People seem to really like this article, so I will do a series. I will put together a person with different Astrological placements and talk about how they work together, kind of like Mr Potato Head 😀 In any given…
How To Put The Parts of the Chart Together to Form a Whole Person
When I first studied Astrology, I marveled at the people who could make a 3D person from a 2D chart. If anything has kept me going in Astrology, it is this desire. On my Astrology home on the web)…
The Ten Most Rocking( Best) Astrological Placements.
Some of these are not the run of the mill “Best Placements”. Some are the typical ones. These are not in any order 1. Venus trine Moon The man with this will charm the shoes off you and everything else,…
The Ten Worst Astrological Placements
This is my opinion based on doing charts and picking people’s brains which is one of my hobbies. They are not in order of difficulty. 1.Chiron conjunct the ASC Almost all cases of this has been severe bullying. The closer…
How To Get Behind the Eyes of Astrology( And REALLY Be Able To Do Charts)
Every beginner thinks he will never make it to the place when the 2D chart becomes 3D and a real person emerges. This is as exciting as learning to read. I remember the moment the letters came together into words,…
How To Analyze a Yod
The Yod can be intimidating. I was forced to confront it when a client came to me about her Yod. I am forced to stretch myself when people need help and that is one reason I love doing charts. Once…
How I Got The Name “My Christian Psychic”?
Do you know when you have things happen that just feel right? I went to a web designer during mercury Retro and signed a contract. I knew I should not do it but I did. It did not work out…
The Anatomy of a Malignant Narcissist
I get called on to write things that no one will talk about( or few) I am disgusted with how politically correct our culture is. I think the plethora of mental illness is directly related to the fact that you…
Would We Find God Without Pain?
I put this out there for people. I think of the charts and the charts show everything about the person. I believe they are God’s gift to us of a map of ourselves. Many Christians think Astrology is witchcraft but…
Name Asteroids In the Charts of Travis Alexander and Jody Arias
Think of all the names. Think of all the people. If you had an exact conjunction of someone’s name on one of your planets or angle, you know that is not chance. Hence, I felt compelled to look at the…