Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Your Sun — Your Personal identity

Remember the phrase “Find Yourself”. Are we so different than the 60’s when people went on personal quests as their overriding passion. What is life if one does not know oneself? It is pale and lifeless. How can you find yourself, if you lost yourself, some where along the line . God would be the first step. Astrology would be the second. Look up your Sun sign. Study it and let me know what you think. Comment on my Comment form. You don’t need to get a reading to be very welcome on my website.


2 thoughts on “Your Sun — Your Personal identity

  1. amiannRuth E Velasco

    I am a Sagittarius with a Cancer moon and Aquarius rising. I can understand why I am the way I am. People tell me that I am as honest as a six year old. I know I put my foot in my mouth a lot but I mean no harm at all.
    I am very sensitive, faithful, and family oriented.
    I am also very much into humanitarian pursuits. I volunteer a lot at the soup kitchen, food bank, etc.. And, I am totally laid back and down to earth with how I dress.

    I love the psychic journal. It is teaching me and helping me a lot!

    Ruth E Velasco

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thank you,. Ruth. You made my day. I am a Cancer moon, too. It is a wonderful place for the moon. I love Sag. They do put their foot in their mouths but they are so childlike and open when they do it, that you forgive them LOL

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