Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

My Bellybutton

This is about living from your bellybutton. I tend to live from my head. I come by it naturally. I escaped into my head my whole life, so I go there, by default. It saved my life. Books were a reality that made sense. Books took me away from my home life which made no sense. Now, it is time for me to get out of my head and into real life, where evil things exist because they exist in all of us.

I relate everything to the charts, so I wonder if my dilemma is based on the charts, in part. I have Cancer Moon conjunct the MC, exact. I can show my heart on here and in my articles. However, I have Moon square the ASC ( 3 degrees) It is much harder to show my heart in real life. I am afraid I will be judged. I am afraid I will look weird. I am afraid of anger. I am afraid of disapproval and I am afraid of being a winner.

This one may be the hardest. I am afraid to shine because I fear the hatred that comes along with that.


I will be backSW belly button

8 thoughts on “My Bellybutton

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I was writing something about one’s inner child being from one’s bellybutton. Then, it sounded dumb so i took it off but the pic was so good, I left it. I will be back to finish it or take it down

  1. amiannferryleaf

    I tend to live from my head. I come by it naturally. I escaped into my head my whole life, so I go there, by default.

    You also come by it honestly as a Gemini. And a Merc in Gemini. <3

    (I tend to live from my head a bit much, too. I have Merc in Gemini also.)

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