1. Pandora Conjunct the ASC—Pandora opened the box and let all those bad boys out. Pandora conjunct the ASC may stir up trouble by opening issues she should not. She may bring an air of chaos with her. She can’t…
Ten Asteroids That Conjunct the Ascendent
Asteroids personalize your chart. Your Ascendent is one of THE most personal parts of your chart. It shows how you walk through the world. It is what people see when they meet you. It is your looks. It is your…
Planets That Conjunct the Ascendent
If you have a planet conjunct the ASC, people will see it. You won’t be able to hide it, even if you want. You may want to but it is futile. You may as well learn about it( because it…
The Asteroid Kaali—Your Vibe
I am always happiest when I can teach. I have a Gemini stellium in the 9th house and I think this is one of my purposes in life. Your chart will show your purpose, so please study it so you…
Masochism and Sadism in the Charts
I will be back. Bet you will, too 😉
10 Astrological Aspects In an Happy,Upbeat Person
1. Upper half of the chart occupied by planets–This is the chart of an extrovert. Am extrovert can give to others and forget himself better than an introvert thus making for greater happiness. (The chart of an introvert is the…
Had To Update My Favorite Bible Teacher
This man has changed my life. He is about the most real deal I have ever found. He had an NDE as a child and went to Hell. He came back and later became a teacher/preacher. He is the most…
10 Placements Which Can Show Depression in the Natal Chart
1, Saturn conjunct the Sun–degrees are very important here. An exact conjunction is very much harder than a 5 degree conjunction. One’s father may have been very demeaning. The person may feel as if he never measures up because he…
10 Astrological Tidbits for Physical Appearance In the Chart
I picked the brains of my LL friends and added some of my own insights. 1. Venus trine Moon is not beauty, per se, but charm out the whazoo. This man will make you feel special just being near him.…
10 Astrological Aspects in the Chart of an Abuser
These are some that are red flags for me. Will the man abuse? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know but these aspects seem to be in the charts of men who have. 1. Moon sq Mars This man separates his…