This is YET another personality test! I just love these! Fancy some sorbet? This fresh and sweet treat has a simple sophistication that cannot be denied. Pick the cone of sorbet that you like the best to see what it…
Which Archway Are You Drawn To? Shows Your Next Path in Life
If you chose number 1, Your Path is Freeing. You are the type of person who needs a ton of space. You need the freedom to do things your own way. You prefer a path that you carve yourself, especially…
WHAT IS YOUR INTUITIVE TYPE? Physical? Spiritual? Emotional? Mental?
Do you resonate with a SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE? Do you resonate with a MENTAL INTUITIVE? Do you resonate with an EMOTIONAL INTUITIVE?
Finding the You of You and Letting it Out
I write this because of developments in my own life. I have made peace with my father and mother. I see that it all comes down to the me of me and letting it out. Easier said than done, I…
Life long Depression
It is so weird to say this but I realized that I had a life long( or from age 14 on) depression when it started to lift. I write this to help others who are struggling and I know there…
Which Planet Should You Actually Live On?
Cool Beans I got this You got: Pluto OK, so Pluto isn’t technically a planet, but you’re not one for technicalities. Your creative energy draws people to you, and you’re truly unforgettable. When someone knocks you down, you get…
What Tree Calls To You?
Trees have been known to hold magic and wisdom within them. A tree is a symbol of growth, strength and harmony. At times of uncertainty, we can turn to the advice from trees and nature around us… Choose a tree…
Inkblot Time—Inkblot number 8
What think you? I have my idea 😀
Inkblot Number Seven
This one seems very obvious to me but I will wait to see what you think 😀
Which Color Rose Are You Drawn To Right Now?
WHITE ROSE: This is a great time of transformation for you, dear one, where any changes you experience, whether they feel planned or not, are answers to your prayers to live more authentically and be who you truly are! Have…