illustration. Lets look at some Sun trines. The Sun is one’s basic identity. The Sun is the most identifying planet of who you are. Hence, one can pick out Sun Signs the easiest. Trines would strengthen one’s identity. It would give one gifts one could use in one’s job or anywhere. Let’s look at the Sun trine several planets.

The Sun trine Mercury would give the native easy communication skills. He may be good at public speaking.  He could be gifted as a teacher or in any profession where easy communication skills are needed.

The Sun trine Venus makes for a charming person. Venus is the planet of love, not sex, as many people think. It is the planet of love, in the sense of what we love and how we love.. Venus shows to what we will be attracted. Mars shows how we will go after it. Venus is a passive planet. Mars is an active planet. Think of how different is the taste of each person. Venus shows what is pleasing to the native, in everything from the opposite sex to clothing, music and home decor. For the Venus trine Sun native, he would combine his love nature with his sense of self, such that he would vibe love  to others. This would make him popular

The Sun trine Mars is a person who can go after what he wants in a direct and assertive manner. He can stand up for what he needs.That is the gift of this trine

The Sun trine Jupiter will make for a popular person because Jupiter is “feel good” vibes. This native will have an optimism about life which will cause others to want to be near him, so some of his fairy dust will sprinkle on them.

The Sun trine Pluto is someone who is very, very perceptive. This is the natural psychologist. Being a natural psychologist is a gift and not something that can be learned.I don’t care how many degrees you have. The chart must support it.  The Sun trine Pluto native can see into the inner workings of life. He would be a natural writer because a writer is the original psychologist and the truest one, in my opinion.

The Sun trine Saturn native will be disciplined. He will be able to set long term goals and work toward them, step by step. Saturn, in trine, gives the gift of patience, long term goal setting, responsibility and maturity.

Of course, these are just some Sun trines but the principle of easy flow and gifts remains the same in all Trines. Let me give a few more examples, although I cannot do every one. I am hoping you will get the underlying principle and be able to do them for yourself.

Saturn in Trine is one of my favorites because it gives grounding. It makes for a serious person and a reality based person. Saturn gives one “feet on the ground” and common sense. Saturn trine the Moon would give grounding to the emotions. This person would not run off with the starving artist( before she checked his bank account, anyway)

Saturn trine Venus would be serious about love. He would be unlikely to play people for his own gratification. This would be the opposite of a player aspect.

Saturn trine Mars could set solid and realistic goals and attain them,

Venus trines make for an easy  flow of love. Love is the true language of the soul, so these trines are  wonderful. Venus trine the Moon is my all time fave charm aspect in a guy. It is the same for women but I can pick this up in men and I am always right. Venus trine Moon men love women and most of their friends will be women.

Venus trine Mercury will be a sweet talker. He may be a poet. If not, he will be able to express his emotions through words.

Venus trine Mars is raw sexuality but not out of control. It is a person who has  a natural charisma but knows how to handle it, so it does not do damage to his life.

Jupiter trines give positive vibes  to what they touch. Jupiter trine the Moon makes for emotional warmth. Jupiter trine Venus makes for a person who loves big. This native  showers others with unconditional love.

Pluto trines make for the positive use of primal power. Each person has a river of primal power which can be channeled for good or can fester for bad. Pluto trines allow the channeling for good.Pluto trine the Moon would be a native with tremendous personal power but who had it under control. Pluto trine Mercury would be a native who is powerful in his speech and/or writing. Pluto trine Saturn is a person who can channel his personal power with a great deal of discipline. Think Vlad Putin, our poster boy for Pluto.

I have not looked at every trine  but I hope you have an idea how to look at the trines in your own chart. My Comment Section seems to be broken but I should have it back by tomorrow and you can ask about your own trines.

This article included sextiles, too, so I will address those. A sextile is simply a  buried trine. The trines are effortless gifts but the sextiles are gifts which one needs to mine through personal struggle and attention. The sextiles will come to be as powerful as the trines if one puts time, attention and care to digging them up.They may come out later in life, after such time and attention is paid to them.



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