The charts are my teachers. Books can take you just so far but there is no substitute for jumping in and doing charts while ferociously picking the brains of people. I specialize in this 😀 I started noticing that almost…
How To Study the Bible For Dummies*
Well, I have been forced to write this article with the help of one of my dear LL brothers, Padre. He is mixing me up so much that I am like a blender, so I took pity on myself and…
The Final Battle
Students of the Bible are not surprised to see current events. They know what is coming because the Bible tells of such, in detail. The student of the Bible is dismayed because he is a human being and sorrows hurt…
Tyranny —–Are We There Yet?
Lets talk about what tyranny is before we attempt to answer the question. I cried when Obama was elected the first time. The second time he was elected, I gave up, in large measure. However, it doesn’t matter what I…
Kaali Conjunct the ASC——Psychic Sponge or Psychic Vampire?
I have done several charts with Kaali conjunct the ASC. It is a very hard position for Kaali as Kaali is your deepest energy. I do Kundalini yoga. Kaali is the Kundalini energy. If you have ever gotten in touch…
The Chart of Ariel Castro
As of now, there is not a birth time. However, he does look like a Leo Ascendant. To me, Leo is the worst place to have the Ascendant. I hate to say that because Leo Ascendants get upset but I…
Fasting–God’s Healer
I love to fast. This may sound strange but it is a “feel good” It is a natural high and a spiritual high. Animals fast when they are not feeling well, but humans gorge themselves because they have lost touch…
Your North Node—-What You Must Master And What Will Dog You Until You Do
People seem to like my article on the NN in synastry, so I will do one on the NN in your natal chart. I will make as exhaustive a list as I can for planets and asteroids conjunct the NN.…
Astrological Fireworks——Why I Think Chiron( and not Mercury) is the Ruler of Virgo
Last night when I couldn’t sleep( because I took a new supplement that gave me too much energy) I was thinking about which planet would rule Virgo. I think I can make a good case for Chiron. Vesta and Chiron…
Did God Make Us Exactly As He Wanted Us—-Answers From The Chart
I ask this question about myself. I bet you do, too. I want to try to explore it. The first place to start in a discussion which is really asking the question if God made us as He wanted us…