Sit quietly and make your choice. Mine was exactly right on. See what you get!
Pick a Card–What is Your Reality?
This is amazing. You pick a card and it really seems to work! Tell me what you think. Another Amazing Exercise! ORACLE CARDS – WHAT’S YOUR REALITY? Oracle…
Inkblot Number 6
This one seems obvious to me but what is obvious to one person is not to another 😀
Inkblot Number Five
This is a cool one. I won’t tell you what I think because it will make me look perverse 😀
Take a Break From Being an Adult and Being Strong and Feel Your Heart. Just right click on this and hit Open Link.
Inkblot For Today
This one reminds me of something very specific but I won’t tell you until you tell me yours 😀
Ink Blot Time ( Can’t Touch That)
What Do You Think? I have a weird answer but I will save it for last 😀
Do You Want To Die Laughing?
Deep Dark Secrets—What Does This Inkblot Mean To You?
Let’s leave behind Asteroids for a bit and explore the recesses of our brain. What do you see in this ink blot?
Pick One–Your Main Principle to Live By
1. ACCEPTANCE There’s this thing called The Serenity Prayer which goes something like this: God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the…