Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Easy, Easy Astrology—Saturn in the Houses

girl messy chess boardIf one wants to find out the life sphere where one will learn lessons of maturity, look to Saturn’s House. Saturn is a tough parent but he is fair. He will make you work for your lessons but then you  will own them and you will be proud of that. Saturn, by house, shows us the spheres  of life in which we will learn these lessons. Hence, simply knowing Saturn’s House can help you understand your own chart and those of your loved ones.

Saturn in the 1st House

This native grows up early. He may be the proverbial little old man or woman.  He may look as if he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. Saturn conjunct the ASC is the strongest manifestation of this but it remains the case for any 1st House Saturn. The native may look stern. He may look bony, as Capricorn, Saturn’s ruling sign, rules the bones. He may have prominent cheek bones and/or a prominent nose. He may have dental or skeletal problems.

Saturn in the 2nd House

This is the House of finances. People say it is the House of self esteem but that does not sit with me unless one is talking about getting self esteem from earning money. I have Saturn here and I do get self esteem from offering a service that people feel is valuable enough to pay money  for. However, to say that Saturn in the 2nd is lack of self esteem, in general, with no relationship to money, does not seem to fit the integrity of Astrology and the Astrological wheel in it’s perfectly logical form.

Saturn in the 3rd House

These natives may struggle with learning and/or communication. They may have ADD or Learning disabilities. They may be shy. They may stutter. However, a Saturn placement allows for overcoming through struggle. Nothing is a fait accompli with Saturn. Saturn allows the native to turn himself around. This is not true with all placements, in my opinion, unless one has God to help. Then, any chart placements can be overcome because the spiritual trumps the material

Saturn in the 4th House

This Saturn placement shows a cold childhood. The person may have had to assume too responsibility instead of being able to be a child. He may feel as if his home had cold vibes. The mother may have been the cold parent. This is opposed to Jupiter in the 4th, where the native may have felt that his home was joyful.

Saturn in the 5th

I find this to be a hard one because I  love to goof around. Creativity has always been one of my outlets. Hence, Saturn in the 5th seems sad to me because te native is afraid to be a goof. He is afraid to be creative. He is like a  child hugging the wall while the rest of the children are in the middle playing. However, if this native forces himself to let go and forces himself to be creative, he will find that these parts of himself  will open up.

Saturn in the 6th House

This native may have health problems and they may be more of a chronic nature.However, as he matures and faces himself more squarely, he may be able to figure out how to resolve them. In my opinion, these natives, as well as everyone, should look for a natural alternative to mainstream medicine, which may cause one so many assaults that one may not be able to recover, in my experience.

Saturn in the 7th House

These natives may learn some of their hardest lessons through marriage. I would expect that marriage would not go smoothly for them but if they learn to mature and lessen their egos, they should come out well in the end.

Saturn in the 8th House

This is one of the harder ones, in my opinion, as is Saturn in the 5th. The reason is that this native may be prudish. I know that word is kind of a swear word in this highly sexual society but this native may feel uncomfortable with his sexuality: his body and it’s primal desires. If he tries to remedy this, he should be able to overcome.

Saturn in the 9th House

This native may have had struggles with  religion such that he was hurt by it or squelched. He may find it hard to develop a relationship with God, as a result. However, if he persists, he will find that he can do so.

Saturn in the 10th House

The father may have been a stern figure who demanded impossibly high standards from the native. In turn, the native demands very high standards for himself in his career. He may suffer a great deal of self doubt but if he perseveres, he will go far.

Saturn in the 11th House

This native may have had struggles with groups. He may have felt left out. He may have been bullied, even, when in school. However, if he tries to overcome the fear of groups, he will find that it was more of a mirage than a fact set in stone

Saturn in the 12th House

These natives have a peculiar signature. It seems to be that of feeling left out. This is because they feel they are not wanted in a group or by others. Hence, they tend to isolate themselves. This placement is probably the hardest. Any planet placed in the 12th house becomes suppressed. It becomes very hard for the native to express it. The effort is intense for a very  slow obtained reward.


3 thoughts on “Easy, Easy Astrology—Saturn in the Houses

  1. amiannCallMeAngel

    I have Saturn in 4th house. It’s true for cold childhood and mother. But , you say that when someone has Jupiter in 4th house, it’s opposite. And now, I have them both in Taurus, but they don’t make any aspects. What’s that supposed to mean?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      If a person has both Saturn and Jupiter in the 4th, they may have had a childhood where they felt very loved at times but it was still cold. There is some element of both factors in there, Can you relate?

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