Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Frequently Asked Questions

Will A Picture of You Help?

I find that a picture does help me tune in to you and your situation.It is optional, of course. I like an e mail from you before our phone or text session, too, if possible. That allows me to use the time I have with you to maximum efficiency. Your satisfaction is my goal.

Please E Mail Me Before Our Talk

I like to meditate on your situation before I have actual contact with you. Please write me a long e mail about what you want to discuss. Limit it to one situation. Do not feel that your e mail will be too long. Pour out your heart. Almost every person who has had a reading from me, has told me that they feel like they are talking to an old friend. I hope you will, too.

What Does The Role Of Laughter Play In My Life?

I am told that I have a wonderful sense of humor. I think humor is one of the few things that can mitigate the harshness of life. I believe what Golda Meir said. He who has suffered deep tears can have deep laughter.

What Are My Particular Callings Besides Being a Psychic?

I feel called to prepare for a prison type of ministry. As such, I am studying ASPD and related disorders, so as to be better equipped. I, also, want to be part of a Christian music group. I am working on getting up to the professional level with my guitar, so as to do that.

What Does Your Reading Mean to Me?

Doing readings are my greatest joy. When you let me in to your life, I have a sense of peace and joy. It energizes me and makes me feel as if I have found my true purpose in life. I am grateful to every person who contacts me!

What Do People Experience When They Contact Me?

People say it is like talking to an old friend. I am an outgoing person and can usually make people feel at ease. In a short time, you should feel as if you have known me and are comfortable sharing with me. I strive to provide this to any of the people to whom I have the honor of serving.

How Do I See my Role as a Christian?

I will go anywhere and anyplace that I can, to bring Jesus. I don’t bring him in an obnoxious way because Jesus is too wonderful to hit people over the head with, as a club. I will go anywhere I can to get to know people. particularly people who would not run in to followers of Jesus, and to bring Him to them,in my way, which is very paltry and insignificant, but all that I have. I seem drawn to prison ministry and similar outreaches. I am able to deepen myself and my own faith as a result of the many challenges inherent in this calling.

Do I Talk With People From Around The World?

Yes,I do talk with people from around the world. I love nothing more to talk with someone from a different culture or region of the world. We would do live text or e mail readings, most likely. If you wanted a phone reading,I am sure we could arrange that, too.

Will You Feel Judged if You Had Terrible Life Situations?

I know about things like molestation, spousal abuse and the death of a loved one . I do not judge those who find themselves in the worst things life has to offer. I understand with empathy, not just sympathy.

Do You Have to Be A Christian To Have a Reading

Most of my friends and associates are not Christians. I accept readings from all faiths. I do not try to convert anyone. I strive to live my life by my example, not preaching. If you care to know about my faith you can ask but I will not “push” it on you.

What Do You Mean To Me?

I know talk is cheap but if you contact me you are more than a number.Due to the nature of this work I form bonds with those I counsel. The people who contact me come to feel like family and close friends. They, usually, stay in contact with me. I love this part of my work. I think your bond with me will become as special to you, as yours is to me. This seems to be the case, to date.

How Can I Help You?

There is a “right path” for each of us.We all have a compass which leads us. I can help you find the right path . There IS a right path for you. If you need help finding it, contact me

Will I Be Able To Help You?

I can help 95% of the people. I think you will be greatly relieved after your talk with me.That is the case with 95% of the people.

How Do You Know I Am Honest?

I answer to Someone greater than I or than you. He is the one to whom I must prove my honesty and integrity. That is your greatest confidence in any person ; to Whom do they answer.

How Can I Pick Up What Is Happening From An E Mail

The same energy dimension which allows me to access information from a phone call allows me to access it from an e mail. This dimension is “strange” to those who cannot touch it but perfectly normal to those of us who can.